So excited about this and I agree with Felicity Spector of @FlourPower - I want to see them all! It's a great line-up and I'm thrilled that I get to talk with Clare de Boer of @TheBestBit - she's so terrifc and I love the way she write about food - xoD

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Gosh if only I didn’t have to work I would listen to all of these back to back!

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so excited to do a deep dive on all things cake!! 🍰

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La prière nous permet d’être dépendant de Dieu pour toutes les situations de la vie!!

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what a fun idea!

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Let’s get it 😤

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Hi there. I'm hosting and competing in a Chili Cook-Off & Taste-Off this Saturday, 12 noon PDT.

It's at Outer Space Wines, a wine shop and wine bar in Downtown Napa.

I would love to be part of Grubstack from 12:30 to 1:30 PDT!


Dan Dawson, Eat Drink Cook

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Ummm … again, where is Emily Nunn? Are New York Times profiles not important anymore?

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can't wait!! :)

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Fantastic idea 🙂💚

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What a fabulous idea!💡

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Holy guacamole! This is an all-star line up.

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This is so exciting!! So many incredible writers & people!

I would love to see a Grubstack - Asia edition, where writers based in Asia/Pacific explore similar food-themed topics! Also so more could fit in our timezone.

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What a fantastic idea and line-up. Brilliant, totally brilliant.

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This is so fun!! Definitely will be tuning in to more than one of these

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Awesomeness 🤩

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