If DJT takes responsibility for the J6 insurrection if he states his request to Brad R in Georgia was an illegal attempt to change votes. If he admits that he held top secret documents with out authorization and he wants to set the record straight and work to make life in America good for all Americans. I still can’t vote for him. He is a criminal.
Yawn ! BORING !!! Another braindead indoctrinated imbecile who still thinks the lying propagandist media tells the truth. You have to be a complete idiot in 2024 to still believe the media. You are no more conservative as you are straight. You are not fooling anyone
This entire thread, bunch of people insulting each other. Except one comment, you wouldn’t know who supports what. That one says liberals are all stupid, statistics say they have higher education, so even it fits all the others that offer nothing of substance. Maybe we need a truant hall. 🙄
Wow! Not surprising you are a broken record incapable of independent thought. You can't even come up with anything original. Most liberals are stupid like you.
You shouldn't eat anything at a buffet. It's been picked over, sneezed on and made to look appetizing only to realize it's grade D food that isn't good for you and doesn't taste like it should.
Once again somebody demonizing the free market media and not telling us what hole they pull their information out of.
What you call mainstream media is simply free market media and it’s just a tool, even with all of its problems. Like all tools you have to know how to use them. The reason you don’t tell us what hole you pull your information from is because it’s mockable, it’s easily laughed at, I mean push it down and point at your stupid. But everybody should notice they never tell us what hole they pull it from, while they mock the information they don’t like. Or should I say any information their handlers don’t want them to like.
Fox News has to pay nearly $1 billion for making up lies and in the process emails are released where they mock their viewers for being gullible and stupid and most of those viewers still watch Fox News.
I have voted Reagan2x, W, McCain. If Liz Cheney ran I would vote for her. John McCain was not a loser. Cabinet secretaries Barr, Esper, Haley, Pence, Mulvaney all dropped their support after J6
Reagan was the only one on that list that wasn't/isn't a deep closet Socialist Democrat. So other than Reagan, you are an imbecile.....ESPECIALLY if you would vote for Esper, Haley, Pence, Mulvaney and even worse Cheney. You are truly dumb if you think any those people beyond Ronald Reagan are real republicans. you are one of the idiots pushing the US into a World war with Russia and China
Ummm.... the raid on Mar A Lago....how about the classified documents in Biden's garage and 3 other locations. Documents that unlike Trump, Biden had NO RIGHT to hold since he wasn't a President when he stole the documents. Trump had them legally and was negotiating with the Presidential records dept. In fact, if you really knew what you were talking about, you would know the Biden administration forced Trump to take pallets of information RIGHT before the raid. That's 100% verified in court and in records....I don't expect liberals to have a brain. They just parrot whatever the lying media tells them to say. I bet you got the COVID shot
Oh my Lord, you're adorable. They raided him because they asked again and again and again for the documents. He refused over and over. Not only that , he lied about the documents, and intentionally moved them to hide them AFTER being subpoenad. So they decided it was in the nation's best interest to get them since, ya know, he had them stashed in a bathroom in a resort that had been known to be chock full of foreign agents because everyone knows how stupid Trump is.
The difference with Biden is that when he found them, he immediately called his lawyers who gave all the documents to the NARA. Then he voluntarily let his various places be searched. Note the difference?
Yes. I had the COVID shot. I also had a shot for measles. And polio. And tetanus.
No, the Biden administration did not force Trump to take all those files the day before the raid. That is so far down the conspiracy rabbit hole, I can't even take you seriously. Trump sucks. He's an idiot. Or, as his Secretary of State said "an f'ing moron".
Oh my lord, you are another braindead indoctrinated imbecile. One, Biden had those documents GOING BACK 40 YEARS!! He was NEVER supposed to have any of them to begin with. Many of them were at the Penn-Biden center that was FUNDED BY CHINA and had all sorts of Foreign agents there not in a locked storage room that happened to have a bathroom. Nice try though. You have shown you are an imbecile who spoonfed what to think by a media that lies about everything. He wasn't supboenaed by the way. they were being negotiated JUST LIKE Clinton did. The difference is Presidents can have them...senators and vice presidents (Biden) CAN'T. It's not rocket science. It was also found out in court documents that those photos were staged by the FBI by their OWN admission. Jack Smith got soundly denounced for the staging of documents and taking them out of order for "create" a photo-op. i am not surprised you were stupid enough to take an unproven vaccine where now the evidence points out that it was dangerous. Only complete idiots would take an unproven vaccine that the Pharmaceutical companies and government gave themselves immunity over. And just to show you what an imbecile you are, here's the proof that Biden Administration forced Trump to take pallets of documents showing not only are you stupid but also a liar: https://thefederalist.com/2024/04/30/federal-agency-had-pallets-of-documents-sent-to-mar-a-lago-one-year-before-doj-raid/
A) you're using the federalist as your proof? Hold up while I find a link to commondreams.org.
