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RemovedApr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023
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Yeah I threw up a little my mouth. Are all his young, bright eyed students vaxxed? Great future ahead for them.

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Some people didn’t subscribe.

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I’ve never seen so many people allergic to a interviewee. I do t know what the comment was but I’m beginning to see a trend.

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RemovedApr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023
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Anybody who seriously opines that Mr Biden has done a good job needs help.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023


Do you plan on posting puff pieces on Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Gavin Newsom and Justin Trudeau as well?

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The comments section was getting epic, but it appears many are getting removed because the purple check commissar must be shielded from criticism by peasants. Here are the highlights and questions that should have been asked:

"You can’t be full of yourself. You can’t be pretentious." - Has he looked in the mirror?

"This generation of undergraduates also is aware of the possibility of authoritarianism, of fascism, the loss of democracy, in ways that 40 years ago most people just took for granted." - Is he referring to students who shout down and violently assault speakers who they don't like?

"It’s too easy for people to secede from their neighbors, their communities, their societies into little bubbles—that of people who are just as rich, wealthy, just as endowed, privileged as they are—and forget about everybody else. And the ties that bind us together as human beings become frayed" - Why did he try to block development near his Berkeley mansion in a city that has a housing shortage and homelessness crisis?

The best way to learn is to talk to somebody who disagrees with you. Because if we stop talking to people who have different views, then how are we ever going to know what we believe?" - Why does he block comments that challenge him?

"You periodically have these upsurges in hatefulness and bigotry. In the 20th century, it was centered or it was triggered by Communism. The Russian Revolution, we had a Red Scare, then of course we had Joe McCarthy and the Communist witch hunts." - Does calling Trump supporters deplorables and MAGAts count as bigotry?

"You’ve got to get money out of politics, big money out of politics, and you’ve got to bust up these concentrations of economic power. If you do that, you can reset the system." - Will he investigate all the money that George Soros, Sam Bankman-Fried, Reid Hoffman, MacKenzie Bezos, and other left wing billionaires have given to Democrats?

"I think Joe Biden has done a very good job. He’s very steady. He’s accomplished much more than I expected he would legislatively and in every other way. He’s kind of held it together, which is very surprising to me." - The most absurd line. Yesterday Joe had a cheat card that told him which journalists to call on and what they would ask him. Michael Morrell testified that Biden's campaign told him to label the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation, even though it wasn't. Real wage growth has been negative every single month since Biden took office.

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I’ve attended your Wealth and Poverty class twice and enjoyed it enormously. You make a difference by doing what you are doing. Thanks so so much for your service to our nation.

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Yet another broken brain who simps for Reich/Richardson/Rather. Marcus Aurelius weeps.

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With all due respect to Mr Reich, he sounds out of touch with everyday reality outside of the colleges and universities . I am grateful for capitalism, I’m middle class and I would never say my life is anywhere near harsh, my goodness he should step outside of his bubble and rub elbows with us in the proletariat once in a while.

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Revealing his ignorance

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He is a human being. Just not a good one. At all.

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And Berkeley at that!! Talk about a communist strong hold!!

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More like “suppressing the reveal key.” The fascism of which he speaks is not the fascism we are experiencing. Did he say a word about the censorship his party loves so much? This guy is dangerous, and lives in a fantasy world. His presence here is an insult to this great platform. How about, great writing tells the TRUTH? Doesn’t even cross his mind. And he’s a teacher!

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He’s a propagandist. Everything the Clintons touch turns to merde or dies. Reverse Midas

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You guys are articulating what my political exile mom feels from experience. I simply commented that threads can be from any angle, not just the one we are familiar with from our childhoods.

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Never heard of this guy. I see he’s pretty popular with the commenters, though.

This statement is interesting: “You periodically have these upsurges in hatefulness and bigotry.” People on both ends - and, frankly, the middle - of our political spectrum can look at that statement and think that it is referring to them.

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