As Dostoyevsky wrote, When there is no God, everything is permissible. And as Nietsche wrote, God is dead, and we killed him.

So man became his own god, with disastrous results. We believed in scientism and foresook the metaphysical. And now we see how science has failed us in so many ways. We still can’t explain how a soup of inert chemicals transformed into living cells. We don’t understand the universe. We’re using molecular biology against ourselves. Maybe it’s time we recognized our attempts at godhood have wrought disasters, and we need a return to humility and a belief in something bigger than ourselves. Something that reminds us daily how to be good, honest and decent people. Where we seek truth and beauty and know right from wrong.

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As Solzhenitsyn said, "Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened."

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Oil is our God in this current model. Technology is our Christ.

Jesus was going to save us before. Technology is now. So most of us believe.

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Yes. Check out my essay on Dostoevsky btw!

Michael Mohr

‘Sincere American Writing’


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Thoughtful, nuanced discussions like this are why I love Substack. I subscribe to Paul Kingsnorth (though I'm a dreaded atheist ;-) because his essays nevertheless speak to those who, as he says, want to understand why the modern world seems so wrong, or are disturbed by what they see happening to civilization. Grateful for his perspective, even when I may disagree. Thank you for this!

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That’s what it’s all about

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Hamish McKenzie

I wish Substack would create a “printable option” so we can print our favorite essays...& get them dogged eared, pencil notes in the columns and highlighted.

Ain’t nothing like the tangible.

Ps- I was stoked to hear your kiwi accent and felt a wee sense of pride that a fellow south islander has co-created this platform. I value it greatly.

Thank you.

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kia ora, Caroline!

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Having this show up in my inbox is like the new Twitter algorithm that keeps shoving disinformation in my face. Vaccines are important. Activism is important. I'm not interested in some guy's take on why being selfish is actually fine.

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Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023

I hate Word Vomit. And some of you Europeans still don't have a clue you've been poisoned, but keep your narcissistic hysteria to yourselves and out of my inbox. Rat juiced morons...

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Thanks for sharing that you hate word vomit, it will bring me a lot of advantage in life. Accusing Europeans of being Europeans is also a welcome name-calling I can use to my advantage. Great fashionable use of narcissism and hysteria, clearly you don't understand the words you use, let alone the scientific processes of objectively collected data that has been examined in a verifiable way. Contrary to the godfather of anti-vaxxing who resorted to falsification of data after it was found out he didn't know how to do his science. To which he reacted by moving to the US where he got himself a very large longhorn to spread his 'beliefs'.

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They are very effective therapeutics.

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"It was terrifying. It was really disturbing. And it wasn’t the vaccine that was disturbing, it was the system that was rolled out around it. ".

Would you have preferred the vaccine was rolled out by the girl scouts ? I guess you didn't know anyone who died of covid.

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It’s not an either-or. There were voices saying, vaccinate the old and sick, leave the kids alone. They ended up being right but were ridiculed at the time. But does that stop the CDC and Pfizer from pushing vaccines on little kids? Boosters are worthless. Why are they still being pushed?

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"They ended up being right."

Um how so??

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His take is completely moronic and devoid of any nuance. Of course people were overly optimistic at the early stages of the rollout that the vaccines would stop the virus dead in its tracks, and that didn’t happen. But they were still (and remain, along with boosters, contra the poster below) highly effective at presenting serious disease and death.

His comment that “no one could give me an answer as to why we were doing this” strikes me as indicative of a lack of intellectual charity that is symptomatic of the echo chamber he too lives in, yet seems has not the self awareness to realize.

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We weren't all over optimistic by any means. Many of my friends and acquaintances were suspicious of the screaming headlines of deaths and hospitalisations day after day, month after month. My motto has been for many years if the media make a big and tedious fuss about something which never seems to end then there is mischief afoot, and there sure was. The many "unvaccinated" people I know including me have been no more affected by the virus than the vaccinated. Indeed most of the vaxxed have had Covid numerous times whilst most of us bad people have had it once and mildly. It was and is a great racket.

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Medical discrimination<3

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The abhorrent aspect is the prevention and cancelation of doctors to write, and pharmacists to fill, scripts for proven therapeutics like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Conservative estimates put the probable death rate at <50% of what was experienced IF the same focus that was placed on mRNA would have also been placed on those two therapeutics.