B) the article you're referencing says they sent him pallets of things A YEAR before the raid. You and I have very different definitions of what "right before" means.
C) May 2022- A grand jury issues a subpoena for all the shit that Trump was STILL holding on to. In June, he said he had given it all up. He hadn't. Hence the raid. So yes, they did subpoena him. Yes, a grand jury saw the evidence and said he had to return alllll that classified info. No, Presidents do not get to keep it. Do you understand anything about this case? Or are you just listening to what Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson tell you? It's really not that difficult, but when you're as far down the rabbit hole as you are, it's tough to see reality. Come on out. Join the real world, bud. You'll enjoy it out here.
D) there is no evidence that the COVID vaccine is dangerous. Unless you're an f'ing moron like Trump.
It's Kool-aid not "coolade" and you're the one drinking the media's kool-aid. Wake up! It's 2024 and if you still believe the media's lies then you are beyond help. You will always be dumb
Thanks for the correction. It looked wierd to me as well. And I have no use for the media, especially the legacy media which creates the horse race, reality show, bullshit circus and loves trump because he is the goose that lays their golden eggs every day. But tell me, citizen to citizen, are you honestly Ok with a convicted felon, an adjusicated rapist, a word salad moron? A Putin war criminal devote? Can we not both do better than Trump and Biden. And Wouldn't anybody be better than Trump at this point? Jesus! Is this really the best we can do out of 330 million of us? Peace out my brother.
Here's the broken record Don Quixote's Reckless Son.. It's ok, we know your mother never breast fed you since she saved that for her tricks. One of them might have even been your daddy. Of course, he won't claim you ;)
You have no idea what happened on January 6. I don't know the whole truth either but for you to say that means you don't know much. Why was it produced by Steven Spielberg? Why wouldn't they let real conservatives on the committee to investigate? Why did Trump offer a day or two in advance to send help? You probably think he meant what the Democrats say he said in Charlottesville. For God sake, do a little homework other than listening To MSDNC. You like censorship? Don't call yourself a damn conservative. Change your name, or change your views. Both are incredibly wrong or at least uninformed.
And after the bullets wizzed by, he knew where the media was, to put on a show, he never once turned around to see what happened to his supporters behind him. His supporters mean nothing other than tools to an end.
If the January 6th was legitimate why did they destroy all their one sided records? It was a bunch of Pelosi and her gangs bullcrap. So now Trump is coming off like a super hero and their asses are cringing. Trump will win in a landslide no doubt about it.
Well if these predictions work is normal he won’t win in a landslide, he’ll lose and you all will pretend he didn’t claim somebody cheated. You claim that illegals voted like Trump claimed in California and sent people to prove it and you conveniently forgot that he never did. That’s what Trump does he predicts and then fails, the right even Photoshops their heroes because they don’t have any real ones.
Because he decided to play evangelical extremist for their votes, he will never get the landslide. You might think most Americans want religious people peeking in their windows and arresting children crossing the border, or like Mike Johnson wants to do criminalize same sex sex yes more peeping in windows right? You might think everybody wants huge deficit like Trump ran up last time you might think people are just dying to have him work with OPEC and Putin to cut production to cause gas to shoot through the ceiling, like he did before he left office last time. I guess you’re dying for him to take responsibility for America producing more energy than we use even though Biden’s already done it.
Well if you win you can get into the winners Circle with China Russia and all the American fascist that also want him to win, but she won’t be there with women, gays and lesbians their families and friends, and other people his supporters want to harm, and attack their freedoms.
They didn’t. And the only superheroes MAGA has are Photoshopped.
And yes that’s the Trump plan, pretend America is full of a majority of idiots that will vote for him after him losing everything except his first election, A man who was found responsible for raping a woman (unanimously by a jury that him and his attorneys help pick), his online charity shut down for fraud, 30,000+ documented lies in his 4 year term, that are still there, no one’s debunk them, his business is shut down in New York, his bathroom full of classified documents…
Sorry, but no, the type that vote for Trump and think fascism is a functional alternative is a minority in America. I know it’s probably the first time a leader has flattered you, but there’s a reason for that.
Yeah he's a conservative alright. Another confused prototype of the dems talking points. So you hate Trump. Fine. Join your fellow democrats. I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms.
He’s not lucky, he ran for publicity was surprised how many fools voted for him. He never expected to win, there was some luck into it he just happened to be the idiot that stepped up it could’ve been an idiot. Somebody shot at him he knew where the media was, he didn’t even think to look behind him to see if any of his followers were dead or bloodied. His supporters have no value to him. And he wasn’t almost killed Glass probably hit his ear he didn’t have a bandage when he went golfing the next day but he dressed up for it at the convention. Talk to somebody who did almost get killed Nancy Pelosi’s husband you know, the man Trump and his son mocked. How much time was he in the hospital.
