Substack Reads is designed to showcase the remarkable work and fascinatingly varied perspectives that have found a home on the platform. We welcome thoughtful criticism and conversation, but comments that are off-topic, rude, disparaging, or derogatory will be removed. In other words: If you can’t say something kind, at least say something interesting.

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Say something "kind" about democracy-ending corruption? Are you trying to compete with the New York Times?

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Right. I agree. Therefore every pro Trump comment needs to disappear. He writes new definitions of corrupt

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The moderator should publish a warning that pro-Trump comments are pro-fascist, anti-democratic propaganda even though they do not use any 'offensive' words, other than Trump's name.

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Fight! Fight! Fight!

Was that rude, disparaging or derogatory?

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I'm sure Mr. Burnham thinks those words are. It's also evident that he's a John Kerry fanboy who agrees that free speech is dangerous to (deep breath) DEMOCRACY!

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What about misinformation and lies?

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Alternative facts! 😆

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My takeaway here is not one politician vs another. It's the detachment from reality of so many writers and commenters. What happens when these people feel the need to take their fantasies into harder economic times? What does it possibly lead to? Probably nothing good.

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So much for removing disparaging comments. Who are these ppl that you are quoting and what universe do they live in?? ugh

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I don't see you removing any of the hatred spewed by these Trumpanzees since I joined recently. I don't care what they think but if we cannot communicate as adults society will collapse.

To be clear, I am not asking you to remove anything. The world should see what Trump's base is all about: anger, hatred and division. Which is the recipe for another big win by Democrats up and down the ticket.

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Hatred spewed by trumpanzees=anger,hatred and division. You couldn't have said it better yourself 😂🤣

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I don’t understand why my own takeaways differ so much from

so many above.

Senator Vance’s entire performance was frustrating for me in its lack of evidence for his first premise that VP Harris has been responsible for the leadership of both Biden and Congress and for his second premise that the economy flourished more under Trump & a Repub Congress than under Biden & a Repub Congress or might flourish under Harris & a Dem Congress. He waffled & muddled his positions whenever his team’s policies & proposals undeniably trampled basic human compassion. I found his religious dog whistles & “family man” talk horribly tasteless because they felt gratuitous in this context, especially after his harmful false witness against his own hometown and his bigoted commentary on women. After all of Vance’s brazen insults on the campaign trail, too, and his continuing disregard for truth concerning the 2020 election & Jan 6 ‘21, his emphatically effusive “civility” in the debate came across to me as a silly, even cynical act. Also, he disrespected the rules of the debate. An artful dodger of most questions asked, he sometimes seemed also to imitate Harris’s debate strategy or Walz’s own demeanor; Vance showed great dramatic ability to perform big character-switches. That can be a wondrous talent to have, but in this context? His play exploited the ignorance of the inattentive & uninformed & the partisan loyalists. Therefore, I found him painful to watch & hear!! I expect the sanewashing news-spinners about his performance will be painful to hear as well.

Governor Walz addressed the people as his audience and made clear he knew & cared something about who we are & how diverse in ideology, culture, economic resources, and social situations. He made clear his record of skill as a bipartisan leader and his close familiarity as governor & congressman with grassroots challenges, and he was especially clever about calling out Senator Vance’s avoidance of Congressional power in the democratic policy-making mix. Walz showed his devotion to getting facts right & correcting his own mistakes (all minor) while reasoning clearly, to doing extensive homework, and to thinking in terms of consequences for people. I found him especially strong on reproductive rights, guns, housing, immigration, and sustaining constitutional democracy. His demeanor was consistent with his conduct throughout his career and on the campaign trail, so I found it credible. Also, an educator & National Guardsman to his core, he respected the rules of the debate without accepting harmful BS. He gently but cleverly cornered Vance into some major self-contradictions on favorite MAGA issues and got off some really good zinger lines—and did nothing to contradict my previous perception of him.

The biggest world tragedy here is that NOBODY seems to have any wisdom regarding the Middle East, apparently today ever more hellbent on igniting WWIII rather than making peace & justice. This is not likely a VP project unless a president falls ill or dies—more likely in one case than the other, though admittedly possible for either one. Many reasons for deep grief here, even despair.

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Thank you for a comment which I can totally agree with. I would add that Tim’s response to JD’s lie that Trump saved the Affordable Healthcare Act was also excellent.

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J.D. Vance is a Marine. Mess with one Marine and you mess with them all.

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Too bad you don't recognize graciousness and collegiality. But then, most of the hoi polloi do not recognize such graces.

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I saw Vance play-acting a gracious human being. His strategy was to take advantage of no fact checking and tell as many lies and distortions as possible, and to look like a good person. He gave the show away when the moderator did one fact-check on his Haitian lie and said that most of the Haitians were here legally. He immediately said “you promised not to fact check”. His strategy of telling one outrageous lie after another was broken. And he told some whoppers. Like that Trump tried to make Obamacare work when he was constantly trying to destroy it. Like that Trump really had some ideas about how to improve healthcare. Like that he never wanted to ban abortion nationwide. Like that he has compassion for women who want abortions when all he has expressed is hateful misogyny. He’s a good actor. He seemed to convince a lot of people he’s a decent guy. Instead he’s as bad as Trump. He accurately denounced Trump as like heroin to the American people. Then he turned around and started spouting the same hatred. And last night he played another fake role. He is as hateful as Trump is.

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This from someone who likely believes Biden had all his faculties and was not defenestrated and Harris was not actually the worst rated VP in history and the most far Left, incompetent Progressive with an extreme agenda but really In a matter of weeks is, poof, the savior of the universe.

What a joke that’s not funny.

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All of your charges are Fox talking points, like the "worst rated VP in history." Lol! When did anyone start rating VPs? They've ALWAYS been in the background. And what's so extreme about her agenda? Please share specifics. At least she's spelling it out. What is Trump's, other than his "concept of a health plan" after nine long years to think about it? Your comment is full of trigger words that contribute nothing to a real discussion. And for the record, the last four years have been the BIDEN administration, not the Harris administration, as Vance kept calling it. It was not her job to counter or upstage Biden's policies, but to be second in command in line of succession. That's Civics 101. Seriously, what did Mike Pence ever do except to hide for his life on Jan. 6th. He was even afraid to get into a car with the Secret Service for fear of never being seen again. That's what Trump did for America. Yeah, let's bring that back.

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Please let’s bring it back. Please. Four years ago we were not in the brink of ww3. We were not fighting a proxy war with Russia. Iran had not threatened Israel and Israel had not been attacked by hezbollah. China was not threatening Taiwan. I could afford groceries and my utilities. I was not afraid to travel. I was not afraid of getting attacked or raped by an illegal alien while running in a park. My hospital was not flooded and overwhelmed by illegals using the emergency room as their personal physician. My taxes were less because I was not paying for ESL teachers to teach the illegal children English at school. I could go on and on. Yes. Please bring Trump back.

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Who do you know who that was raped or attacked by an illegal alien? When have you ever really seen your hospital ER flooded by illegals?

You think Trump is so great on the world stage? In April 2020, he froze in complete indecision when Iran attacked American bases in Iraq, which was the largest ballistic missile attack EVER against US forces abroad. Over 100 soldiers were profoundly injured, with Trump dismissing the whole thing as if it never happened. He belittled the soldiers complaints as "a few headaches" when many had traumatic brain injuries. HE DID NOTHING IN RESPONSE. If elected again, he would let Putin run wild should Ukraine fall, especially after he lessens or dismantles NATO's power.

