Ms. Fisher-Quann sounds like a bright. interesting, perceptive person. I am Gen X , and it thrills me to know that there are young people who are intuitive and attentive to the performative aspect of of modern life. I like that she is aware of the fact that "attention" creates the need for more and more attention and how addictive it can be. She is the voice of her generation. No one can effectively understand a generation unless they are part of it. Rayne did not ask to be born in Canada around the turn of the century. It just happened. She is making the best of it. If she were my child, I would do everything I could to empower her on her journey. I LOVE that she aspires to a more basic life when it becomes financially viable. She has a clear vision. I am so, so sorry that she was exposed to hateful, sexually explicit commentary regarding " what people would do to her." No human being should be subjected to that. She seems to get that it was anger directed towards her persona, not her person. Lot's of folks want to be where she is, and envy makes people mean. Thank you for introducing me to her.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Hamish McKenzie

So refreshing to hear these kind of voices being amplified! Feeling very understood as a fellow 21 year old woman who may have escaped advanced sinister algorithms as a child but now faces them head on entering the adult world. With the internets’ mammoth integration in our lives, and it’s exponentially expanding influence, discussion around it can no longer exist just on the sidelines but needs to be front and center as we move forward. This conversation is especially important for today’s children to hear, who are coming into this world that is very different from what previous generations of youth experienced. I am so glad to hear Miss. Fisher Quinn receive such well deserved recognition for the work she is doing. I’m surprisingly grateful for Substack’s promotion of this genuinely valuable content via my inbox. This gives me much hope! I think (select groups) of Gen Z have reached a turning point wherein the internet’s inherent self-reflection is turned back upon itself, forcing us to face toward the online systems that raised us, how they have changed, and now are affecting younger generations. I think we feel for the children nowadays in a way no other age group can understand. Thank you for this!!! So inspiring.

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Count how many times she says the word "like" just in the first 3 minutes of the recording. What happened to the youth of today and their ability to speak proper English. I guess maybe it's because social media platforms all have Like features that liking something has been implanted in the brains of the Gen Z population. What kind of people are we becoming?

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I’m finding it relieving that there’s people like this online, people utilizing all the SM tools at their disposal at a high level and still being very honest about their downsides!

A few poorly thought out takeaways :)

Im gathering there is a fine line between trying to be viral and trying to be true to self that is hard to toe, and some of these points make it easier, like not being reflexively defensive online. Substack also makes it easier by making it less of an incentive to just get the most likes, not that substack doesn’t make it attractive to reach more people. It simply feels like a much healthier place to spend most social media time.

I am curious, as a person who would like to reach lots of people on the internet with my writing, how do I come to terms with what social media does to me, and others, while utilizing it to develop my brand (barf at having to develop me brand) and share my work?

Readers needing to be attracted to your persona really stuck out to me. I really studied the post with Doomberg last week and that was one of the points made there as well. It’s interesting because my mind equates writing success (if defined by ultimately reaching lots of people) with simply finding a topic people want info or entertainment around and then making good stuff about that topic. But the persona, letting people connect with you or your character, seems to be really key, and something that I have found challenging when trying to have a consistent persona I can inject across all my work.

I really found the read useful and can’t wait to listen to the entire interview on my drive to work!

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Rayne is a towering GenZ figure on Substack and a great example of Creators reverse-engineering and diversifying back to the written word. I love that!

Given how much mental health TikTok pressure she has, was really disappointed to see some of the comments below.

Substack really needs TikTok and YouTube creators just to make it, we need to be celebrating these people not putting them down.

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A persona—that’s what I’m missing. My authentic self seems counterproductive to gaining readers.

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I guess I'm way too old to even remotely be able to emulate any of this. And I don't really want to. My focus in life these days (and with my Substack) is to get away from the self as this pin-point center of the universe and try to include more and more other sentient beings with "me". Non-human animals; forests; that kind of thing. The most challenging: other human beings such as the current Twitter owner... 😉

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Hamish, you are doing a brilliant job interviewing. I look forward to your Substack posts. Thank you for your excellence.

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Fascinating. Pretty impressive for a 21-year-old, especially from Gen Z. I was happy that she didn’t vomit ‘like’ every 2-3 seconds. She reminded me of Clementine Morrigan a little. Her self-awareness is solid. I’m definitely going to check out her Stack. She refers a lot to ‘women’ which pleases me and makes me think she admits there’s a biological difference between men and women. Good, promising start. And clearly this woman is intelligent. Insightful. Open. All good things. We need more critical thinkers from her age group. I can’t deny that, as a Substack writer myself who had *some* success ‘out there’ first, I’m jealous of her brand-name success: New York Times!? At her age??? I mean wow, right?

But I wish her nothing but the very best. You go, girl! Keep up the hard work.

Michael Mohr

‘Sincere American Writing’


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This was a very interesting piece that makes you ponder a lot of things.

I’ve been doing my own pondering about all things TikTok, and it’s call to be ban.👇


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Without any background on this person it was reassuring to hear their ability to communicate their perspective critically at such a young age. It’s probably obnoxious to hear that critique on age but objectivity and insight aren’t great strengths of most 21 year olds. They sounds like they’ve lived through some hardship that seems to have aged them.

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When I first entered the world of social media, it was in Twitter, and I was shadow banned, censored, and finally booted the first year. I’ve left many sites for being censored. I just refuse to stay after having my Constitutional rights violated. It’s such a horrible feeling, and call me what you will, I’m so glad the Left is finally getting a taste If how it feels. After years of abuse, being called names, and dealing with such judgmental people, I’d basically had it, and this new Twitter takeover is delicious. I’m savoring every bite. I was very naive at the beginning. I thought we were all there to share and pass on important information, like NumbersUSA for immigration, Govtrack.us for reps on The Hill, their addresses, emails, phone numbers, voting, etc., Precinct Strategy, truethevote, and so many other important sites we needed to become involved in to save our Republic, and they went absolutely no where, no interest whatsoever, so I decided to become involved locally and do what I could in that area. That’s where I can do the most good, and it’s very satisfying. Works for me.

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