You’ve gotta be an idiot to think there wasn’t a little bit of luck in all this he’s pretty lucky to have people that would support a man who rammed his digits of a woman’s vagina raping her, who would ever thought?
Eish !!! As a non American living in KZN, South Africa I think you need to pay a visit to the head doctor and have your thinking patterns evaluatéd for disfunctionality.
I don't know why everyone calls Trump an idiot or stupid or whatever. You guys do understand that he's probably one of the smartest presidents ever! She's actually a smart man very well educated do some research he's very well educated. Very high IQ. Just saying.
You are NOT a conservative. The reason why Trump looks to be our next President is bc, reasonable people know this was Lawfare. All this was a rouse to keep him off the ballot. Will Democrats take responsibility for the violence in the summer of 2020? Will they take responsibility for the attempted assassination?! Just admit it you are a lefty dem. Standup and be proud— own it
Did I hear Nate say that he's probably going to vote third party? How could someone with his analytical ability say something so remarkably stupid? A vote for anyone but the Democratric candidate (or no vote at all) is a vote for trump. Has he heard about the Electoral College??? If you are trying to ensure that Trump is not crowned a monarch... if the objective is to prevent a dictatorship and what may be the last Americanb presidential election, there is only one vote that delivers an acceptable level of prevention - and he knows that.
The Dems keep telling us Trump is a threat to democracy, but they keep showing us they are the true authoritarians. They manipulate the nomination process to eliminate any real threat to Biden as their candidate. They enlist the regime media to cover up his clear cognitive decline, and once it becomes impossible to hide, they now want to thwart the democratic process yet again to boot him off the ticket. They enlist the CIA and FBI - not to mention the regime media and big tech - to cover up the Hunter Biden laptop. They use the DOJ and politically aligned judiciary to go after Trump with civil and criminal lawfare.
The list goes on and on and on. But ya, Trump says crappy things. He’s the real threat to democracy, even though he has zero institutional support.
I’m not sure you understand how political discourse works. If you call something a conspiracy theory, you’re supposed to point out why. For example, I say the regime media and Dems hid the cognitive decline of Joe Biden. Why? Because two weeks before he withdrew they were accusing people of Cheap Fakes if they showed videos illustrating his cognitive decline.
If I say the Hunter Biden laptop was censored through collusion, I back it up by saying the FBI and CIA released a letter saying the laptop had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation - even though the FBI had the computer for two years. The regime media did its part by refusing to publish stories about the scandal. And big tech platforms like Twitter and Facebook cancelled anyone who dared to discuss it. Of course, this is backed up by Mark Zuckerberg, who recently stated that Facebook was pressured to remove the content by the Biden campaign.
See how this works? If you just call something a conspiracy without any evidence or logic, you kinda look like a clown.
You're making your complaint primarily on age. BUT, Trump is about the same age and you don't show any doubts about him!? Why is that! And this election is not based on R vs D, it's based on having a focus on the someone will preserve democracy--- voting, ethics, rule of law etc. Trump is a dangerous fascist. Biden in a coma, is better than Trump. You would vote for a third party! That's a vote for Trump-- an insurrectionis
Maybe Nate lives in a safe state, so to speak, so a 3rd party vote is even less consequential. I live in Virginia. I am also deeply anti-Trump and very much not a Republican. What if I want to vote 3rd party as a protest vote because I am upset Democrats are putting forth someone who probably has neither the mental or physical stamina to do the job now, but certainly will never make it though the next 4 years. It's a slap in the face. This is the best you can do? This is the candidate to defeat fascism?
You might reply, "You can't vote 3rd party because Virginia is a swing state now?" Think about that. It's going to be a wipeout unless Biden goes.
I live in California and confess to voting for Ralph Nader in the 90’s, it was a safe bet and also Jill Stein, once again a safe bet at that time, I know better now. I feel slightly bad for bulling Nate but I don’t appear to be the only one. It’s damn serious this time around. I enjoy Substack, it’s helping wean me off facebook. I think I was in a bad space and needed to vent.
True like was the shooting real or staged by Trump’s people to get him attention, a great photo op and make him a victim just hours before the convention. 😜
Yep…I have thought about multiple outcome from this shooting….positive and negative results…for both sides…..i don’t believe in c19…or the jabs….come to that conclusion myself…..15 plus years ago my doctor tried to convince me to start taking the yearly flu jab…I said let’s chat….i don’t have much of i scientific background but I have listened to the chatter and searched a bit about the flu jabs….. I have heard each year the researchers try to find a combatant to help fight off the yearly flu…..their results MAY WORK…… ISSUE IS science tells us viruses 🦠 change every year, the become stronger and eradicate the old virus 🦠…. so the so called vaccines MAY help to fight off last years flu bug but it’s dead already. Doctor said that is exactly right….so I asked…then why would I allow to have something be put into my body that only MAYBE fights off last years bug but this jab isn’t anything made for this years new bug…..his answer….because everyone else your age is taking it……not this guy thanks…but no thanks…. Check out flouride added to water and toothpaste….also an additive in table salt….called yellow Prussiate of soda…..it’s cyanide….governments and big pharma are trying to make us sick,,,and eventually dead….all about making trillions of dollars….like the fake pandemics they are pushing…..jab the world…..make everyone their slaves….save the children.
