This is quite a touchy topic and i am not sure how some of the readers will respond to this Podcast.

But for those who are interested to know, then the term "woke" has its origins in African-American Vernacular English (AAVE), and it originally meant "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination." The phrase "stay woke" has been used in AAVE since the 1930s, and it became more widely known in the 2010s, as the Black Lives Matter movement gained momentum.

In recent years, the term "woke" has been used more broadly to refer to a social and political movement that seeks to address and correct social injustices, inequality, and discrimination. This movement emphasizes recognizing and challenging systemic issues, like racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression.

The term "woke" has been both praised and criticized. Some people see it as a positive force that is raising awareness of important issues, while others see it as a form of censorship or political correctness. However, there is no doubt that wokeness has had a significant impact on American culture and politics in recent years.

Here are some of the key events that helped to shape the origins of wokeness:

The Black Power movement of the 1960s and 1970s

The Civil Rights Movement

The rise of social media

The Black Lives Matter movement

These events helped to raise awareness of racial injustice and discrimination, and they inspired a new generation of activists to challenge the status quo. The term "woke" emerged from this context as a way to describe people who were aware of these issues and who were committed to fighting for change.

Wokeness is a complex and evolving movement, and there is no single definition of what it means to be "woke." However, at its core, wokeness is about challenging systemic injustice and working to create a more equitable society.

Wokeness emphasizes the importance of recognizing and confronting privilege, understanding intersectionality, and advocating for social justice. It has sparked important conversations, raised awareness about marginalized communities, and led to calls for change in various spheres, including education, politics, and popular culture.

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“The Great Collapse of Society”

“The Frankfurt School and “Critical Theory”

The “Frankfurt School,” or Institute for Social Research, was set up by a group of Marxist intellectuals in Germany in 1923, affiliated to the University of Frankfurt and independently of the Communist Party, which has been influential in the development of Marxist theory ever since.

The Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief – or even the hope of belief – that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.

To further advance their ‘quiet’ incremental cultural revolution (Fabian Socialism) – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):

Divide and Conquer.

The oppressed and their oppressors.

1. The creation of racism offenses.

2. Continual change to create confusion.

3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.

4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.

5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.

6. The promotion of excessive drinking/drug abuse.

7. Emptying of churches.

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.

9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.

10. Control and dumbing down of media.

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pan-sexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:

• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.

• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls

• abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces

• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors.’


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Right now, in the United States, many of those good church people and families have been destroyed by child sexual abuse & pedophilia. Not one outlet on the Right cares or even addresses it. Daily there are releases of a Christian identified conservative white man arrested for child pornography, abuse, child rape, etc. This contagion has now spilled over into law enforcement. It is the HEIGHT of arrogance to denigrate what little Marxist ideas filter into a capitalist society. It can NEVER dominate over the market. The market will always win, as the horrible Pride merchandise that no one LGBTQ actually demanded, proves. Gender studies are fascinating, illuminating, and mind-expanding, and that’s why this kind of knowledge must be attacked by those who have let the foxes into their own hen houses and REFUSE to do anything about it. Don’t even get me started on how our “dominant” culture treats women.

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Everything you just stated is the result of Marxist “Critical Theory” being infused throughout society: the Media, schools, corporations, and government, sports, entertainment, etc. Jeffrey Epstein, the Clintons, Bill Gates, etc. are not Christian Conservatives.

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This is a neo-Nazi conspiracy theory. I guess you told us all who you are.

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You just equated what you refer to as being a "Trump-supporting America First MAGA Patriot" with being a neo-Nazi. Thanks for making it nice and clear for us all. Everybody knows, by now, but the honesty is refreshing.

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"....at its core, wokeness is about challenging systemic injustice and working to create a more equitable society." At its core wokeness is about none of those things. Is is about people with an overdose of narcissism finding ever more bizarre ways of making themselves feel more 'sophisticated' than thou.

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At its core, wokeness is about dividing the people and pitting one group of people against another.