In addition, audits are currently taking place on the originally reported death counts FROM Covid. As many of us expected, so far, one audit resulted in a finding of an “overcount” of ~50%, and the second audit of a different hospital reflected ~75% “overcount.” Couple the information above with the recently released Project Veritas video of the Pfizer executive admitting they knew mRNA was ineffective AND dangerous, but it’s all about the money, and that they’re currently doing their own gain of function experiments on SARS-COVID-2 so they can already be developing boosters for future variants before they hit the world’s population. Btw, in order to get around the stigma and criminality of continuing to perform gain-of-function experiments, they renamed the activities as “Directed Evolution” (you can’t make this shit up). I mean, what could go wrong? You’ll have to hunt for the video -- Google already pulled it down for the oldie-but-goodie faux reason “vaccine misinformation“). And, so far, every MSM organization, including cable news (except FNC) have given this monster story zero coverage. Not a single second. That says it all.

I could go on and on, but I’m sure you get the drift.

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I'd rather they were rolled out by the boy guides

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Someone loves medical segregation!

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Interesting interview.

Who in their right mind would not thrive living on a few acres of land, eating the fruits of the good earth and one's own labor? This is a choice that most do not have, There are not enough acres in the world for all humans to live this sort of life, on this scale. I do think it is possible to find peace and balance within ourselves even in a city, even when using technology, even when respecting science, as imperfect as it may be due to human nature.

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I am not favorably impressed by Paul Kingsnorth's excuses for being an anti -vaxer. If everyone would have cooperated, we could have promptly snuffed out Covid. Instead, Covid deniers have forced upon the most vulnerable the option of being lifelong hermits to avoid danger.

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There’s absolutely no evidence for that. You’re just repeating the same narrative we’ve been stuffed with from all sides these last years. Do I little research into the very serious consequences for especially children after being exposed to the vaccines.

Taking a personal stand not trusting an experimental drug is not an excuse but a choice we should all have. I myself chose the vaccine but then again I was illinformed.

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This is from Memorial Sloan Kettering: https://www.mskcc.org/coronavirus/second-dose-covid-19-vaccine-side-effects-why-they-happen-how-treat-them

Main side effects

1. In mid-July 2021, the CDC said that about 100 out of 13 million Americans who received the J & J vaccination developed Guillain-Barré syndrome.

2. In late June 2021, the CDC reported cases of heart inflammation potentially linked to the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines. The heart issues were very rare. In the clinical trial testing the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine, there were also some cases of heart inflammation.

3. As of late November 2021, the CDC and FDA had identified 54 people who were diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder called thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) after receiving the J & J vaccine (among 16.4 million doses).

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Citing a source, that's a rare treat.

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You need to look at the VAERS resport for US, Yellow Card for UK and Eudravigilance for Europe. All these systems are underreported. Total deaths nearly 50,000 and adverse reactions over 8 million and counting.

I would not trust Sloane Kettering, huge salaries and current director Adam Falk was with John Hopkins, known for finding all good things about the mRNA jabs. You need to look at more objective data.

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You either don’t understand how VAERS works, or you’re abusing it to score a point. Any adverse health outcome following vaccination, even if ultimately unrelated, can be reported to VAERS for further investigation. It’s merely a reporting and monitoring system; it can’t be used to draw the kinds of conclusions you’re attempting to.

Objective data is only useful if you know how to interpret it.

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Firstly I think the issue is far too serious for cheap point scoring. My point was to make people aware that this even exists as I doubt many are. Certainly, in the UK it is well established that the Yellow card system is under-reported, not just in this case but for years now. Most have not even heard of it. Anything publicly accessible system can be abused of course, but why have a reporting system if it the data there can be so easily dismissed as it was last year by a “celebrity” (Dr Hilary doctor wheeled out endlessly on the BBC) who should have known better. Indeed in 2019 our UK government was requesting the public to please report as the numbers doing so had dropped significantly, so clearly they saw this as important:


This is the only method of logging side effects of drugs which is of course the purpose of it as you mention so that these potential risks/harms can be investigated. My question is are they being investigated and if so why are we not hearing about it and if not why not?

There have been some brave physicians and MPs in UK notably senior cardiologist Aseem Malhotra who has drawn attention to the extraordinary increase in heart related events and Andrew Bridgen MP who is representing over 100 “vaccine” damaged people to try to get compensation of a measly £120k. Therefore, these figures should not be dismissed.

The point surely is that many people have been seriously affected by these mRNA jabs; formerly healthy, fit people are now potentially permanently disabled and it is not just a few. These were rolled out under Emergency Use Authorisation and pharma companies were exempt from prosecution for adverse events. Pfizer had made more money from this one mRNA than at any other time. Pharma companies are also the biggest crooks out as testified by their huge fines (only a small % of their profits though).


It is now officially more or less admitted that people under 50 without underlying health problems were at minimal risk of hospitalisation and death and children barely at all yet everybody in the whole world should be vaccinated. If that does not ring alarm bells then I don’t know what would. And then Pfizer admits it did not test for transmission! This, after Fauci, Biden, Walensky etc told you, the America public, if you get vaccinated you will not get Covid. How many lies will you let them have before you start asking pertinent questions.