Does anyone really care what Nate Silver has to say??? He showed up somehow in my feed. So he must be paying to be pushed out. Last time I click anything he post
Dear Republicans, it’s about listening to different ideas. Unlike Republicans Dems don’t automatically believe every liberal thing we hear! The idea is to hear as much information as we can and decide for ourselves, to reach our own individual conclusions.
The other 3.2999999 are laughing at you and Nate Silver. They are not there to support you. They are there to watch Nate Silver make another disastrous prediction and eat popcorn as you and Nate have a meltdown this November
Republicans own idolatry - repeat Trumps few thoughts, spread hate + fear, never investigate facts, wear bandage on your ear like a child playing dress-up. Oh god.!
Look up ANYTHING on Nate Silver.....it's not rocket science. Silver has a track record and it says he is a liberal. If you don't know that one basic fact, then you are clueless
Both parties have given us sh*t candidates for decades, influenced/pushed by legacy media, so you want us to eat that sh*t sandwich again! That means we will always be eating sh*t. No thanks . A 3rd party will push another view and we need to look in another direction.
It is a shame that it has come to this in America once a leader in the World. The World is looking at us saying what has happened to America. My dad was a Diplomat and did a tour in the Navy for many years defending the USA. He was apart of the Greatest Generation. Why must America rip herself apart. It is sad that we are at each others throats and can’t be civil any longer.
Can we find out what Trump’s prognosis is? Will the shot mean he has trouble hearing, was it a flesh wound? Whatever. He may not be the current President, but he is the former and is a candidate. Isn’t there usually a doctor’s report? There has been a total blackout of information. When Reagan was shot there was a briefing. What’s going on here?
Why are most comments so nasty? I thought Substack was a better place. I guess the problem is people. You can try to make a better place but there are people who will degrade it no matter what.
Yes Nate you're right that the Biden stay-or-go wrangling among Dems et al mainly shows differences in risk profiles & risk tolerance. I've been jumping between various Substacks / podcasts on both sides of the question & have been trying to point this out. They (we) all desperately want the same thing & are operating out of fear of the same thing: we want to prevent Trump from getting back in. Some of us are more worried about trying something (someone) new, some have our eyes on the numbers and are most worried about that. All wanting the same thing. And yet the two sides are acting like the other side is the enemy. Humans!
Also, Trump is only two or three years younger than Biden and is completely deranged. What makes him a stronger candidate? I don’t agree with anything you said. I too am beginning to wonder if the assassination attempt was staged.
If DJT takes responsibility for the J6 insurrection if he states his request to Brad R in Georgia was an illegal attempt to change votes. If he admits that he held top secret documents with out authorization and he wants to set the record straight and work to make life in America good for all Americans. I still can’t vote for him. He is a criminal.
He is the luckiest person.
Yawn ! BORING !!! Another braindead indoctrinated imbecile who still thinks the lying propagandist media tells the truth. You have to be a complete idiot in 2024 to still believe the media. You are no more conservative as you are straight. You are not fooling anyone
One hundred percent correct 👌
You're a forking moron.
Are you looking at the mirror when saying that? Looks like you’re talking to yourself!
I'm rubber you're glue? LOL
This entire thread, bunch of people insulting each other. Except one comment, you wouldn’t know who supports what. That one says liberals are all stupid, statistics say they have higher education, so even it fits all the others that offer nothing of substance. Maybe we need a truant hall. 🙄
You're a forking moron.
Wow! Not surprising you are a broken record incapable of independent thought. You can't even come up with anything original. Most liberals are stupid like you.
He's surely just an NPC so don't waste your time on him.
I'm sorry the education system failed you.
You're a forking moron.
I don’t eat everything offered at the buffet.
You shouldn't eat anything at a buffet. It's been picked over, sneezed on and made to look appetizing only to realize it's grade D food that isn't good for you and doesn't taste like it should.
Just the rotten meat!
Abundance of morons!
Once again somebody demonizing the free market media and not telling us what hole they pull their information out of.