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I'm sure it's about all these things. Problem is there's no objective universally agreed upon definition of what is and what isn't "systemic injustice" or an "equitable society".

Communists also "strive for a more equitable society". But they had to kill tens or hundreds millions to attempt (and fail) their goals.

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It’s much more simple than how you explain it. The so called fathers of this country who wrote the constitution of the USA are the original “woke” white men, if you are not aware of it, the constitution was written to advance and advantage the white race in this country!

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What you wrote is indicative of your education through the Progressive Liberal Education System.

In other words, you regurgitated the lies that they want you to believe.


If you’re interested to learn the history that the Establishment didn’t want you to know about, then I highly recommend you read the series by Matthew Ehret.

The Clash of the Two Americas Volume 1:

The Unfinished Symphony


Clash of the Two Americas Volume 2:

Open vs Closed Systems Collide


Clash of the Two Americas Volume 3:

The Birth of a Eurasian Manifest Destiny


Clash of the Two Americas volume 4:

The Anglo-Venetian Roots of the Deep State


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Your statements regarding the history of the word WOKE are informative, but I disagree with most of your assertions. Although I do not find Richard Hanainia persuasive, you also make many statements which I find unpersuasive.

Where is the evidence of Systemic Racism? Although there are no doubt still some racists in America, can you identify even one policy which is PRO WHITE RACIST? Although I see daily instances of attacks from Influencers on Whites I do not see any attacks on Non-Whites. And I can’t think of any prominent Americans who is obviously racist, though there are no doubt many false claims of racism.

My issue with Wokeness is its intellectual dishonesty. One cannot find the truth without debate. People who oppose debate are not interested in the truth. I think these activists are making things worse, not better.

Although I have been banned from commenting merely for disagreeing with the proprietors of some right wing websites, IMO almost all of the attacks on free speech come from Democrats.

But as little as I agree with Democrats I disagree with Libertarians even more. In my opinion somewhere between 10 to 20% of people need government help in order to have a decent life. Libertarians callously oppose help for these people. Or don’t care enough to help.

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If you’re interested to learn the history that the Establishment didn’t want you to know about, then I highly recommend you read the series by Matthew Ehret.

The Clash of the Two Americas Volume 1:

The Unfinished Symphony


Clash of the Two Americas Volume 2:

Open vs Closed Systems Collide


Clash of the Two Americas Volume 3:

The Birth of a Eurasian Manifest Destiny


Clash of the Two Americas volume 4:

The Anglo-Venetian Roots of the Deep State


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Wow, I didn’t know this ideology defined itself as supporting vaguely defined uncontroversial abstract values. Here I was wasting my time fixating on what it means in practice. Now I’m 100% on board! Thanks for clarifying.

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Spot on assessment. TY!

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Jun 23, 2023
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People believe it to be anti-white because there has been a concerted effort to reduce it to that by far right news outlets like Fox and all the alt-media right wing apparatus from Newsmax to the Blaze, which is pretty relentless.

Wokeness is awareness of systemic injustice. For hundreds of years, systemic injustices in the USA have overall privileged white people to the detriment of non-white people. Acknowledging that isn't being "anti-white" any more than acknowledging that Germany started World War II is being "anti-german". Systemic injustices have also privileged the rich over the poor, cisgender heterosexuality over queer identities, etc.

It is not fair to point at the calling out of disadvantages and say "that's discrimination". If your ancestors benefited from government subsidies that were explicitly denied to black people, calling that out is not hateful, it is simply looking at history the way it happened and trying to address how that history impacts the current moment.

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There are definitely merits to your discussion and viewpoints. I’m simply explaining what I hear and in observation in others. But I do disagree that this pushback against wokeness is due to simply alt right media. You should probably head out to middle and poor America and talk to people to learn more.

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What do you think I will learn there that I don't already know?

