Not interested in anything listed. A lot of these people are chasing after our money without providing anything meaningful. Mostly shallow, self -centered things that take up space.

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oh ok 😂 I can tell you’ve really taken the time to read my content and watch my animated podcast.

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My gripe is getting lured into reading, then blocked from comments. Does this really work?

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I agree. This list made me think maybe I'm working in the wrong place. If substack just becomes a cross between People Magazine and Rolling Stone, I'll move on.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

I agree. Totally. Good post. Sometimes you just have to tell it like it is, even if it hurt's someone's feelings.

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You must be fun at parties.

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The world hates me as they did my Master, so if it is a non-family party, I am usually the odd man out because as soon as I mention the name of Jesus, most people move away from me.

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Dude for sure...and the chicks still love my 69' Camaro, and well groomed mullett.

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Oh no, Substack you're getting on the video bandwagon? This has been one of the places for providing long(er) form written content to community. It's part of what made Substack special. As a writer, I feel betrayed.

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For many, lot easier than writing : )

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Don't feel betrayed. For some a video format can help more than just a text and images 😊 There will always be a place for writing!

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Honored to be included and love the opportunity to expand my community! I’m excited to focus on passion instead of virality. More excited to see what everyone else is creating on Substack and engage with their work.

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Welcome Kit! Excited to see what you create here

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Congratulations to the 10 fellows 🥳 I am excited to see how this unfolds. I am sooooo eager to learn more about utilising video as a way to serve my audience (mothers interested in pursuing entrepreneurship in the margins of time around motherhood.)

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Ooh hi there Substack 👋🏼

I see you liked my comment 👀

PLEASE consider opening applications for newbies... we’re eager and need your help (arguably more than people who already have audiences elsewhere 😉)

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It's not a good thing. Most of us came here because it wasn't corrupted yet. Just keep a vigilant eye on what happens next.

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What are your predictions? I think video would be a great addition to my Substack personally but only on the basis it’s for longer form stuff.

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I fear this. I was told to write well. Not make great videos : )

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So honored to be included! Thank you, Substack, for supporting satire and comedy that stands against Nazis, fascism, and religious extremism! 💪

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Religious extremism: One who believes there is only one path to eternal life and that it is through Christ Jesus.

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I suppose that makes me a religious extremist.

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I suppose that makes me a religious extremist.

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For a writing platform(and the internet as a whole) it seems like the window of opportunity for those who want to write is decreasing with each passing day. Video is nice from time to time and can be useful based on one's brand as I do it sometimes.

But this trajectory towards each person needing to establish some kind of one-person or squad-sized production company is not going to solve many issues in the future. It's recipe for regression. Bread and Circuses.

Credibility will be determined by how flashy the video is versus the quality of the information given.

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I won't watch a Substack video. A poor article is bad enough, but at least you can skim for the salient points. A video is ten minutes of your life you ain't gettin back

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It’s interesting how the barrier to entry has been increasing. Perhaps that’s just how capitalism works - as competition increases, you’ve got to increase the quality and find something unique. Can’t just have a simple blog anymore and have people interested in it. But video really takes a ton of time to do for less time - I mean, you can spend 5 hours writing an article and come out with something quite substantial but 5 hours of editing gets you like an hour of amateurish video.

I for one just don’t connect so well with video anyway.

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Interesting perspective, thanks for sharing.

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I thought Substack was a literary platform for writers?? 🧐

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Welcome to the fellows! I'd love to see a fellowship for each creative. Like one for writers, podcasters, illustrators, makers, etc. The platform is open to all creators so that'd be great to see how a fellowship can help and inspire creatives from all walks of life.

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So cringe. All of these 'creators' provide nothing of substance

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We’re not all like this God I promise.

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I am very skeptical about this bute-size, tick-tockresque vidio endeavour. I do hope it will not ruine Substack.

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DEI/ESG Score - 110 out of 100

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Video killed the radio star. It killed photography platforms such as Instagram. It’ll kill Substack. If we wanted videos we’d go to YouTube or Tik Tok.

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If Substack turns into another version of reels I’ll be deeply saddened. There’s a reason there’s no televisions in the library.

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My library has a huge video collection

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First Notes, now this? Why are you actively trying to ruin something that was basically perfect? Oh well…

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Welcome and congrats to everyone!! So excited to see what you all create here.

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Most of us came to Substack as writers, as authors, as poets, as journalists and as undefined observers of the world around us in the written form. We cast about, and found what remained on offer online to be, well, wanting, for lack of a better word.

Then we found Substack, and it seemed a nice, cozy place to settle in for a spell and visit with other wordsmiths, share some tales with one another and with online readers looking for something more literary from their online perusal.

Now, here comes video once more, and showcasing the usual cast of characters, folks easily swapped out for the sort of viral nattering heads one can easily find on TikTok, on Facebook Reels, on Instagram video feeds, and on YouTube....it makes one wonder, 'Did Substack ever ACTUALLY plan to highlight contributors with mid-sized or smaller pre-established audiences?' I think the answer is likely 'No, they didn't. Think back to who they paid advances to to come on board as contributing writers a couple of years ago, after all; all previously-known personalities.

Low risk, high reward. Business-wise, a smart move. With the ethics of maintaining the integrity of the original mission statement and narrative cause for us to even be here, though- total dog shit.

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