As for ESL, it costs taxpayers $700 million per year. By contrast, an F22 military jet costs $350 million PER JET, and that's because the company that makes it is a monopoly. Pissed about that yet?

And your food? Again it's monopolies making record profits by profiteering off of the post COVID inflation, which has come down significantly. What's Trump's idea on how to solve it? He has none. Harris wants to create a FEDERAL BAN to make food price gauging illegal.

Trump has you frightened out of your wits by dehumanizing immigrants, and Democrats for that matter. We can't even put out lawn signs as our homes or cars get vandalized by MAGA followers. We're not afraid of some Boogeyman. We're very legitimately afraid of YOU. Is that the world you want?


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Vance is a Marine. There is no such thing as an ex Marine.

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You might mention that the Springfield Haitians are the beneficiaries of a special program, which is the thing that confers legality in this case.

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Oct 3
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Ask the citizens now how it’s working out for them.

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Things were fine according to the discussion boards until Trump and Vance echoed a Facebook story totally blown out of proportion, as said by the very writer. She said she apologized to her Haitian neighbor once her cat came home.

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That’s ridiculous. No American citizens wanted to work?

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It was a performance, a cynical, opportunistic performance.

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Because there’s nothing cynical and opportunistic about someone who’s been labeled an abject failure by even her own party who then defenestrates her boss and is anointed without a single vote destroying anything remotely resembling democracy along the way in the process. Oh yeah, and she’s helped by Soviet style State media long the way who prompts and prods her because she’s utterly incapable of stringing two sentences together.

Truly pathetic.

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The only people who have a right to complain about Harris replacing Biden are people who like and voted for Biden. I am one of them. I was delighted by the change, and as best I can tell, so are upwards of 99% of Democrats.. As for your other assertions, we know full well whom Putin prefers, and it's not Biden or Harris. And if she's really dimwitted, which she isn't, imagine what a really bright candidate would have done to Trump in that debate. He'd have been reduced to a pool of cat vomit on the floor, not just a blustering liar.

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Oct 3
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Hahahaha! Nice try, not even close. And perhaps you shouldn’t watch so many Star Wars movies, it’s affecting your vocabulary.

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I think it's wise to ask whether Mem C. listens to left wing BS. Naaah, that couldn't be the case.

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I heard compassion! I saw humility! I saw diligence! Abundant virtues!!!

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By who?

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I wouldn't expect someone with limited education and mental acuity to understand when to use "who," of "whom." Maybe that out would clarify things for you.

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Maybe that would "out" it. Consider the who/whom a typo like yours. Unless you're typoallergenic? Displaying your phenomenal grammar prowess on social media could be seen as being intellectually superior. Do you feel that way about yourself?

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Good try. Leaving a word in a sentence after a deletion isn't the same as not knowing when to use "who" or "whom." And I have little doubt you know it. I suppose your fingers are simply disengaged from your thought processes and you actually do know the difference, but I'm not optimistic simply because of the basis of your comment. I read several of Ms. Laird's comments, and I didn't note that any of them were overtly politically oriented; in particular, the one to which you replied with a snarky comment. In light of that I can easily come to the conclusion that you like to be seen as being intellectually superior. I also find it strange that you consider Substack to be social media in that genre's generally recognized form. It's most likely you do spend a lot of time in that arena. I never have, and won't in the future.

Have a day full of joy!

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I saw graciousness last night!!! Honesty is a very important grace!!!!

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That was slick hucksterism. I had work colleagues just like Vance. I know the type.

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Pedant's Corner: You're not supposed to say "the".

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Here’s JD fact checking Margaret like he said he would - on the connective tissue between steep rise in illegal migrants and the cost of housing.


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Oct 3
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All that can be true, plus the housing crisis is detrimentally affected and exacerbated by illegal immigration. Several factors are at play here. In a debate you’re hitting salient points, not giving a big picture.

Saying, “The cost of housing has nothing to do with illegal immigration.” is simply wishing Vance is wrong. He’s not.

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Oct 3
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No I don’t & I don’t appreciate your language.

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You must not live in a town that is over run with migrants. In Chicago the government is paying above market rate to get apartments for migrants!! It's disgusting. There was even a news segment showing a proud Venezuelan family who just bought their first home after 2 years here!! What bank gave out that loan because that same bank would never lend to any American with no credit history, 2 year work history, and no tax returns!! While Americans are homeless or have being paying rent for 30 years!! Wake up!! Biden is playing Americans for fools!

A quite shocking # of Venezuelans are committing violent crimes as well!! This is a travesty

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Why do you guys never post a link to prove what you say? And when you do, you don't even try to find one from a source both sides trust, like Reuters or BBC. Why is that?

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Oct 7
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I read a recent poll of both parties as to what sources they trusted. BBC ranked first at about 65 percent, equally divided between the two. Also, more broad news services, like Reuters and AP, were also high on the list. What other two sides could I have possibly meant?

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Too many people, too few housing units equals higher costs for housing. It’s really that simple.

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Hahaha! Look at you pretending to be all neutral in your analysis. Except most don’t agree with you.

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Is neutrality a virtue when loyalty to the Constitution & trustworthiness are at stake? I am unabashedly pro-USA as a constitutional, democratic republic.

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Finally someone with intelligence & not suffering from extreme hatred.

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No you’re not, you’re a partisan and it shows, plain as day.

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Your partisanship could not be more obvious. For heaven’s sake, we all have our own locations and perspectives from which we observe events like this. I have no use for false pretenses of neutrality. I read broadly and think about what I read in light of my life and the lives I have been privileged to witness.

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Susan, it's your calm and thoughtful tone that has me baffled. I just don't get how you can back such a terrible criminal like Trump as POTUS. For God's sake, look at how he has defrauded his own Maga followers! And his bile and hate and lies are now coming out at warp speed. How is that okay with any thoughtful person?

Jack Smith's new indictment was slowed by every roadblock that Trump could throw at it, and that is the only reason it's coming out now. (Mary Trump's Substack has a detailed timeline.) Have you read it? It's built on testimony from Trump's own people! It's horrendous and terrifying. He and his key leaders were out for blood and to openly steal the election. How are you not horrified? Especially when you speak of your love for country and the Constitution.

Also, have you noted that New York Attorney General Leticia James has just indicted New York City Mayor Eric Adams on multiple counts of fraud and bribery? So much for only going after Republicans. Were you aware that Senator Robert Menendez was also indicted some months back? I bet these stories never hit right wing media.

This week, one of Trump's former administrators talked about how when the wildfires hit California, Trump denied disaster relief because it was a blue state. The guy had to show him that in Orange County, home to the fires, it was mostly Republicans, which prompted Trump to release the aid. Can you imagine Biden not releasing aid to North Carolina??? I hope you will kindly address these points, as I really want to know where you're coming from. For real.

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Heavens!!!! I do not back Trump as POTUS!!! Where did you get the idea that I do?

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Sorry don’t believe you.

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Never said I was neutral. I doubt anybody honest can be neutral in this!