What you call mainstream media is simply free market media and it’s just a tool, even with all of its problems. Like all tools you have to know how to use them. The reason you don’t tell us what hole you pull your information from is because it’s mockable, it’s easily laughed at, I mean push it down and point at your stupid. But everybody should notice they never tell us what hole they pull it from, while they mock the information they don’t like. Or should I say any information their handlers don’t want them to like.
Fox News has to pay nearly $1 billion for making up lies and in the process emails are released where they mock their viewers for being gullible and stupid and most of those viewers still watch Fox News.
Double check information sources. True news media admits when they got the information wrong the other sources are entertainment , not news.
I have voted Reagan2x, W, McCain. If Liz Cheney ran I would vote for her. John McCain was not a loser. Cabinet secretaries Barr, Esper, Haley, Pence, Mulvaney all dropped their support after J6
Reagan was the only one on that list that wasn't/isn't a deep closet Socialist Democrat. So other than Reagan, you are an imbecile.....ESPECIALLY if you would vote for Esper, Haley, Pence, Mulvaney and even worse Cheney. You are truly dumb if you think any those people beyond Ronald Reagan are real republicans. you are one of the idiots pushing the US into a World war with Russia and China
So what was the raid for then on Mar-a-Lago? The one where they found classified documents in the bathroom?
Ummm.... the raid on Mar A Lago....how about the classified documents in Biden's garage and 3 other locations. Documents that unlike Trump, Biden had NO RIGHT to hold since he wasn't a President when he stole the documents. Trump had them legally and was negotiating with the Presidential records dept. In fact, if you really knew what you were talking about, you would know the Biden administration forced Trump to take pallets of information RIGHT before the raid. That's 100% verified in court and in records....I don't expect liberals to have a brain. They just parrot whatever the lying media tells them to say. I bet you got the COVID shot
Oh my Lord, you're adorable. They raided him because they asked again and again and again for the documents. He refused over and over. Not only that , he lied about the documents, and intentionally moved them to hide them AFTER being subpoenad. So they decided it was in the nation's best interest to get them since, ya know, he had them stashed in a bathroom in a resort that had been known to be chock full of foreign agents because everyone knows how stupid Trump is.
The difference with Biden is that when he found them, he immediately called his lawyers who gave all the documents to the NARA. Then he voluntarily let his various places be searched. Note the difference?
Yes. I had the COVID shot. I also had a shot for measles. And polio. And tetanus.
No, the Biden administration did not force Trump to take all those files the day before the raid. That is so far down the conspiracy rabbit hole, I can't even take you seriously. Trump sucks. He's an idiot. Or, as his Secretary of State said "an f'ing moron".
Oh my lord, you are another braindead indoctrinated imbecile. One, Biden had those documents GOING BACK 40 YEARS!! He was NEVER supposed to have any of them to begin with. Many of them were at the Penn-Biden center that was FUNDED BY CHINA and had all sorts of Foreign agents there not in a locked storage room that happened to have a bathroom. Nice try though. You have shown you are an imbecile who spoonfed what to think by a media that lies about everything. He wasn't supboenaed by the way. they were being negotiated JUST LIKE Clinton did. The difference is Presidents can have them...senators and vice presidents (Biden) CAN'T. It's not rocket science. It was also found out in court documents that those photos were staged by the FBI by their OWN admission. Jack Smith got soundly denounced for the staging of documents and taking them out of order for "create" a photo-op. i am not surprised you were stupid enough to take an unproven vaccine where now the evidence points out that it was dangerous. Only complete idiots would take an unproven vaccine that the Pharmaceutical companies and government gave themselves immunity over. And just to show you what an imbecile you are, here's the proof that Biden Administration forced Trump to take pallets of documents showing not only are you stupid but also a liar: https://thefederalist.com/2024/04/30/federal-agency-had-pallets-of-documents-sent-to-mar-a-lago-one-year-before-doj-raid/
A) you're using the federalist as your proof? Hold up while I find a link to commondreams.org.
B) the article you're referencing says they sent him pallets of things A YEAR before the raid. You and I have very different definitions of what "right before" means.
C) May 2022- A grand jury issues a subpoena for all the shit that Trump was STILL holding on to. In June, he said he had given it all up. He hadn't. Hence the raid. So yes, they did subpoena him. Yes, a grand jury saw the evidence and said he had to return alllll that classified info. No, Presidents do not get to keep it. Do you understand anything about this case? Or are you just listening to what Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson tell you? It's really not that difficult, but when you're as far down the rabbit hole as you are, it's tough to see reality. Come on out. Join the real world, bud. You'll enjoy it out here.
D) there is no evidence that the COVID vaccine is dangerous. Unless you're an f'ing moron like Trump.
Here's more proving the documents were sent before the raid hahaha. It's even CLEARLY laid out in the court documents the Biden Administration sent pallets of documents to Mar A Lago before the raid https://highlandcountypress.com/opinions/unredactions-reveal-early-biden-white-house-involvement-trump-documents-case#gsc.tab=0
Atta boy... keep drinking that coolade.