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The problem is that much of the wokeness activism benefits the elites in govt and business. It completely ignores the many whites who were slaves or abused by the elites of all races. Viewing Obama, for example, as disadvantaged because of his race, is absurd. Feel sorry for him having a sleaze for a father or a spoiled brat for a mom, but racism? Hardly, it benefitted him and others who pretend they're victims.

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That individuals, perceptions and humanity are complicated, and relatively new concepts that derive from academia and west and east coast progressive culture are perceived very poorly and probably always will be. Just what I see and observe!

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OK, but what does that have to do with our current discussion? Wokeness is a concept derived from black people struggling against their oppression. It did not originate in the halls of academia, but in black working class popular culture.

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Wokeism has its roots in Post Modernism and CRT (a study of systemic racism in the criminal justice system). Post Modernism was a fatality flawed world view the divided the world into competing sub groups but it purposely ignored that the history of mankind is diverse people coming together to overcome the struggle for existence while governmental entities tried to divide the citizenry to maintain power. Currently wokeism follows the Marxist strategy to eliminate history by judging it by contemporary standards and the demand for equity (equality of outcome). However equity was also the downfall of post modernism, because to have equity of outcome you must define what that means and it turns out every one has a different definition of what is the desired outcome. So the only avenue is totalitarian rule (the left always comes back to Marxism) where equity of outcome is defined by the state (according the needs of the state) and then forced on the citizenry. The Russian people endured such a system of oppression for over 50 years; their montra was they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work.

Gender theology is nothing more than Marxism belief in the malubility of human consciousness, the idea of through reeducation, you can mold human consciousness into any form the state desires, in this case there is nothing more basic than human biology, so if you can convince the citizenry that human biology is malleable than 2+2=5 is nothing. The reality is the vast majority of those that view themselves as transgender as a result of what is a social contagion, will likely revert back to their biological sex, if for no reason than the struggle to deny ones biology is so extreme and tiring, that only those very few that struggle with true extreme gender dysphoria will be able to maintain the strength to do so. In regards to pushing it on children it's nothing more than the lefts unrestrained race to ever more extreme ideology to control the masses; IOW, if you can convince mothers to sacrifice their children to an idiology, than governmental totalitarianism is guaranteed.

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No Bradley. None of that is true, it is a bunch of lies that have been peddled to you under the guise of a "suppressed true", by paid propagandists that are in the pocket of billionaires. If you want to understand Marxism, Post-Modernism and Critical Race Theory, three different subjects with some common ground but also a lot of divergence, I would advise you educate yourself on these topics.

A good resource is the podcast Philosophize This! (https://www.philosophizethis.org/). Keep in mind that Post-Modernism is also a blanket term for many different schools of philosophy (again, with some common ground but also divergent opinions).

Things you may want to think hard on is what "equality of outcome" and "equality of opportunity" actually mean, because it isn't the smoking gun you claim it to be, starting from the fact that there has never been equality of opportunity in modern society. Also, think about why you accuse those most interested in the study of history of "wanting to erase it". Or the difference between Totalitarianism and Marxism (has it ever occurred to you that both the Soviet Union and Communist China were totalitarian states (absolute monarchies) BEFORE their Marxist revolutions? It is not great that they remained that after their revolutions, but maybe it is unfair to blame Marxism for the whole thing).

The world isn't as simple as those in power want you to believe (those in real power, the billionaires subsidizing your media diet). You may also benefit from reading the classic Harper's article "The Paranoid Style in American Politics" (https://harpers.org/archive/1964/11/the-paranoid-style-in-american-politics/)

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Originally, yes, but you must admit the concept has only gone mainstream, discussing whiteness, white privilege etc in the last 5-7 years or so. In fact a graph was completed not long ago that shows the media interjecting these terms into storytelling and articles as well as the schools using it in pedagogy just within the last decade. It’s come quick and fast into culture and now perceived as an antiwhite movement regardless of intent.