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I'll try to address each of these points:

1) The systems are not "abused" when people report adverse health outcomes to them--that's the whole point. They are misused when people such as yourself don't understand that you can't draw any *causal* connections based on the data without extensive further investigation.

You have to understand that when people report adverse health outcomes to VAERS and so on, they *think* that they are reporting side effects. But they may not be, since correlation does *not* equal causation. It is the job of trained medical investigators to examine each case and determine if the reporter's symptoms are causally related or merely coincidental. And these cases are absolutely being investigated. You just don't hear much about it in the news because the relevant professionals have judged that there is no causal relation. Since you haven't demonstrated any causal relationships yourself (which you would not be expected to--you're not a medical professional! (I presume)), it's actually better to trust the professionals on this one. This is what I meant when I said you're misinterpreting the data.

2) That you think Fauci et. al. are "liars" for their missteps shows your lack of intellectual charity. It's much better to assume that people were *mistaken* about the benefits of the vaccine, rather than that they *intentionally misled* people. Public health officials getting things wrong was to be expected when we're dealing with a *novel* virus and *novel* vaccines. Scientific understanding has evolved and matured throughout the course of the pandemic. This is just how the scientific process works. There is no need to assume malice on the part of public officials in order to explain the phenomena we've all been observing.

3) Your point about "minimal risk of hospitalization and death" for those under 50 is poorly taken. Older adults are obviously at greater risk, but COVID ranked as the 6th (!) leading cause of death or higher across *every* age group last year. You know what didn't make the list? Vaccines. This is a simple cost-benefit analysis for most people.


As for your point about "potentially permanently disabled and it is not just a few," you'll need a cite for that. (Ironically, the thing that's come closest to permanently disabling people is not any vaccine, but long COVID! That you don't even address this point shows how you haven't thought even-mindedly about this issue.)

Pfizer may not be the most ethically perfect company in the world, but the fact that they pulled record profits when they developed a life-saving vaccine in the midst of a global pandemic should come as a surprise to no one. Again, unless you can cite evidence implicating Pfizer's *current* vaccine in long-term injury and death *comparable to the risks associated with COVID,* your point is moot.

4) You should probably think twice before trusting Aseem Malhotra and his ilk. They have been debunked time and time again. How many lies will you let them have before you start asking pertinent questions.



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Read the entire list of possible side effects of any prescription medication, and you will find that there are a vast array of frighteningly serious, and laughable minor possibilities of effects. There is also an explanation that your Doctor has prescribed this medication and has determined the benefits of this medication to outweigh these possible side effects.

The list of possible side effects of the Covid vaccine has been determined to be a chance worth taking to save millions of lives during a NOVEL Viral outbreak. NO ONE had immunity to this virus, because it did not exist prior to the Typhoid Mary incident, wherever it may have occurred. The vaccines were our chance to reach herd immunity, and we failed, not because science failed, but because a lack of understanding of the magnitude of the incredible wonderful chance we had to beat this thing early on if we all were vaccinated as quickly as possible.

Now it is too late.

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Firstly I didnt hear him say he was an anti-vaxxer- this is just another example of what he talked about where people are either in or out, good or bad. What nonsense! If you have had 10 vaccines but choose not to have one how on earth does that make you against vaccinations. I am a case in point and indeed many others too. What he did say was what Pfizer admitted recently at an EU committee that they did not test for transmission, hence it was never going to stop transmission. As for saving millions of lives. Who says exactly? the same people and media who urged us all to get it. Don't trust them an inch. People make their own choices -- to stay in for years for fear of their own shadow or carry on living. Covid deaths for the most part were among the elderly and those with co-morbidities just like flu and pneumonia have always been, except for the flu of 1918.

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You are factually wrong. China has a very strong resurgence of Covid as a result of their vaccine not being effective as Pfizer's. Nobody took vaccines out of irrational fears. The same as people wear seatbelts. When people die there is a whole series of subsequent causes, and often when people die of cancer the final cause of death is cardiac arrest. It doesn't mean they didn't die of cancer.

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I suspect that the surge is due to in part to the inordinately long and severe lockdown where people were welded into their apartments (you can check this if you wish as it sounds outrageous and indeed, it was ) and the fact that oddly viruses bounce back and infect larger numbers more quickly when you try to suppress them. I think many took the jabs due to excessive fear mongering by captured media and pharma backed government officials and scientists and also to go on holiday - a lot of people told me this. Most of our academia in Uk is part of largely funded by Big Pharma and our MHRA equivalent to FDA is 86% funded by the industry, If that is not conflict of interest what in Gods name is? Funny you mention cancer and cardiac arrest. The same applies to certificated Covid deaths where people actually died of cancer or heart attack but due to testing positive for C19 this was put on their death certificate......doesnt mean they didnt die of cancer!