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I think it has something to do with the fact that you are hearing mainly from males up above. One of the interesting things about this election is that it’s a contest between a sex offender and a dark web misogynist v. a standard issue woman politician and, significantly, an avuncular straight white male (who spent many years in teaching, which is largely a female-dominated job category) who plays second fiddle to that woman. The gender gap among likely voters is very large, and the absence of female voices among these highlighted posts creates an inaccurate picture of the event. I also don’t feel like I watched the same debate.

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Thanks so much for your comment, I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life.

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I agree with your comments on Vance and Walz. I knew that Vance was a practiced politician, but I must admit his slick performance, including his lies appalled me.

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In Greek, ‘hoi polloi’ means ‘the many.’But truly I have experienced generous, gracious collegiality from many over the past three or four decades and felt deep gratitude to them. But maybe they are not THE many?

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And in light of Rachel Maddows program which left the most horrendous taste in my mouth. He doesn’t fool me with last nights performance. Pure optics.

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Hey Susan, I would like to have coffee ☕ with you. You have quite the intellect! Keep on posting babe 😘

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Better you than me.

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Babe with a wolf whistle, smooth.

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Vance is a Marine. Mess with one Marine and you will mess with them all. No such thing as an exMarine.

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Oh stop that. You keep posting that and what? We're supposed to not challenge his lies just because he's a former Marine? Grow up.

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Thank you for your eyes-open evaluation of the debate. Vance was indeed lying a great deal of the time and, yes, painful to listen to. Everyone seems willing to let him skate on one of his grossest lies - his claim that trump peacefully handed over power after the 2020 election. If he can get away with that one, he can pull the wool over a great many eyes, as he seems to have done successfully.

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I'd guess because you have confirmation bias brain.

You didn't like him and refuse to see him as a good guy regardless.

"If you look for evil in someone you will surely find it"

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But HE LIED. He was angry that he got fact checked!... Like a little boy.

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Can't agree more.

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Loved this thoughtful comment. I agree.

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You decided before you even watched the debate. Simple!

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Vance in a 1 vs 3 debate destroyed Walz and CBS without breaking a sweat.

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Someone here with a brain. Well done. Even msnbc and cnn said that Walz was a train wreck!!

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You wish Vance is a guy liner, liar who had to improve his favor ability cause he had to create a style! He is a totally vile human which I use human loosely. He’s kind of a meat sack.

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Your comments should be removed. Dehumanizing others is the first sign of a psychopath.

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I am a psychopath. Are you picking on the mentally ill? I ate the last person who did that. Well just an arm. Not the whole guy. Burp. 😅

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Hey, if the hat fits…

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Passion should not be an excuse for name-calling…or pop psychology diagnosis…comments intended to further fight? Perhaps so—

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Pot calling the kettle any color. That man called hardworking people criminals because he has a sickness. I didn’t dehumanize people I revealed JD Vance a slimy lawyer.

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your TDS is treatable. Seek treatment before your mind virus destroys your life.

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I'm not a hater. I was hired by Trump organization years ago. He's not like this in real life. He's very polite actually. His Archie Bunker nonsense is just a joke. His 'basement dwellers' love it and think it's real 😆

It was a pretty smart move to appeal to the poorly educated and poor white trash living off welfare and food stamps. They have a right to vote too!

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Why is it okay to say "poor white trash" but not "poor black/brown trash"??

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Just think if the media told the story of the real Donald Trump.

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That's the thing. If Trump were just himself. If he were basically truthful he would win by a landslide. Instead he's catering to the dregs of society and trying to grow his base. His base has not grown since 2016. Meanwhile normal Republicans and independents are joining Harris-Walz instead of him. The story of the real Donald Trump is a man with a major flaw. He caters to only those who love him. It's unsustainable lunacy.

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It was a thing of beauty to see.

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Vance Yale Skull and Bones. Sorry no more secret societies who start illegal wars after they lie to get elected and waste trillions of tax dollars

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What illegal wars were started by trump?

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The assassination of General Solumeini, Irans' Top Revolutionary Guard General, just before Trump left office. Everything you see today in the middle east. If you really think about it, he started WW3

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P.S. Islamic Resistance of Iraq just attacked Israeli soldiers. That's the group that killed ISIS under General Solemani's leadership. Trump never defeated ISIS (Daesh). Solemani did. So why would Trump assassinate him? Maybe because that war was supposed to last another 20 years hahaha

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I bet they take him out before Nov 5 and Ron DeSantis is selected president to beat Harris-Walz.

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I love how you think. 😝

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Reality suspended. Here.

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Prove me wrong.

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Oh just stop Vance hit it out of the park and I want to see Walz’s scratch pad…bet it covered with scribbles.

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How on earth could lying for 90 minutes be a home run? The moderators should have walked out. Tim could have had NYC pizza with his wife a lot earlier. Never Trump. Vance is vomitous

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Including a Kamala Kilroy was here

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Hahaha….nah, he was just finishing up his daily crossword puzzle 😅

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Substack is so far left wing. How long until you start banning all of us moderates? Please don't go the way of Facebook.

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WTF are you talking about? They seriously quoted a person who insanely claimed JD Vance dominated the debate in historic fashion, and another that claimed JD Vance is America's newest blue eyed crush. What are you complaining about

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For real. I am continually amazed at how low the bar is for Republicans. His refusal to admit Trump lost and his whining about fact checking would have been disqualifying 20 years ago. Hes a smooth talker but lied just as shamelessly as Trump the whole time. Who is the best liar is not how we should be deciding the presidency.

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In fairness, the fact that Harris was a last minute replacement candidate who got no votes in the primary would have been "disqualifying" six months ago...

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The democratic voters were overwhelmingly happy with the replacement. If they werent it would have been a contested convention. Thankfully everyone realized that was stupid, situations like this are what the VP is for. The only people complaining about it are mad because they want Trump to win.

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How do you know they were happy? It's too bad there isn't someway we could find out for sure. Maybe we could ask each of them what they think? They could write it down and we could count how many say they're happy and how many aren't.

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Dems voted for her as VP in the primary knowing she was Bidens replacement if he stepped down for any reason. The record breaking fundraising from small donors the days after the announcement says it all. They will also get a chance to vote for her again in a few weeks. Nice try, though.

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Andy, you are just spouting bullshit. How can you know D voters were happy w/ the switcheroo?

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Actually, six months ago it would not have been disqualifying, because there was nothing illegal or outrageous about the process they took to replace Biden. It was an unprecedented situation and also well within the party's rights, and clearly their electorate is responding well to the change.

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If we're really going to do "actuallys" - Actually, 20 years ago people actually understood freedom of speech and no one would actually have pretended like it was actually anti-democratic to question discrepancies in an election. Actually, they would have understood that people are free to speak their opinions and attempt to convince others because that's actually the sort of process our nation was founded on. They actually would have supported the concept of a fairly moderated debate. They actually would have had a pretty big problem with an administration that lied about the fact that our president is non compos mentis for years until they finally couldn't hide it even though they put him through the entire nomination process. Actually, it would have been the scandal of the century and no one in their right mind would have pretended like it's the most normal thing in the world to gaslight the entire world about the health and mental capabilities of the leader of the free world. Actually, replacing the nominee at the last minute would have been a political nuclear bomb. Actually.