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Who Cares? Why is it every time Black people or marginalized people make progress or try to become a relevant part of society, or god forbid, become a part of (gasp) academia, that white people have a total psychological breakdown? I’m white and I’m embarrassed. I also live in Midwest so not East/West coast currently. I can assure you plenty of people of all colors in my small city care about diversity and racial history. The Right Wing Media has created a canard where there was none. I’m so tired of it. Even the subject of this piece doesn’t actually mention how wokeness “infects” institutions but doesn’t explain how. Is this also code for upsetting white people? Making white conservative elites nervous? Your average white hillbilly scared? Focus on our own community problems like the high rate of white conservative child abuse or fentanyl use by white kids. That might be a better place to start then trying to smack down wokeness. Before this word was intentionally demonized, it simply referred to being alert to what’s going down. As far as I can see, the need for being woke has not disappeared.

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Sure, but this is the opposite of what you just said. You said: "relatively new concepts that derive from academia and west and east coast progressive culture are perceived very poorly and probably always will be". Woke as a concept isn't relatively new and it does not hail from academia nor from coastal progressive culture. We go back to my original point: that is a narrative being force on people by right wing news outlets. That popular concepts get amplified by media distributors usually located on California or New York is also as true of Wokeness as it is of Anime or Country Music.

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White people run about 90% of the world’s economy yet they feel threatened. Its ridiculous.

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Japan, China, India and Brazil are about 20% of world GDP so your statement is false.

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Yes but it's a very small minority of rich white people that control the majority of money in the world. The vast majority of all races struggle every day to make ends meet which is why the concept of white privilege only applies to a very small minority of white people. The phrase itself is purposely decisive to fit the Marxist victim oppressor strategy to divide the citizenry and usher in collective oppression. Today progressives are using the fantasy of white privilege to reinstate segregation, something that was never been absent in Democrat run cities but the push is to make it more wide spread, to fully divide the citizenry and cause more social unrest. The reasoning is simple, there is more demand for racism than the current supply so it must be manufactured by what ever means possible.

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Say wha??? Progressives WANT to reinstate segregation? You're saying they want to do that to destabilize the country, eventually leading to its downfall, so they can institute a Marxist government? Did I get that right?

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I really dislike cutting and pasting articles but the answer to your question would simply take too long to explain, so here are some references to explain part of what I was writing about. However it's worth noting that in many Democratic run cities segregation has existed for decades.

Woke Colleges Are Backing Segregation Now, Tomorrow, and Forever https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/woke-college-are-backing-segregation-now-tomorrow-and-forever/

The Equity Delusion and Its Marxist Roots | RealClearEducation


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This is some of the most nonsensical right-wing crybaby false-victimhood garbage I have ever seen. When you have no arguments, you can always recycle some fascist propaganda and then accuse "the left" of doing the stuff your guys do. Real smart.

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I understand. We're getting into some complex topics. I really do want to understand these opposing viewpoints, so I appreciate you taking the time to share the articles and links. I will definitely check these out.

I agree that segregation has existed for many years in cities - and in almost all communities - and it doesn't matter which political party dominates. There are a lot of reasons for that, including a history of racial exclusion as well as basic socioeconomic divisions (neighborhoods varying by home prices, etc.). Again, it all gets quite complicated!

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In Islam, there should be no discrimination against any body based on race or ethnicity. This Surat in the Quran recites:

“O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another(not that you may despise (each other). Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah has full knowledge and is well Acquainted ( with all things).” [Qur'an 49:13]

Mankind, has always found a way to hate, and it’s not stopping anytime soon. Sad truth.

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I love concepts and ideas that encourage us to be enlightened and to reach to a higher self. Unfortunately, in the United States and many other places, and throughout the history of the world, the powerful can only stay powerful if they capitalize and exploit divisions.

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Actually I think Wokeness is anti-Black. Look at what Defund the Police did to crime in the black community.

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This is fantasy logic.

There has been no defunding of the police.

Crime corellates with poverty not with spending on the police nor with 'wokeness', whatever that is.

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Citation needed.