It's Kool-aid not "coolade" and you're the one drinking the media's kool-aid. Wake up! It's 2024 and if you still believe the media's lies then you are beyond help. You will always be dumb
Thanks for the correction. It looked wierd to me as well. And I have no use for the media, especially the legacy media which creates the horse race, reality show, bullshit circus and loves trump because he is the goose that lays their golden eggs every day. But tell me, citizen to citizen, are you honestly Ok with a convicted felon, an adjusicated rapist, a word salad moron? A Putin war criminal devote? Can we not both do better than Trump and Biden. And Wouldn't anybody be better than Trump at this point? Jesus! Is this really the best we can do out of 330 million of us? Peace out my brother.
You're a forking moron.
Here's the broken record Don Quixote's Reckless Son.. It's ok, we know your mother never breast fed you since she saved that for her tricks. One of them might have even been your daddy. Of course, he won't claim you ;)
You have no idea what happened on January 6. I don't know the whole truth either but for you to say that means you don't know much. Why was it produced by Steven Spielberg? Why wouldn't they let real conservatives on the committee to investigate? Why did Trump offer a day or two in advance to send help? You probably think he meant what the Democrats say he said in Charlottesville. For God sake, do a little homework other than listening To MSDNC. You like censorship? Don't call yourself a damn conservative. Change your name, or change your views. Both are incredibly wrong or at least uninformed.
Trump sat and watched the events of 1/6 and despite calls from family and colleagues, said nothing until much later.
And after the bullets wizzed by, he knew where the media was, to put on a show, he never once turned around to see what happened to his supporters behind him. His supporters mean nothing other than tools to an end.
If the January 6th was legitimate why did they destroy all their one sided records? It was a bunch of Pelosi and her gangs bullcrap. So now Trump is coming off like a super hero and their asses are cringing. Trump will win in a landslide no doubt about it.
Well if these predictions work is normal he won’t win in a landslide, he’ll lose and you all will pretend he didn’t claim somebody cheated. You claim that illegals voted like Trump claimed in California and sent people to prove it and you conveniently forgot that he never did. That’s what Trump does he predicts and then fails, the right even Photoshops their heroes because they don’t have any real ones.
Because he decided to play evangelical extremist for their votes, he will never get the landslide. You might think most Americans want religious people peeking in their windows and arresting children crossing the border, or like Mike Johnson wants to do criminalize same sex sex yes more peeping in windows right? You might think everybody wants huge deficit like Trump ran up last time you might think people are just dying to have him work with OPEC and Putin to cut production to cause gas to shoot through the ceiling, like he did before he left office last time. I guess you’re dying for him to take responsibility for America producing more energy than we use even though Biden’s already done it.
Well if you win you can get into the winners Circle with China Russia and all the American fascist that also want him to win, but she won’t be there with women, gays and lesbians their families and friends, and other people his supporters want to harm, and attack their freedoms.
I can’t stress this enough, we have an abundance of Moro s!
trump came off as a criminal moron with no regard for truth.
Joe Biden and his family are the real criminals.
They didn’t. And the only superheroes MAGA has are Photoshopped.
And yes that’s the Trump plan, pretend America is full of a majority of idiots that will vote for him after him losing everything except his first election, A man who was found responsible for raping a woman (unanimously by a jury that him and his attorneys help pick), his online charity shut down for fraud, 30,000+ documented lies in his 4 year term, that are still there, no one’s debunk them, his business is shut down in New York, his bathroom full of classified documents…
Sorry, but no, the type that vote for Trump and think fascism is a functional alternative is a minority in America. I know it’s probably the first time a leader has flattered you, but there’s a reason for that.
Talking about idiots.
Another moron
Just answering one question… because whoever they would’ve let on the commission, you would claim they weren’t real Republicans.
Yeah he's a conservative alright. Another confused prototype of the dems talking points. So you hate Trump. Fine. Join your fellow democrats. I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms.
I say it again. Abundance of morons!
LOL! Produced by Steven Spielberg? Thanks for flagging yourself.
Pure moron!
He got fucking shot and almost killed and you called him the luckiest person? You're a damn idiot
He’s not lucky, he ran for publicity was surprised how many fools voted for him. He never expected to win, there was some luck into it he just happened to be the idiot that stepped up it could’ve been an idiot. Somebody shot at him he knew where the media was, he didn’t even think to look behind him to see if any of his followers were dead or bloodied. His supporters have no value to him. And he wasn’t almost killed Glass probably hit his ear he didn’t have a bandage when he went golfing the next day but he dressed up for it at the convention. Talk to somebody who did almost get killed Nancy Pelosi’s husband you know, the man Trump and his son mocked. How much time was he in the hospital.