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Freedom of speech is not knowingly repeating “big lies” over and over. About 60 judges threw out the phony cases Trump brought as having no valid evidence, including multiple judges that Trump appointed.

Freedom of speech is not making up lies about Haitians eating peoples pets, which has thoroughly been debunked, even by Republican authorities in Springfield, Ohio. The Haitians came to Springfield because of a big labor shortage, and are a big asset to the community. Now they have to fear for their lives because of so- called “free speech”. What enables Trump and Vance to get away with it is that people watch Fox propaganda and right wing talk radio propaganda, which are repeating the same lies.

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Free speech for the win for humanity. And truth. Truth cannot be silenced. Screw hate speech because you 'disagree' with it, that's not HATE speech, that's just... speech you don't agree with. That's where we are going murdering free speech for those who disagree and about 49 percent don't agree with the dimorats. (Dim and rats). Dim o Rats - they are unable to and do NOT get that the principle of the nation is founded upon that very same freedom. They are afraid, offended by and cannot stand that which they disagree with. Oh noes, I won't get my way!! Oh noes my way is not the only way!! Gasp, others think differently!!! And yet, THAT is the foundation of a working society. You can't have it your way all the time guys. That's why this country will founder and is foundering. 1/2 have become intolerant divorced from reason and rationality and civility and reality.

They cannot even have a conversation without getting 'triggered', and only fee fees matter to them. Where it used to be, live and let live was the rule? Now its if you don't think like me you deserve to DIE scum. We (demorats) want to erase you. If you challenge 'the bubble' they live in... God forbid and heaven forfend! The anger and hatred that pour out for the ones disagreeing. shop around this space a bit, you can't miss it in comments from the demorats who cannot even keep civility in their comments from what I am seeing. The hate for the 'other' just leaks out.

You can't have a country run that way. Because you won't have 'freedom for all'. Unless you all want the gulags for the 'deplorables 'who don't agree with you eh? Which leads to the genocide and mass killings in a few short steps. Hello Mao, Cambodia's killing fields, Bolsheviks, Armenian genocide, the gulags of Russia. And so many more. (and delightful Kackling Kamala - her very favorite quote is that nice little unburdened by the past what might be? Pure Mao describing the great leap forward.. a generation killed and destroyed.

Why it makes you all fuzzy doesn't it?). So demonrats, are you up for genociding 1/2 your families, friends and country men because oh, they make different decisions than you and disagree with you? Do you agree there should be prison and re-education camps? Yes, yes you do. I have not forgotten the screams and frothing at the mouth for the non vaxxed to be locked up dehumanized, killed deprived of rights because 'fear, if they don't vax my experimental jab won't work!' that came flooding from the leftist demonrats. Despite you know saying 'my body my choice'. Some how that wasn't something the non jabbers were allow to say, was it? And oh, look they haven't apologized yet for that massive outpouring of hate and disgusting lack of scientific thought, rationality and reasoning. No, they just want to memory hole that it was just pure FEAR. While the never vaxed are doing so much better today, you know with the turbo cancers, the myocarditis, the sudden deaths? Ever notice that? How's your family demorat vax jabbed ones? lots of cancer no? Turbo? Sudden deaths? Miscarrages? Babies having holes in the heart in neo natal units? Rare diseases/cancers of the blood? No of course not, you simply didn't notice and don't have a clue that the jab might be.. unsafe?. No, no, its global warming. Its alcohol. It is anything BUT that infernal jab. Acknowledging it would cause these demonratty little fear soaked minds to break. Instead you project your fear fear and loathing on to those strong enough to disagree, to you know, THINK and REASON to stand up and exercise... free will. No responsibility your own actions may be seen. No you must in your party by and large project away, it is the OTHER person doing it, not you. So, for the other half its down to Lock and load, and learn to defend from the predations of the crazy lefties who think you have no right to exist to breath air in the same space because you wont and don't agree with them...they have no value their lives are worthless. Hello, because Democrats take a loooong look at your party and ... that's what you've become. That's the sad truth of this situation. Civil war? no. Destruction of America's traditions, culture and beliefs. Gulags. Mass Starvation. Beheadings. Shootings. Crime Waves. Poverty. Repression of the most vile and contemptible. Supporting the massive loss of life and destruction in Ukraine. While your NC people are dying en mass on small villages that FEMA and the Feds are actively stopping volunteer groups with small helicopters from helping. Yes, yes, that is happening you know.

Just because the beloved MSM doesn't report, doesn't mean it does not happen. YES. Democrats do support these horrible things.. Stop lying to yourselves Demonrats. You really do want to kill the 'other' that dares to disagree with you. Its already under way.... and you my substack right/left and center,readers are all PART of that process. Because you don't see the Rhino and the Right doing much do you? Apologies to those who are no longer Demorats, to those who are Republican / Conservative NOT Rhinos on the take. To those who have seen the light, its a great big party and you aren't in it!

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"Actually, ________ (insert long distortion of truth)" yeah we know who you're voting for, hope the essay was a good stretch for your fingers!

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It's not votes. It's a transfer of delegates. It's legal for Biden to do so. By your measure Trump should return all of Nikki Haley's delegates. When you parrot disinformation, you don't look too bright

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Whining about fact-checking? The rules were clearly established. As soon as he demolished those two dopes they cut his mike. Thank goodness for Substack and other non-corporate/DNC mouthpiece media.

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If I can't shamelessly lie to the American people, I cannot debate! - Republicans everywhere. You find this acceptable? You guys are such clowns and your leaders are fucking traitors to America.

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His mic was cut as he was trying to double down on defaming Haitian migrants with lies. That's your version of "demolishing two dopes"? Sheesh

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I agree with some of that but why should he or anyone be allowed to lie?

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I am truly amazed that kamalllllaa supporters are so gullible- this cackling fool can’t do anything without a teleprompter

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Have you watched any of Trumps rallies recently? The man has dementia and can barely string two words together anymore. Even fox news keeps cutting off from his rallies early because they are so embarressing. Vance will be the president if you re-elect Trump. Ill be shocked if Trump is even alive 4 years from now.

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This is hilarious considering Joe has been incoherent for years… all while Harris lied about it throughout praising his fitness and a bunch of dems call trump a liar.

Then there’s this:


I really can’t imagine trump being in anyway that incoherent in his response.

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Oh, yeeeah? Well I watched the rally in Butler and he was completely coherent the entire time, including immediately after that LEFTIST-fueled Useful Idiot's assassination attempt. Sheeesh.

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I will be sad

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Sooo, Biden really got 81M votes in 2020? Where'd all those voters go this time?? Curious,no?

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What's it like being a complete fucktard?

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If you're a moderate, I'm a Cromwellian Parliamentarian.

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Who do you read (on Substack or elsewhere) that you would like to see?

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Thanks for asking. It seems to me all suggested posts in my feed are left-wing. I can't remember ever seeing a moderate or right-wing post. I want diversity of thought, particularly in politics, history, and economics.

You have to actively oppose the encroachment of O'Sullivan's law. Otherwise, it will win out in the end.

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Who do you read on Substack, out of curiosity? If we’re missing an obvious recruit or angle, would love to hear it. And the posts will adjust to you the more you read on here.