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Can't read the whole text but this is just an essay. An opinion piece. And even in the short part that's visible there's some rather large unfounded assumptions.

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Okay, this was actually helpful. Thank you! I've been trying to wrap my brain around how wokeness got turned into such an evil. That pamphlet sounds really odd.

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It's is true to say you can fight racism with racism. An eye for an eye makes all blind. But, it has also been a race to beat everyone else out. Not to say that every human race hasn't been naughty against other races with differences they cannot accept. It began with wanting to own the EARTH, land. I got what you got! Out of my way! Territorial on a spinning sphere goes against the grain. We are retuning to be nomadic.

As a Feminist, this was a man's game and women supported it. It's sort of a score board, our track record sucks! So, until, in some way, this is rectified and at last somewhat healed. (Especially frickin' politically.) It's still for me, "White Man Walking."

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First we get unsolicited christian crap then we get some white guy that is trying to slide in the conservative agenda. Who owns this crap site, Elon Musk?

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How dare substack feature people with different perspectives and opinions! We must deplatform them. Smearing people for their religion and race is the right side of history. Spaceship man bad! https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-follow-the-science-join-the-resistanc

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Yuri, substack features all kinds of crappy opinions. But, we get to follow the crappy opinions we want. This trash interview, that features a racist troll lying through his teeth while completely unchallenged by the website's co-founder, is being pushed on us in a way nothing else in the site is, and we are just saying "we don't want your idiotic conservative propaganda, this is not what we signed up for".

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Go to “manage subscriptions”, tap Substack Reads, then unsubscribe.

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Thank you. Since I never subscribed to this, I had assumed I couldn't unsubscribe.

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I believe Substack automatically subscribes new users to its publications. The other one is called On Substack. You might want to jettison that one too.

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Richard Hannania has made it clear how he feels about other races:

“I don't have much hope that we'll solve crime in any meaningful way. It would require a revolution in our culture or form of government. We need more policing, incarceration, and surveillance of black people. Blacks won't appreciate it, whites don't have the stomach for it.”


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Jun 23, 2023
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Data isn't racist, but the people who use it can be. Racial profiling - "surveillance of black people" - leads to huge injustices. Police need to monitor behavior, not skin color. Going back to Jim Crow is a really, really, really bad idea.

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A former KGB informant is scolding us about “deplatforming” when being an informant was deplatforming his contry’s intelligence network. Oh the irony.

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If you knew how to read, you'd see that this is a pseudonym. You are so stunning and brave, comrade ;)

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Its hard to read because you’re fragile whiteness temporarily blinded my eyes.

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If you knew how to read, you'd also see that I am a "person of color" ;)

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Yes. You’re white. Don’t be smug, you’re not good at it.

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By the current system of race I.D., Hanania is not “white” his roots are middle eastern!

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There are native people in the middle east with fair skin and red hair. Your comment is false and race baiting racist crap.

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Why was this emailed to me?

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Stop sending me interviews with racists to listen to

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Stop sending me interviews with people I disagree with. I am a good thinker because I have pronouns in my bio.

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Lol yes I disagree with racists

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Slow day in Canada?

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Easily 9 out of 10 white people use the word racism to their benefit without knowing what it truly is or ever having felt it.

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Substack, you can do better. Don't push falsehoods and this culture war crap - unless, of course, you want to hasten the death of the American democratic experiment. I would think that would be unhelpful for your business model.

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Where all the falsehoods? Are you aware that In democracy, people have open discourse of different opinions? Substack is doing well promoting free speech, enjoy your cats Karen.

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The fall from being a KGB informant to ranting on substack must be crushing to your ego. But you’re still a hypocrite and we don’t feel sorry foe you.

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Ooooo, did I miss something? KGB informant? If so, not cool. I spent a few months in the Soviet Union, and my friends were extremely wary of the KGB. A horrible way to live.

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Free speech is important. Facts are as well. I will thoroughly enjoy my cats, thank you.

