“By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's." -Paul Krugman in 1998

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yeah, I saw his name and said to myself WTF?

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I was really interested in this event until I saw the first featured speaker was Paul Krugman. Complete hack, self-discredited economic theorist, and progressive political blowhard. His participation is very disappointing.

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Saw Paul Krugman’s name, decided to reorganize my sock drawer that day.

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This is kind of fun. Will be like watching CNBC on my phone!

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It's like CNBC, but more fun, and fewer commercials for Pajamagrams

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Ha! Excited to see what pajamas Substack recommends.

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You folks are not “reading the room” when you lead with Paul Krugman.

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Anyone giving Paul Krugman a platform to spew his lies will not be believed Krugman has been wrong his entire life.

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Paul Krugman? Really ? I have to ask why? His finance and economic commentary is no longer relevant and is deeply rooted in left wing biased politics and ignores real economics. (Call him out for this if you want to have a relevant interview) In fact I have joked many times in comments that if you take a 100% opposite position of his without even researching it, you are more likely to have a better outcome. Sadly it actually has come true in many situations. Ask him hard questions, or don't platform his nonsense.

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I think you all have quick written off Krugman. He doesn't always have great ideas but he certainly is qualified to comment on the economy. And for the most part, what you're calling left - wing politics vs real economics is a very blurry line. Stiglitz is pretty progressive but that doesn't mean he doesn't do real economics. There are also several other speakers. It's better that substack is promoting intellectual pluralism whether one disagrees with the speakers take or not.

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i have been reading Paul Krugman's column for years, so of course I wanted to see what he has to say about our economic future.

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To admit to that is astounding.

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I used to when his column was in our newspaper. Then our paper shrunk to not much.

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How do we watch this???

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Wow, it's fascinating to see all the vitriol directed at Paul Krugman. When the comments focus on 'Mainstream Media,' left-leaning, or woke politics, the first question I ask is: drop the labels and tell me, is it true or not? If the only argument you have against the guy is hurling labels instead of addressing whether he's telling the truth, then you don't really have an argument. This is exactly what's wrong with the country today, no logic or factual points, just vindictive vitriol.

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“Data suggests that the U.S. may begin to exit a recession in 2025…” What r you talking about? What recession?!

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Seriously Krugman on a Free Press site? There were no other serious, factual economists available? I hope this isn’t a sign of this app/tool going the same way MS media has gone.

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No thanks.

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Folks ought to look up and watch some of the old "Contra Krugman" podcasts.

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used to listen to those every week, they were good

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