Thanks for the civil discourse xx

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Unskool, do you think that fascism is an acceptable policy choice? Or that saturated lying is a valid political approach worthy of intellectual discourse? Fascism and the compulsory lying it depends on are always anti-democratic, whether they originate on the left or on the right, because all fascists are thieves. The creation and preservation of a commonwealth is never right wing, by definition. A commonwealth is the product of democratic socialism, which is 'left' by common understanding. It preserves the equitable interests of the individual and the commonwealth simultaneously and democratically through the rule of law. Beware any consuming hard line right wing proposition; it will ultimately harm the commonwealth. If O'Sullivan's Law has any basis in fact, there will be good reasons for it.

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That’s a ridiculous statement. Nobody on the Trump side is a fascist. He was President for 4 years and he never took away any of your rights or freedoms. You can’t say that about Harris/Biden.

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Did I say anyone on the Trump side is a fascist? No, but you did. Interesting.

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Yep-- Eedjots here have NO IDEA that the N.A Z.I. party was a LEFTIST political party. Wake up, kids.

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Aged like milk that reference to the "rule of law"

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Well demo-rats for sure do! Alinsky's Rules, project what you do, onto others. But never acknowledge it of course..

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You seem to be blind. Along with half of the electorate. When the big war comes, it will be you, or your children, who fight the good fight, as always. And you will be clueless why they died.

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No, because I don't have kids. I'll be fighting and dying by myself. But I'll do it because it is my duty as a human being to defend Man's God Given rights, against the darkness infested demo-rat believers, to go down fighting for humanity and their freedom. For children, for their innocence, for humanity's future. I would rather die on my feet than die on my knees. I'm no slave. I won't shut up, I won't cave to you or your demon masters. When the civil dissolution comes, when civilization breaks down, it will be mad max. Already lived through the jab repression, where I was told I should die, be put in a camp, not allowed out of my house etc etc. Demonrats and the MSM whipped the fear so high, I saw the ugly of the Demon rats and the FEAR soaked masses who could not think, logically. Who were brain washed. Only to be afraid of death. When you lose your fear, you can't be controlled anymore can you? I came out unjabbed despite the enormous pressure put on everyone to 'comply'. I did not bend. those who did bend knee and jab? Slaves because right there they lost their freedom of bodily integrity and autonomy which is a God Given Right. And what is it a slave has not got? Bodily autonomy. And, oh BTW? I am healthier than all the 'experimental' jabbed and boosted. never have had a single instance of the dread Covid. The jabbed? Been infected multiple times... and oh yes, know multiple cases of sudden death, turbo cancers in YOUNG people, myocarditis, autoimmune, rare blood cancers and infertility... gee. I wonder what caused these sudden rises in deaths of young people? global warming. Yeah, that's the ticket! So no Mr. Burnham, I am not blind in the least. I'm the most awake in whole house. YOU however might be blind.

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Stand by my statement there James. Ordinary people are under attack for disagreeing with 'the narrative' spun by the Demorats. By policies promoted by Demonrat politicos. And yes, those rules of Alinsky ARE IN PLAY. Understand the enemy. And know their play book.

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My feed is around 80% right-wing. I only ever see left-wing posts when someone on the right is dunking on one. It might depend on who you interact with.

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Well everything in my feed is right-wing, so I have the opposite gripe. I think the algorithm shifts what it shows you based on what you look at or click into? Not sure, but there are plenty of right-wingers and moderates on the site.

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Funny I scrolled through over 100 posts before I got to a liberal author. It's based on what I read maybe.

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Oct 2
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So juvenile. Run along.

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Hmm…seems to me that Substack is for any writer who wants to show up.


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I just started coming to Substack -to follow Omega4 America- and until I happened to go down the rabbit hole of this comment chain, did not realize either what a den of lefties I am walking into! Ugh.

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Hah hah haaaah-- Well, substack's C.I.A. handlers certainly tried, infiltrating the commentary with an army of their stinkin' D.o.D.-paid Useful Idiot trollbots. We're onto ya, all you substack "overlords" ;-)

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Too late.

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I guess we must live in a parallel universe. I heard Vance lie and try to bully the moderators. Essential questions such as "Do you believe that the last election was stolen?" he didn't answer but weaseled out of. Plus, I must conclude than anybody (any woman) who is swooning over Vance's good looks must be voting for Trump? I just don't get it.

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It’s scary that roughly half our country swallow everything that Trump-Vance feeds them.

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Ditto for a candidate who had to drop out of the Primary race bc she couldn’t get any votes. Unqualified, uneducated, not well traveled, “I haven’t been to Europe either “ as an answer to the border.

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The other half swallows everything Biden, Harris, Waltz aided by the main stream media feeds them which you could say is more than scary.

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Said by someone who is voting for a candidate who is best described as "vacuous," and who would never have gotten anywhere in politics but for affirmative action.

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How dare you insult the DEI hire!

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What's scary is how very naive people can be. It's scary that people cannot assess risk. You should read up on Bret Weinstein and a litany of others who are sounding the alarm.

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Women are really swooning over his looks? His constant gaslighting makes him soooooooooo creepy

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It's a woman thing.

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Until just now I had NO idea that so very many substack readers were so very hopelessly clueless and dumbfoundingly stupid. TOO MANY have been DRAGGED INTO FAR LEFT MARXIST-TINGED ideology by Big Media, including substack-- Whoo boy, do we have a long way to go...

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Agreed, TH! 👍 Eyeopenly stupid comments…I was feeling hopeful for the US, especially hearing Vance articulate common sense solutions—like CLOSE THE BORDER!—to the difficult circumstances brought about by the current inept and corrupt admin and deep state…but gradually realizing that Substack is run by lefties, and evidently has a growing number of leftie readers who have no desire to hear alternate opinions, is distressing! For now I’ll stay with my conservative Substack writers—true and honest journalism does still thrive here in the deep recesses of the platform—but if Substack goes the way of Fakebook, and other Dem propaganda websites, I’m outta here!

Btw, Tucker’s TCN platform is growing and expanding into full-length journalistic endeavors, such as Art of the Surge, and Line in the Sand—oh, that some who think of themselves as “progressives” might take off their intellectual and spiritual blinders and be open to seeing current and past events from another perspective outside of their own—so perhaps there will one day be a possibility of having true journalists contribute their writing to his honest platform. Just saying…

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YAAAY---TC and an increasingly expanding group of independent truth journalists, including James O'Keefe and Steve Crowder. I think we can assume that substack is yet another C.I.A.-run enterprise that "they" hope will serve as a type of First Amendment "kill box--" you know, herd all the poor homeless sheep into what appears to be a "safe" space, then fill the room with ideological Zyklon-B bots. Just take a look at the creds of the Politics desk editor here... Michael C. Ruppert pointed out in his chapter titled Controlling the Information in his 2004 NYT best-selling magnum opus, Crossing the Rubicon, that since the 70s there's a C.I.A. guy in every newsroom, and that's OLD "news," l.o.l.

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P.S.: I used to be a registered Democrat, then somewhere back in the 90s, the party got sold off piece by piece, year by year, starting with the Clintons (I think) to the highest bidders, including Too-Big-to-Fail banking, military contractors, Big Pharma, Big Phood and gawd-knows-whutall, l.o.l.

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Thank you well said!

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They haven’t been dragged there by the media, but rather by the K-16 “drone-ification” machine.

