Sitemap - 2024 - Substack Reads

Feats of athleticism, a tortured poet’s publicist, and notes on gatekeeping

Focus on food: Breaking up with perfectionist cooking, lemon-garlic-oil season, and Boston cream pudding cake

Swiftology on breakups, Yorkshire peat bogs, and the history of Ghana’s bag for life

The lonely, plastic internet, factory settings on marriage and children, and how to gain power

Famous bread, Jeremy Allen White’s flowers, and why we love rainy days

Shop talk, a year in the forest, being a scientist in a war zone, and mastering hummus

Healing spring, the origin of human cooperation, and herbs to make you feel alive

Phones and loneliness, early tennis retirement, and ‘two-parent privilege’

Tim Mak is creating a new kind of war correspondence

Posh grumbles, letting your business die, and how to hire a line cook

Finding home, the truth about Ten Cent Beer Night, and why artists are going extinct

TikTok star babytamago cracks us up

NY Fashion Week roundup, doping in soccer, and why we can’t stomach driverless cars

Substack Reads: The double exposure effect, a mustard obsession, and the color of Neptune

Look what you made us do

Substack Reads: Chess-master diaries, creative routines, and secret pantry staples

Substack Reads: Bumps in the bike business, how to live on $466K a year in New York, and everyday cake

Substack Reads: The business of air miles, Bowie’s favorite books, and cold compost

Substack Reads: Resurrecting Villanelle, join the funtervention, and rogue passengers

Substack Reads: The ecstasy of Tesco, a pivotal year for Africa, and predictions for the 2024 box office