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Jun 24, 2023
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Thanks for the clarification. You made me look up the terminology, and I learned from that. The distinction is very important.

I used the phrase "American democratic experiment" to allude to its tenuous nature. Many of us are now aware that our form of government is not guaranteed to last. It is fragile: When sources of truth and order, such as the press and the judiciary, are maligned by our leaders using propaganda, Americans start vehemently disagreeing on what the facts and laws are. This is the formula fascists use to shred the democratic process. (It's obviously more complex, but these are two key factors.)

All of that makes our system of government feel more like a long-term experiment than something built on bedrock.

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The establishment of our new Government seemed to be the last great experiment for promoting human happiness by reasonable compact in civil society. It was to be, in the first instance, in a considerable degree a government of accommodation as well as a government of Laws. Much was to be done by prudence, much by conciliation, much by firmness.

George Washington

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This is a terrific and relevant quote. Worth reading several times, for sure. Thank you!

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Fascism: A Merger of State and Corporate Power

- Benito Mussolini

BlackRock Driving Business Into The Arms of The New World Order | Part One:


A Genealogy of Corporatism:


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Thank you for the resources.

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Jun 24, 2023
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That's very interesting. I always appreciate learning more about history. BTW, I'm also originally from Seattle. Wonder if the mountain is out today. 😉

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Jun 24, 2023
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Yep. 🏔️ Ahhhh

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Jun 24, 2023
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Yes, I worry about that. On another note - speaking of social media going downhill - I don't think they started out with clear ideas about and plans for content moderation when they launched the Notes feature. I hope they stay of top of things.

I want there to be plenty of room for a range of viewpoints. But in this political climate, I have become very wary of lies, hate, and propaganda.

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Jun 24, 2023
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Craaaaaaaaap... 😭

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Oh good. Promoting an explicit racist and genuine imbecile.

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He’s middle eastern, their stilling fighting about what god gave the holy lands, duh, to what tribe???

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Jun 24, 2023
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Hardly, or I would not be on Substack. Are you afraid of the truth?

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Jun 24, 2023
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Not at all, likely I am your senior, well educated, vastly experienced. You come off like a person with an attitude from the extreme right!

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The interview doesn’t tell us his defense for putting down wokeness (and he needs one, since wokeness is simply about equality and being aware that we don’t have it- and we should).

Equality is a basic principle of a Republic, and yet these fact-twisting anti-woke Nazis have the audacity to act like it’s somehow un-American!

This guy doesn’t impress me at all, with his half-assed ideas that are neither original nor intellectually stimulating.

No more of this crap that only makes Republicans sound way more sane than they are!

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Wokeness seems to talk more about equity than equality.

I agree equality is an important principle of the Republic.

Making sure everyone has equal opportunity is a must. Equal outcome (equity) stunts people. Why work hard, study, take a risk or even try, if everyone ends up at the same place?

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Hmmm…well, when we talk about the fight for equal voting opportunity, that’s equality, right? And any hungry kid being fed for free? Is that equality or more like equity? Sometimes it’s hard to know what to do- is giving enough too much? All I know is, I’d rather feed a kid than enable the CIA to run more ethically unsound black ops or let the Pentagon vastly overpay for door hooks with the DOD seal!

And I don’t even like kids.


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The reason the far right lost the culture war is simple, it functions without Love. Oh they proclaim to own God and church, but the vitriolic nature of pushing out everyone who doesn’t conform to their dogma with such ferocity simply makes them ugly in the eyes of anyone who views the world from a place of Love and respect and inclusivity. They lost in the 60’s and they will lose today. Being woke isn’t about dogma. It’s about Love. Period.

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Love your share!

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Interviewing a man who purposefully misgenders a trans person and then doubles down on another platform and who has said awful things about black people, and then blasting it out to every Substack user is a horrible look. This isn't about differing political viewpoints. This is about giving an awful person a platform. I'm extremely disappointed in this.

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Yes. Ditto.