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Boob tube and Hollyweird too...and the music industry. Though that's turning out to be a huge and shocking perversion and filth filled area.... P Diddly pedo diddler

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This socialist doesn’t particularly like to be called stupid by right wing fascist

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Well Kevin, if you are a socialist despite the economic collapse and piles of corpses socialism has left in its trail then "stupid" would be a step up.

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Spending our tax dollars on ourselves is not socialism.

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Right capitalism has been such a benefit to society with its use it till it’s gone philosophy and with CEO s who make hundreds if not thousands the amount that the people make that’s fair . When the industrial military complex makes billions on profits selling munitions? Half the time to both sides . History is full of examples of government having to reign in corruption from corporations. I suppose you’d dump public education , highways , social security and the list goes on . I’m not truly a socialist but I am an FDR democrat which pretty much makes me a socialist!But hey you keep calling people names and feeling superior it’s the RIGHT thing to do lol

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Depends on the type of capitalism... BTW, my teacher FLED the Soviet Union with only 100 rubles and a bottle of vodka. He retired from San Francisco Symphony and Stanford University with 2 nice houses...

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Not sure your point ? My western civilization teacher was an Egyptian Jew who fought for the British and came to Laguna high school and taught till he passed away a very unassuming but great man . People come here for the opportunities but the right fights immigration . The only time they were for it was the Regan era and only to kill the unions . Once Regan succeeded in that the right was done with immigration except for non shit hole countries you know white ones.

The opportunities we once had in this country are fast being done away with including our personal rights . One party wants to help the other is busy taking things away . Soon there will be 10 companies n the world and most will be in China. So good luck with tariffs lol and those tax cuts for the top 10% for the piss on your back economics otherwise known as trickle down economics 😎

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Hah hah-- you're preachin' to the choir. Now, that said: Who here says that I'm on, or somehow completely for, "The Right?" You don't know my story so you have zero right to comment on my values or even my thoughts. And I HATED what our FIRST dementia-afflicted president (initials "RR") did to this country, along with his Crony Capitalist and Deep State "friends..." ANOTHER selling off of our country, piece by piece, to the highest bidder :-(

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What piles of corpses? The ones from ww2 where we had to defend ourselves from fascism ? Or all the corpse pilling up in northern Europe? Norway , Sweden and the rest all have solid economies .

Do you know the difference between communism and socialism? As usual maga just talks out of their ahole

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Socialism is when you've loads of assets and things like off shore oil gas reserves, and a massive arms manufacturing industry, hundreds of thousands of acres in forests which are sold all across Europe.

You get communion when the money you took from others runs out.

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So no

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Socialism is just a cousin of Marxism.

They all spout the same feel good stuff but hiding behind all of it is the truth.

Supposed to bevthinking of the worker but on reality all the supporters of this toxic ideology are rich boys and girls playing, "I support the oppressed"

All whilst working high end jobs and wouldn't be seen dead anywhere workers gang out.

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Soviet Russia started off the same way.

Until they realised all the people with money and brains didn't want to give their assets away to people who didn't earn it.

So they closed the border down to stop them escaping.

Did you ever see a picture of Satlin when he was younger?

Put a Starbucks coffee cup in his hand and he'd look like he was in a modern university.

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Shush. They don't like it when confronted by 'the historic failures' of communism and socialism.

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See my P.S. reply to Judy Ogden above..

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Was Mussolini the first fascist?

Him being the editor of a socialist magazine...

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No the concept one party states other than kings and Russia have been around but Mussolini and Hitler are the poster children of fascism Not sure twump. Could spell fascism but his aids like Steven Miller certainly are.

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Not at all - just the first one to gain control of an entire country for more than a few months

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What MARXIST-TINGED ideology are you speaking of?

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Hah hah haaah-- which one??

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Ya, Biden-Harris inc really care about the needs of poor Americans…especially those who strive to work for a living…NOT…


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👆Americans in need should take PRIORITY over illegals, whether they are homeless vets, drug users who need tough love and rehab, or COUNTLESS AMERICANS whose homes and lives have been destroyed by disasters…think Paradise, Ca; East Palestine, Ohio: Lahaina, Hawaii; and now the disastrous deluge across Western N. Carolina, Eastern Tennessee, and beyond.

Our gov—including the WH, FEMA and the DOJ, as well as all the other “alphabet agencies”—absolutely sickens me. What would you say if any of these fellow AMERICANS were your close family or friends? Better start praying that disaster doesn’t come to your doorstep, cause our corrupt gov “leaders” and their deep state incestuous, imbedded bureaucracy won’t be there to save you—their ONLY JOB is to protect the people they are sworn to serve but they have traded their vows for greed and power…none of which will follow them into the afterlife, a small comfort to those they’ve betrayed.

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The beginning of a lot of democrats problems started with the Clintons but I still think Hillary or a sack of rocks would have been better than twump.

So not a democrat not a repuglican and you hate socialism, libertarian ?Aynne Rand got exactly what she deserved died destitute and in public care Not everything and everyone is in or a conspiracy.

Just a shit pot stirrer? This whole thread was about calling someone stupid because they don’t agree with their political opinion . I stated as a socialist but amended to FDR Democrat which is pretty much a socialist these days . I like that he made people that could work ,work on public projects and helped those that couldn’t work . While there will always be people gaming the system I’m not going to tell 5 of my neighbors to F off because one is a grifter.

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Didn’t realize Substack was a conduit to right wing fascist . I have nothing to say to fascist . Everything is laid out in history books of their failed attempts to rule the world . So many people here are locked into all these weird conspiracy theories. And this is what fascist do , divide and conquer.

I know I’m supposed to be tolerant of my maga neighbors but I’m tired of being called a pedophile , child killer and whatever else the right wants to call us . Straight out of Goebells hand book accuse others of which you are most guilty.

I’d say wake up maga but you are so deep down the rabbit hole I don’t believe there is anything that could help you.

Words matter!

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Oct 3
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Try to get over your obsession with Skull and Bones. The fact that neither Yale nor Skull and Bones had the slightest interest in you should not be taken personally. Now what's taking so long with my latte?

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America… if you are not familiar with the term gaslighting - well you just experienced it last night from smooth talking grifter jD Vance.

He lied over 90 times!!! He is SO dangerous to our countries freedoms and democracy.

Pull your head out if you were fooled!! Vote 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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Doesn't matter who says it. Whenever I see a statement like "He lied over 90 times!!!", I want a list. :-D

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I'd like the list too.

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No Kate, the party that says they want to end the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, and turn America into a one-party state is the party that is "SO dangerous to our country's freedoms and democracy."

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Not to mention the suppression of free speech…..

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Both parties go for that one while cleaning the other side is worse though. Has been that way ever since I started to pay attention to politics in the 80s.

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The irony in this comment is comical.

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Please list the 90 lies. Then we can have an honest debate about each of them.

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He lied about his views on gun violence - he lied about no involvement in project 2025- he lied about his stand on abortion- he lied about how he stands for democracy but how he would’ve done the opposite of pence in regard to the peaceful transfer of power - he lied about Trump excepting his loss as presidency-he lied about wanting the best for women’s freedoms and rights- he lied about not knowing who the president is now- he lied about - he lied about Harris’s role in imagination - he lied about how the community of legal Haitians were not effected by his lies of them eating peoples pets - he lied by saying Trump was a respectful human - …. Shall I go on?

