I haven’t listened to the podcast yet, but these highlights were exactly what I needed. Such humility and wisdom and honesty. Also, thanks for the reminder to be on social media less.

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A writer who doesn’t watch their own mind is like a philosopher who refuses to think, a musician who refuses to dream, an artist who refuses to see.

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I am concerned about the future of literature and the value placed on the novel in our “twittered” society. I have read with our screen addictions we are losing the ability to read complicated works and understand them.

I too am fascinated by my relationship between me and my brain.

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One step into a bookstore and see all the new books published each month and week should ease your mind. There’s not enough time in our lives to read everything already and more is continuously in production. Keep reading.

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Yep. Most young people no longer read books, and to the extent they do it’s usually short, ideological stuff.

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Yes, they just play games, bro!

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Loved this interview, and as a Story Club member, it was great to hear George describe the community of readers he's collected there so generously. Couldn't recommend his newsletter highly enough.

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Thank you so much Hamish and George for this insightful conversation! I was so happy when George spoke about how we create the world with our own minds, how we have choice in the way we frame or reframe things, and how we are most powerful when we are our best selves. It was really beautiful the way you both related these ideas to writing. My own writing life has been transformed by Substack and for this my heartfelt thanks.

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Subscribed. Listened. Loved. This is my first podcast subscription ever. Okay, I've been known to listen to old NPR Car Talk episodes while cooking dinner. But I fear the time suck of podcasts as much as I fear the time suck of social media, but this was so worth the hour I spent eating my breakfast, drinking my coffee, folding laundry, and then sitting still for 30 minutes absorbing. Thank you for this, Hamish, and for the future episodes I look forward to sitting still for. And thank you, George Saunders, for inspiring me to keep scratching my own short fiction writing itches.

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I'm listening now and this is an AMAZING format. The content is EXACTLY what I had a taste for, and this is like a comforting stew by the fire. Like my mom's cooking. Encouraging, educational, and just so warm. Thank you for sharing, I'll look forward to more and finally spending more time listening to Story Club. This is a light on the path forward that I've been looking for. Thank you.

Jessie H., Illinois

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Loved it! What a beautiful and inspiring conversation...thank you!

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Absolutely loved this convo with George, thanks Hamish!

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Wonderful interview, thanks Hamish! I could listen to George all day. I resonated with many things, especially the insights relating to social media. My happiness quotient improved when I stepped away from Facebook. Both of you, keep up the good work.

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Great podcast! The other day I deleted my Twitter app from my iPhone because I felt so addicted to news from the war front and other bad news that seem to abundant this year. So this podcast plays right in the middle of that struggle; I know exactly what George Saunders is talking about.

So many other gems in here. Appreciate the tone of the conversation, honest, brilliant and relatable.

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This conversation was so life and goodness affirming to me - thanks Hamish and George for beams of wisdom in what can feel like a never ending battle to fend off the encroaching sludge of modern life. Being part of the Story Club community is such a gift. 🙏

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This contained everything I needed to hear right now and with the perfect sprinklings of humor mixed in. Totally genuine as well as enlightening, thank you Hamish and George!

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Such a great podcast. One of those conversations where you keep skipping back to let stuff sink in. Thanks for sharing.

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Pure class. No pu...ok, pun intended.

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