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Just astonishing that you know all that stuff so well, so much better than all the folks that have studied this and mostly excelled, making it a vocation. But wait, now I understand in my naivety I thought they could think for themselves but obviously they are ALL CORRUPT AND UNDER THE SPELL OF MAJOR PUPPET PLAYERS. Or perhaps you have difficulties understanding your lack of education in this. I'm not saying I have studied, but I don't dismiss the vast overwheliomng majority of people that are answerable and accountable, contrary to the trolls that spread the nonsense you believe in.

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"Yes, if ONLY everyone had worn masks!"

Mass Formation Psychosis. This is what you get when you dumb down the schools and fail to teach critical thinking skills.

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Critical thinking skills mean you also check your own reasoning, in your case lack thereof.

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Good one!

You do realize the statement about masks was sarcasm, right?

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Now that makes me laugh 😃

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I am very interested in surviving a lifestyle that reacts as little as possible with the mainstream which is very difficult. Our governement seems to be more dictatorial and oppressive since covid..I can see where the simple parts of religion can be positive and useful, but I do look at history and the wars that have been in the name of religion so I do have a problem. I appreiciate your thoughtful thought Paul. thankyou

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I started to listen, but Mr. Kingsnorth, I encourage you to embrace the overwhelming complexity of living with a world replete with catastrophic problems that individuals cannot control. As a lifelong activist myself, the problem is philosophical and societal (created by the church and capitalism) and the answer is the opposite: Community, mutuality, cooperation which of course leads us to mutual liberation and acceptance. Nothing simple about any of these. But we got this! Join us!

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

It seems to me that the pro-lockdown crowd had become a power-cult. To question it was (is?) taboo and one was somehow tainted as being vile to even ask what the real consequences might be. Thank you for having Paul Kingsnorth as a guest. Kyrie Eleison!

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Why isn't The Holy Bible on your list of recommended reading?

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Are you having trouble posting too? I got a time out message and hit send again. Comment posted twice.

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As a 25 y/o who might be in the ‘know everything phase’ I disagree and agree with so much of this.

I also find it interesting to denounce writing as career, when you have a livelihood on Substack. Sure, it’s an art form that many people have found a way to monetize. But if that monetization went away on some large scale, wouldn’t you have to adjust toward a new way to make money? Sure, you can replace the word career when you speak to it - but the principle is the same. Interesting place for Substack to place this message.

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Otherwise I loved the article and do think there’s a lot to learn from Paul’s voice!

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True. Sincere writers will write no matter what, money or No money 💰

Michael Mohr

‘Sincere American Writing’


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He is an incredible writer.

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IMO Paul is the most profound writer on Substack. thank U guys so much for giving him a bigger platform!

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I've got Kingsnorth's "Alexandria" on my bookshelf—haven't started it yet.

His Buccmaster trilogy is fascinating. "The Wake" (book 1) was a beautiful, challenging read. The entire book is written in a unique hybrid phonetic version of Old English.

E.g., "words now is left my only waepens and non wolde sae i has efer been afeart to wield what waepens i has."

Looks like gibberish at first, but eventually you get the hang of it.


I'm looking forward to this conversation.

We need such dissenters that press back against the current orthodoxy. Regardless of their position or angle. They produce a friction that presses us toward reason and balance.

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I ended up turning off this episode because it appeared to me that this person who was very passionate and solid in their positions as a younger person just gave up. The more I read and learn the more I understand that if I don't do my part, the cascade effect is much larger. I believe in fighting for what is right through my actions, even if it is only a drop in the ocean.

Minimizing those who don't believe in an 'all knowing' entity is rude. I am not here because of technology, I am here because I have witnessed what horrible things humans do to one another in the name of an entity that they made up to explain the unexplainable, at the time. If religion worked, we would have a unified world, instead we have people like this person spouting off and further separating people into 'other' groups. This doesn't make the world better.

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Caryn I didn’t here Paul spouting off about his choice to become a Christian at all. I heard him make the statement that he was surprised that this happened and then pretty much drop it. I also think assuming the what and how of his experience of choosing this are his to know and not ours to judge. The history of the misguided use of religious power moves needs to be separated from an individual’s personal understandings and journey.

There is more than one way to skin a cat. Life’s exploration unfolds and there are zillions of contributors to The Great Whole (Holy)

Your way is vital

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Ruin comes when the trader, whose heart is lifted up by wealth, becomes ruler. Plato, c375 BC. Perhaps nothing in 21st Century is new!

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