You’ve gotta be an idiot to think there wasn’t a little bit of luck in all this he’s pretty lucky to have people that would support a man who rammed his digits of a woman’s vagina raping her, who would ever thought?
Eish !!! As a non American living in KZN, South Africa I think you need to pay a visit to the head doctor and have your thinking patterns evaluatéd for disfunctionality.
Well that was generic and offered no information of substance. 🙄
I don't know why everyone calls Trump an idiot or stupid or whatever. You guys do understand that he's probably one of the smartest presidents ever! She's actually a smart man very well educated do some research he's very well educated. Very high IQ. Just saying.
You're damn right. He's worst.
Let him join his fellow dems. They're desperate. They'll welcome him with open arms.
Sadly for you, none of this is valid.
You are NOT a conservative. The reason why Trump looks to be our next President is bc, reasonable people know this was Lawfare. All this was a rouse to keep him off the ballot. Will Democrats take responsibility for the violence in the summer of 2020? Will they take responsibility for the attempted assassination?! Just admit it you are a lefty dem. Standup and be proud— own it
(It was a registered Republican that shot him)
Idiot liberal crook
You're an idiot with a capital I!
Did I hear Nate say that he's probably going to vote third party? How could someone with his analytical ability say something so remarkably stupid? A vote for anyone but the Democratric candidate (or no vote at all) is a vote for trump. Has he heard about the Electoral College??? If you are trying to ensure that Trump is not crowned a monarch... if the objective is to prevent a dictatorship and what may be the last Americanb presidential election, there is only one vote that delivers an acceptable level of prevention - and he knows that.
The Dems keep telling us Trump is a threat to democracy, but they keep showing us they are the true authoritarians. They manipulate the nomination process to eliminate any real threat to Biden as their candidate. They enlist the regime media to cover up his clear cognitive decline, and once it becomes impossible to hide, they now want to thwart the democratic process yet again to boot him off the ticket. They enlist the CIA and FBI - not to mention the regime media and big tech - to cover up the Hunter Biden laptop. They use the DOJ and politically aligned judiciary to go after Trump with civil and criminal lawfare.
The list goes on and on and on. But ya, Trump says crappy things. He’s the real threat to democracy, even though he has zero institutional support.
Gotta love the conspiracy brain on the right. Also, no institutional support? Buddy, he has the entire SCOTUS basically working for him!
I’m not sure you understand how political discourse works. If you call something a conspiracy theory, you’re supposed to point out why. For example, I say the regime media and Dems hid the cognitive decline of Joe Biden. Why? Because two weeks before he withdrew they were accusing people of Cheap Fakes if they showed videos illustrating his cognitive decline.
If I say the Hunter Biden laptop was censored through collusion, I back it up by saying the FBI and CIA released a letter saying the laptop had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation - even though the FBI had the computer for two years. The regime media did its part by refusing to publish stories about the scandal. And big tech platforms like Twitter and Facebook cancelled anyone who dared to discuss it. Of course, this is backed up by Mark Zuckerberg, who recently stated that Facebook was pressured to remove the content by the Biden campaign.
See how this works? If you just call something a conspiracy without any evidence or logic, you kinda look like a clown.
why aren’t there more conversations about trump’s lack of cognition?!
You're making your complaint primarily on age. BUT, Trump is about the same age and you don't show any doubts about him!? Why is that! And this election is not based on R vs D, it's based on having a focus on the someone will preserve democracy--- voting, ethics, rule of law etc. Trump is a dangerous fascist. Biden in a coma, is better than Trump. You would vote for a third party! That's a vote for Trump-- an insurrectionis
Maybe Nate lives in a safe state, so to speak, so a 3rd party vote is even less consequential. I live in Virginia. I am also deeply anti-Trump and very much not a Republican. What if I want to vote 3rd party as a protest vote because I am upset Democrats are putting forth someone who probably has neither the mental or physical stamina to do the job now, but certainly will never make it though the next 4 years. It's a slap in the face. This is the best you can do? This is the candidate to defeat fascism?
You might reply, "You can't vote 3rd party because Virginia is a swing state now?" Think about that. It's going to be a wipeout unless Biden goes.
I live in California and confess to voting for Ralph Nader in the 90’s, it was a safe bet and also Jill Stein, once again a safe bet at that time, I know better now. I feel slightly bad for bulling Nate but I don’t appear to be the only one. It’s damn serious this time around. I enjoy Substack, it’s helping wean me off facebook. I think I was in a bad space and needed to vent.