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Don't bother, dear. It's past your bedtime.

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The people's pets, there's a video on my wall answering that.

Immigration....she was the Border Czar

What rights is he asking away from anyone?

You can get treated for TDS ya know

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Let’s start with an explanation of why you think Trump lied about his stand on abortion. Please explain what you think his stand is. Before you start, please review what Roe V Wade decision actually accomplished. Then review which entitles (the states) traditionally and currently govern the various issues of ending life. Then review what Trump actually did, and who he says will continue govern on the abortion issue (the states), if he is elected. After that, we can similarly address the rest of your post in a concrete manner, then you can add some more of your list of 90 lies.

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Are you sure it was not 89? Or 103? Here's what I think: you did not count statements Vance made that are really untruthful. I think you just pulled the number 90 out of a dark place. Did you watch the debate? Did you see the moderators (that in itself is a fraught title) cut off Vance when he was trying to straighten out a statement they had made? Very poor work. But you liked it?

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Vance was panicked that the moderator actually called out one of his numerous lies. He was counting on no fact checking to get away with continual lies. Notice how Trump backed out of a “60 Minute” interview when they told him it would be fact- checked. He and Vance depend on just making up whatever damn story they wish.

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Is it a debate or a trial? Or a struggle session?

Those with long memories and skills in pattern recognition notice a chronic lopsidedness to the "fact checking". We notice that donation patterns among media employees favor one side massively over the other for decades.

Yes the bulk of new Haitians are illegal immigrants given special "permission" to stay by an executive action that does NOT date back to 1991 as Walz claimed. The 4%-of -Haiti's-population-immigrants skate over our family immigrants who had to do the paperwork and long waiting, and did not get any gifts from the government.

Trump says he wants to extract an apology from the 60 minutes folks for the Russia collusion story which turned out not to be true. Even those who hate Trump the most can observe that he is good for TV ratings, and he knows it too. What would motivate him to help 60 Minutes, which so obviously opposes him?

Really people need to try to understand common, human self interest. And they need to think about how to solve the projected power shortage for this winter, how to fix the infrastructure damaged by Helene, and solve the longshoremen's strike so city people can eat in the coming months. And those computer chips! How will we have any more of those without those quartz mines in North Carolina? Let's turn our minds to concrete realities!

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List his over 90 lies or don’t post such nonsense.

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Yes! The GASLIGHTING!!!!! All over the place.

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Prove it…….bet you can’t.

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I didn’t watch so what did Vance lie about 90 times? Just curious thats a big number.

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If you remember nothing, please remember Trump is a fraud !!

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Remember one thing Harris is nothing but an Avatar there is nothing there and the MSM is lying to us all about her lack of intelligence and abilities

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Kamala Harris and Meghan Markel are the same person.

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Oct 2
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Are you serious? Why do you think those two dopes won't sit down with someone like Megyn Kelly or non-fluffer interviewer?

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Or Candace. Candace would tear them down...

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Most sane folks do. The others just don't want to admit it.

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Watch out Mem C. The Project 2025 bogey man is coming for you! 🤪

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And Harris is. . .

Well, to put it charitably, she is not up to the job. And her party's voters never voted for her. She was the choice of a smoke-filled room of party mavens who decided she would replace Biden when it became clear he was not mentally up to the job. That was after Harris insisted Biden was "sharp as a tack." Don't try to use tacks like that to post anything on the wall.

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Carol, Trump was already president for 4 years. We had low inflation, a secure border and no foreign entanglements. Now we have high inflation , open borders and one foreign policy disaster after another. I’m not even a Republican, but I’m a Californian. We know Kamala. You have no idea of who you’re voting for.

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If Trump is a fraud at least he’s not a communist like the two Democrat running mates.

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Oct 3
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Someone "woke" who went over the line beyond Socialism.

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And you're the partisan of a cipher. Trump was President for four years. Does the term, "The Abraham Accords" mean anything to you? Trump should have received the Nobel Peace Prize.

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Oct 3
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You’re watching too much MSM.

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Mem, people died of Covid because of years of being over caloried, they became FAT and unhealthy and were unable to cool down thier bodies when hit by a virus. We don’t live in a democracy, we live in a Republic. Shall I continue?

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I’m kind of a data hound. During COVID, I graphed all kinds of factors to look for a mortality correlation. By far the clearest correlation was obesity, across all age groups. The more overweight you were, the higher your risk. The second highest correlation was age. Excepting immunocompromised individuals, the risk wasn’t significant until > age 40, unless you were obese. The one exception was a higher incidence of myo and perio carditis among younger 30+ men, which appears so far to be attributable to both the SARS virus and the vaccines.

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The first part of your comment precludes the second part.

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Key word “IF.”

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Most people don't understand that the inflation rate is largely caused by factors that the President doesn't have direct control over. They are: the interest rate which is set by the Federal Reserve, the global supply chain of durable goods and information services, the commodity market for oil, and how much money the Government distributes in the country, which is a function of Congress. These macro economic explanations are generally beyond the understanding of most American, particularly since most Americans are very poor in math. Fractions anyone?

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One example of inflationary spending was ironically named Biden's Inflation Reduction Act, a White House initiative that he pushed through a Dem-led Congress. Not really intended to reduce inflation, it spent massive amounts on Green Energy projects — including billions on a network of EV charging stations. Only 8 have been built. There were plenty of other spending bills Biden pushed through with the help of the Dem Congress, which cause a huge jump in Federal deficits under Biden—which negated effects of the Fed jacking up interest rates to fight inflation and as the global supply chain smoothed out. Perhaps Americans have a better understanding than you give them credit for.

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You are clueless about economics. Biden's trillion-dollar American Rescue Plan and his absurd Inflation Rescue Act dumped trillions of dollars into the economy. Trillions of dollars chasing a fixed amount of goods could only have one result and those of us who actually understand economics knew immediately that massive inflation would be the result.

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THE president can worsen or ease the issue but they all face inflation to some degree. And more blame or credit SHOULD fall to Congress but never does

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In order to counteract the effects of Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression, allowing each Republican vote to count as 3/5 of a vote sounds about right.

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Excuses are for losers. I think Americans are a lot smarter than you give them credit for. Kamala's dining with millionaires and mining money and Biden is sitting on the beach. And an American ally is getting bombed by Iran. WHO IS IN CHARGE??

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Who do you think Trump is dining with?

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My comment was, of course, humorous. It had nothing to do with campaign finance or the defense of Israel. If you think Republicans are the sole protectors of Israel, you are woefully misinformed.

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Those examples are good ones. They have more to do with economics than math (or I ,not a math-lover, would not have seen your point).

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All of which were upended by Joe Biden & his stupid EO’s.

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J.D. Vance undermined Walz by his graciousness, collegiality, calm demeanor and command of the facts. Walz couldn't help be surprised when Vance continously agreed with him; sympathized with him and was overall agreeable. Poor old Walz came prepared with all the hate Trump rhetoric we have come to expect from every Democrat running for office! Not to mention he looked like a deer in the headlights and overwhelmed while he feverously made copious notes to no avail! Having pointed out all this: it was refreshing to witness a real debate conducted civilly...aside from the embarrassing behavior of the CBS anchors.

