
I know that many people have strong feelings about anything to do with Taylor Lorenz, which is in part the unfortunate result of culture war behavior common on Twitter. We do not intend to moderate this comments section, even though we expect it to be… lively. Say what you will, but know that invective, ad hominen, and personal attacks are unlikely to achieve your ends. At best, this space supports thoughtful critique and respectful argument—so, can we aim for that? By shouting, you might achieve temporary personal release, but you are unlikely to convince anyone that you are the more reasonable one in the room or that your ideas are the better ones. Those behaviors might win on other platforms. They will not win here.

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Taylor is NOT a journalist. She’s a propaganda pushing FAR LEFT WOKE piece of garbage

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Not a fan at all of this person, but a massive props for allowing an open comment section and the acceptance of alternative voices contrary to the likely vast dislike of said individual.

Looking forward to seeing more unlikely figures pop up.

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Get this crap out of my inbox please.

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Can we have an interview or the girl she doxxed next week?

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There is nothing of any substance to any of Taylor’s work.

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She’s terrible.

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Cough cough fluff piece cough puff piece

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Why should we give thoughtful critique and respectful argument to someone who has spent years doing the opposite? Many writers came to Substack to avoid censors like her. Here are a few journalistic questions that I hope she can answer:

“It’s cool to see people use the internet for progress and to bring more freedom to all of us"

Why she is a proponent of censorship and all the anti-freedom, anti-science COVID mandates?

"And so I was always like, fuck the media. Bloggers are journalists, and bloggers are better than journalists"

Why did she work for so many MSM outlets like the holy trinity of NYT/WaPo/Atlantic?

"I’m talking about harassing my family members, getting my family members fired from their jobs, trying to get the children of my family members taken away. I’m talking about doxing to an obscene level."

Is this projection given what she did to Libs of Tik Tok and her family?

"I do think people are retreating more into spaces where they can control their environment. I’ve written about the rise of sort of Discord and group chats, and I just think people are trying to limit their exposure."

Why is she still on Twitter and Substack if she blocks anyone who challenges her?

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This was a bold move Hamish. I know that Taylor is seen as a vicious evil for her past actions (and some current views) past and you have taken a gamble bringing her home m your podcast. Personally I do not know Taylor well to have an opinion about her and the way I roll is, if I have a problem with someone, I call them.

All I can say to others is, know the facts, know the person before you attack people online just because someone else has said negative stuff about them. Don’t be a sheep and follow other sheep.

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This is a perfect example of why trust in media is at an all time low.

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The Slime Machine Targeting Libs of Tik Tok: The tale of how Taylor Lorenz was used like a puppet by German intelligence


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Why should I care about Taylor Lorenz?!

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She destroys lives. What a they/them!

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Nobody cares about this hack

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Her valley girl fake affect just makes it all ridiculous. Forget this loser and move on.

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