Pretty sure Biden is going….pray fora moderate slate…
Wow! The cognitive dissonance is breath taking
brandon has Covid aka yearly flu…..maybe he does,maybe he doesn’t…..hard to trust what ANYBODY says these days. 🤷
True like was the shooting real or staged by Trump’s people to get him attention, a great photo op and make him a victim just hours before the convention. 😜
Yep…I have thought about multiple outcome from this shooting….positive and negative results…for both sides…..i don’t believe in c19…or the jabs….come to that conclusion myself…..15 plus years ago my doctor tried to convince me to start taking the yearly flu jab…I said let’s chat….i don’t have much of i scientific background but I have listened to the chatter and searched a bit about the flu jabs….. I have heard each year the researchers try to find a combatant to help fight off the yearly flu…..their results MAY WORK…… ISSUE IS science tells us viruses 🦠 change every year, the become stronger and eradicate the old virus 🦠…. so the so called vaccines MAY help to fight off last years flu bug but it’s dead already. Doctor said that is exactly right….so I asked…then why would I allow to have something be put into my body that only MAYBE fights off last years bug but this jab isn’t anything made for this years new bug…..his answer….because everyone else your age is taking it……not this guy thanks…but no thanks…. Check out flouride added to water and toothpaste….also an additive in table salt….called yellow Prussiate of soda…..it’s cyanide….governments and big pharma are trying to make us sick,,,and eventually dead….all about making trillions of dollars….like the fake pandemics they are pushing…..jab the world…..make everyone their slaves….save the children.
Don’t have much of a brain!
Don't call others what your mother should have erased
Eish Jeffery have you lost the ability to think ??
Frink….Have you ever had the ability to think…..or spell?
My mother couldn’t erase you, mofo!
Move along weirdo
Does anyone really care what Nate Silver has to say??? He showed up somehow in my feed. So he must be paying to be pushed out. Last time I click anything he post
He has 3.3 million followers on Twitter, and then there's me, so yes people are interested in what Nate Silver has to say.
Dear Republicans, it’s about listening to different ideas. Unlike Republicans Dems don’t automatically believe every liberal thing we hear! The idea is to hear as much information as we can and decide for ourselves, to reach our own individual conclusions.
The other 3.2999999 are laughing at you and Nate Silver. They are not there to support you. They are there to watch Nate Silver make another disastrous prediction and eat popcorn as you and Nate have a meltdown this November
He works for Peter Thiel!
Nate Silver is a liberal. Working for someone doesn't make you just like them
If you say so!
Republicans own idolatry - repeat Trumps few thoughts, spread hate + fear, never investigate facts, wear bandage on your ear like a child playing dress-up. Oh god.!
Look up ANYTHING on Nate Silver.....it's not rocket science. Silver has a track record and it says he is a liberal. If you don't know that one basic fact, then you are clueless
Yeah, talking about clueless. You know who was liberal? Dave Rubin!
Can’t listen to anyone saying they’ll probably vote 3rd party. Also, can’t stand to look at microphones.
Agree; 3rd party voting? That is not how it works, unless he does not admit that he is voting for Trump.
Both parties have given us sh*t candidates for decades, influenced/pushed by legacy media, so you want us to eat that sh*t sandwich again! That means we will always be eating sh*t. No thanks . A 3rd party will push another view and we need to look in another direction.
Ducking the background music should be a new @chris best podcast goal
Good call. I edited this one in a hurry today hoping to get it out before it became obsolete!
It is a shame that it has come to this in America once a leader in the World. The World is looking at us saying what has happened to America. My dad was a Diplomat and did a tour in the Navy for many years defending the USA. He was apart of the Greatest Generation. Why must America rip herself apart. It is sad that we are at each others throats and can’t be civil any longer.
Sorry I can’t take you seriously about not liking Trump if you are going to vote 3rd party
Can we find out what Trump’s prognosis is? Will the shot mean he has trouble hearing, was it a flesh wound? Whatever. He may not be the current President, but he is the former and is a candidate. Isn’t there usually a doctor’s report? There has been a total blackout of information. When Reagan was shot there was a briefing. What’s going on here?
Why are most comments so nasty? I thought Substack was a better place. I guess the problem is people. You can try to make a better place but there are people who will degrade it no matter what.
Yes Nate you're right that the Biden stay-or-go wrangling among Dems et al mainly shows differences in risk profiles & risk tolerance. I've been jumping between various Substacks / podcasts on both sides of the question & have been trying to point this out. They (we) all desperately want the same thing & are operating out of fear of the same thing: we want to prevent Trump from getting back in. Some of us are more worried about trying something (someone) new, some have our eyes on the numbers and are most worried about that. All wanting the same thing. And yet the two sides are acting like the other side is the enemy. Humans!
I love that so many readers/substackers are pissed with this podcast. Might you be hitting a nerve?:)
I don’t know where he got his poll numbers from.
Also, Trump is only two or three years younger than Biden and is completely deranged. What makes him a stronger candidate? I don’t agree with anything you said. I too am beginning to wonder if the assassination attempt was staged.
Fn whew silver of course they auto play a whew show traitor