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Not the same debate I watched. It did remind me of the debate between Mitt Romney and Obama when Romney mystified us all by moving left.

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Good summary.

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JD (aka mini-Tramp) is just another grifter and charming (??) sociopath like his mentor. Why anyone could see him as anything else baffles this retired psychiatrist, but, then, I am often baffled by the culpability of MAGATS and the MSM.

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I think you need to set up a mirror in front of your chair and conduct a session with yourself. The idea that a psychiatrist evaluates people based solely on their political choices would be malpractice if you were still in practice.

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Spot on John!! Vance a grifter? This line seems to be the general talking point of the left. I’m confused! Does nobody care that Harris has lied about fracking rebuilding the border wall and her economic policy statements are crazy ( price fixing). One last point the Democrats will do nothing about abortion and many states are already walking back draconian legislation. These people talk like they personally know JD Vance, you all don’t even know the man. Such hate stick to policy

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No because Kackler Kammie is a saint can do no wrong.. of course its a different story if we look at her time in CA... talk to some of the black people she sent to jail and the ones who she illegally extended sentences on, the abuse of power she demonstrated... yeah. We never hear about that do we? The demorats never want to discuss that. They call it lies... funny...

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Glad that method works for you, and what exactly do you see in your mirror? You have no idea what my training or experience is, or how the diagnosis of a sociopath is made. In my 42 yr. career, I was never accused of malpractice. You are what's so very wrong with the net. Troll somebody else. The night's still young.

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Oct 3Edited

Well if Kamala wins you can just get him thrown off the internet. Just use a snitch line set up by Tim.

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Your 42 years as a proctologist have given you an inflated sense of self-worth.

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While at Uni I couldn’t help but notice that those who chose your specific field, were invariably in need of psychiatric help themselves.

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A grifter? How so? Compare his life trajectory with Kamala’s ( you’re obviously not from California). Who’s the grifter?

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And exactly how was it that your candidate got her real start in San Francisco politics?

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Vance had it on style as a slime ball! He is a liar yes he did it smoothly but he is still a Guyliner Pirate. Tim Walz had him on substance and truth. No it’s not his forte Vance does not know or cannot say who won the 2020 election these folks can stick to a lie.

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What Democrats just don’t seem to get is that Republicans’ issue with the 2020 balloting is NOT a steadfast belief the election was stolen, but rather that the numerous shenanigans during the toss-up states’ balloting prevented the People from KNOWING the count was honest. Put another way, the Democrats didn’t make Marc Elias rich in exchange for him doing nothing to help you.

And your collective obsession with making Trump, et al, kiss the ring of election wholesomeness is reminiscent of the North Korean trial of Otto Warmbier. Your supporters have twice gotten the assassination part out of order. First you get the sobbing confession, and THEN the victim dies.

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Re: The 2020 election. Put another way, if Trump had been the one with the 81 million votes, the Biden camp would have been just as adamant about re-checking the count prior to certifying the questionable states.

People act like the 2020 election was the first time that election integrity was questioned.

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Yes, I remember 2000. That was heavily contested. And of course Hillary said she won in 2016.

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You mean the kid who died under Trump’s retrieval? I remember when Trump started looking at voters in Georgia he said that Black people had cheated him. The ideas are lame no matter how threatening I talk to you , vote me in or you are a villain. It’s all fear and intimidation. He’s constantly trying to vilify someone so you’ll go along with his paranoia. We’re all out to get him. I Don’t like him absolutely not but don’t want to kill him just want him go to jail and pay for his crimes.

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“You mean the kid who died under Trump’s retrieval?”

To what are you referring? Some more details, please.

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I think you just want to date him....

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Can you admit Vance was civil? Jillian Michaels, a former TV host, says he was. But maybe she was captivated by his beard? You didn't mention his beard. Didn't you love it? Secretly?

As for Walz and substance and truth -- Walz wiffed on both of those. And his eyes. . .

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And the poor man's mouth being agape, also, his looking throughout as if he has amnesia and was desperately trying to recall his identity. Remarkably similar to Biden in his June debate with Trump.

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Scary werewolf face with guyliner? He's creepy.

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Vance is vile. All show no substance that man said Trump was Hitler and he would lead working class people to have division. GI bill paid for that education at least he knows how to act. He lied and he will take away women’s rights without blinking and lie with no conscience. I personally can’t get past his words. He’s a maniacal liar. I do have TDS against him and all his liars because they are about taking away rights they’ll get to you.

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Now, now Claudia. Try to accept that JD doesn't know you exist. You can find inner peace by accepting that he is far above you in both intellect and graciousness so your dreams must remain dreams. Starbucks has some nifty dudes that are more your style.

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Don’t give a f*ck about Vance it’s you people who encourage that behavior.

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Please…. To both of you I don’t care about your delusions of privilege. I know it’s hard to accept that people need to make decisions about their own body without some government entity telling a doctor what they can or cannot do for you. If you don’t understand vaccines well you didn’t pay attention in school can’t help you. I just don’t want people, anyone to live under strict guidelines for the sake of some sick bored rich dudes. Your heroes vilify people who are not them sic the kkk and proud boys on them. How can you be proud of that? If you take away other people’s rights sooner or later they will take away your rights. Now go away and don’t bother me.

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I don't understand what you're trying to say, Claudia. You say you want people to make decisions about their own body without government interference, right? But you're ok with the government kicking you out of the military if you don't get a vaccine? Or keeping you from flying? Or prohibiting you from holding a funeral but allowing rioters to riot in large crowds? Do I have that right?

And you claim people who question MRNa injections don't understand about vaccines? I got a smallpox vaccination when I was young and never contracted smallpox. Same with polio and some other diseases. But I was injected with the MRNa potion three times and still got COVID. Is that what you mean about paying attention to vaccines in school?

Just checking.

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But did you end up in the hospital? Did you get intubated? You are apparently alive? I also got COVID but none of the negatives happened to me I got a flu shot and a Covid shot. I had Covid and felt like crap 2 days. But I’m alive. All of this vaccine science depends on strains. So I could get the flu depending on where I go and who I’m exposed to.

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Defamation disguised as a comment.

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“GI bill paid for that education at least he knows how to act.”

The GI Bill paid for his undergrad degree at Ohio State, but his Yale law degree was on scholarship based on merit. And his then girlfriend (now wife) taught him social manners while in law school.

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Women's rights to kill?

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No to get healthcare when a pregnancy goes sadly, badly. Republicans care about people who are not here. Mistreat those who are here. If a legislator can criminalize treatment that can kill a person. What’s next? Another thing dear it’s your birthday for a reason? We don’t try to guess the day you are conceived.

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Vance was slicker than spit on a rail. The sleaze politician in him came out when he evaded answering whether Trump lost the 2020 election, and the dishonesty in him came out when he falsely denied that he supported, if not advocated, a national abortion ban.

If we want slime for our Vice-President, he's our man.

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Um, maybe you should wipe a little of the slime out of your eyes?

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Obviously the reporters don’t know or understand anything about Body Language because Walz was horrible looking like he had too much over preparation. He looked confused and having trouble getting his thoughts together.

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And you're the expert?

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but people did say that? its just that not everybody agreed that he looked horrible since its a spread of multiple peoples opinions

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Just Body Language Experts i follow nobody else

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Master class. The smart future schooled the dim past.

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