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At least he’s being honest, most ‘anti-woke’ guys won’t admit they are basically part of a half century long revanchist backlash against civil rights, that’s usually the quiet part.

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Hanania is a fuller brush salesmen. You might be to young to know about the fuller brush salesman. My assumption.

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I am not subscribed to this - I do not want to be emailed this unsavoury content

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So why read it? It's wild that so many can't handle making simple decisions to ignore or engage.

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«Some people want rights for everybody, some people want to bring back slavery. Who's to say who's right? Young blood maverick Richard Hanania brings his own take to this unsolvable conundrum, an exciting new framework he calls "separate, but equal".»

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Jeez, Substack is a shithole too, thanks tech-bro Hamish

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A bigot is a bigot...


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“The Great Collapse of Society”

“The Frankfurt School and “Critical Theory”

The “Frankfurt School,” or Institute for Social Research, was set up by a group of Marxist intellectuals in Germany in 1923, affiliated to the University of Frankfurt and independently of the Communist Party, which has been influential in the development of Marxist theory ever since.

The Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief – or even the hope of belief – that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.

To further advance their ‘quiet’ incremental cultural revolution (Fabian Socialism) – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):

Divide and Conquer.

The oppressed and their oppressors.

1. The creation of racism offenses.

2. Continual change to create confusion.

3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.

4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.

5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.

6. The promotion of excessive drinking/drug abuse.

7. Emptying of churches.

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.

9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.

10. Control and dumbing down of media.

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pan-sexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:

• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.

• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls

• abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces

• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors.’


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on the next episode of “my uncle’s crazy conspiracy theories...”

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The centuries-long war between Imperialism and Nationalism is in its latest stages. I am a Nationalist who wants to live in an independent sovereign nation-state with a Constitution that guarantees and protects my individual personal Liberty, my individual personal Rights, and most importantly, my individual personal Right to own Property. The Imperialists (Globalist Fascist Oligarchy) want to abolish independent sovereign nation-states, want to abolish the US Constitution, want to take possession and control over all natural resources, want to depopulate the Earth, and want to subordinate the few remaining people to a neo-feudal existence where “We their Serfs” obey their dictates and are forced to beg them for permissions and favors.






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/pol/ is that way ->

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Imperialism and Nationalism are two sides of the same coin.

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You have absolutely no understanding of history and how society works.

Do yourself a favor and get educated ASAP!


The Clash of the Two Americas Volume 1:

The Unfinished Symphony


Clash of the Two Americas Volume 2:

Open vs Closed Systems Collide


Clash of the Two Americas Volume 3:

The Birth of a Eurasian Manifest Destiny


Clash of the Two Americas volume 4:

The Anglo-Venetian Roots of the Deep State


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I should be nice, as it seems you're in the Larouchist cult. So, in the nicest way possible: Very little of what you've posted here or elsewhere has any explanatory value unless you start ignoring large swaths of historical data. If you want to believe you're a "lifelong student of history," maybe show a little humility; no one has any obligation to simply believe this Larouchist """"almanac"""' just because you told them to, and if it is your primary source of information about history, then you don't have much of a right to lecture others on their education.

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Tell me your sources for history.

Can you disprove any of the historical facts sited in the LaRouche Almanac?

Do you understand that Imperialism means a One World Global Fascist Oligarchy where global serfdom must obey the dictates of the Globalists at the UN, WEF, WHO, BIS, NATO, the Vatican, and King Charles III?

Do you understand that Nationalism means independent sovereign nation-states with Constitutions that guarantee and protect independent personal Liberty, independent personal Rights, and especially the independent personal right to own property?

Here are some recent articles to help you understand the path that the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy are taking society down:





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I’m guessing that accurately summarizes your entire education?

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Reading the comments was more interesting than the Podcast. Who is this guy? Fairly boring, unaware and bigoted. Why is hearing from him important? A mediocre person with mediocre narrow things to say. "Where is his defence of putting down Wokeness?" ......................Hamish????????????

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