I was thinking that. This post suggests that the truth is worthwhile only when it is politically expedient. Shameful. Unbelievable. Not a mention even.
Indeed. It still amazes me that so many voice support for Israel and even repeat the hypocrisy of IDF spokespeople who express distress and empathy with the pain of the families of 12 Israeli children killed on a football field but not a word for the families of 20,000 Palestinian children killed by indiscriminate or callous use of high powered weapons with no regard for innocent lives.
All of those innocents, Palestinian or Jews deserved to live peaceful lives. Their injury and killing is an obnoxious crime. I condone none of the violence, no matter its instigators. However, the Israeli actions represent excessive force in the extreme and their targeting of journalists and exclusion of Al Jazeera from reporting from Gaza or the West Bank is clear evidence of their intent to prevent the truth from being told.
Where is the western reporting of the 120+ journalists, 500+ UN employees and numbers of aid workers, ambulance crews, police officers, and others attempting to give aid and keep order, specifically targeted and killed by Israeli snipers, drones and even missiles?
Amazingly, they aren't even Israeli children. Even that's political. The Golan is internationally recognised as Syrian and under illegal occupation. People there refuse Israeli citizenship. Only the US calls it "North Israel" because of Trump-era decisions.
Thank you, I wasn't aware of that but it only adds to the hypocrisy of feigned sympathy and compassion. I have seen it many times now by a variety of IDF officers and also politicians and, of course, Netanyahu. His preposterous statements regarding the realities and disdain for international humanitarian law is indicative of his self-righteousness and arrogance. It is past time that he was arrested. In my view, although I don't subscribe to the notion of one person being responsible for or 'to blame' in events such as this, it is fact that he could have almost certainly have stopped it by now and that his publicly stated intention that he will not stop until all of Hamas is eliminated negates any validity for the excuse that Hamas wants an end to Israel, particularly given the disparity in armaments, resources and the fact that Palestinians have been, effectively, hostages in their own land for around 70 years.
It is also notable that mainstream media and other poltical sources fail to mention that Israel was responsible for the establishment of Hamas!
Why do *I* think that that they do that? I'm not sure of exactly to which 'that' it is that you refer. If it is 'mainstream media' then my view is that predominantly what is published is what fits the will and preferences of the owner(s)of the publication. If you mean 'Netanyahu & co', I consider that several factors contribute, not least the continual existence of hatred for Jews by many; the irrational but widespread beliefs stemming from religious doctrines; the conditioning of Israelis through schooling, local media, local politics and other means; the legacy of wars between Arab states and Israel; the insidious and continuous influence of Zionist influence on the Israeli population; the extensive latitude and support given to Israel because of what happened to Jews under National Socialism in WWII; the powerful influence of the Jewish diaspora; and in regard to Netanyahu individually, his personal desire to retain his position for as long as possible and avoid the prosecutions against him that are on hold because of this conflict.
So why again didn't Palestine surrender and release the hostages on October 8th last year when they realized what a huge mistake they made slaughtering 1200 innocent civilians overnight in the most heinous ways imaginable and took am additional 250 hostages? I mean after they stopped laughing and celebrating by parading the dead bodies around while chanting about "killing Jews?"
Palestine cannot "surrender" because at present it has no statehood. In addition, Palestinians, as a people, are not those who committed the incursion of 7 October 2023. It was members of the military wing of Hamas - an elected government within an occupied territory - that committed the incursion and they did not "slaughter 1200 innocent civilians overnight ..." or take an "additional 250 hostages." According to the figures cited by even the Isreli's, there were 1139 killings and 240 hostages taken. - I don't correct that to suggest that those numbers are any the less atrocious or criminal but to highlight the one-sided view expressed in your comment, shown through your inflation of the figures.
I know of no reliable reports that Palestinians or even Hamas fighters had been "laughing and celebrating by parading the dead bodiels around while chanting about killing Jews." If, indeed, any such events took place it would have been by a small number of fighters, not Palestinians or even Hamas generally, as is implied by your comment. What I do know for certain because it has been investigated by the UN is that there were many untrue reports of atrocities by Hamas fighters, such as that they cut off the heads of babies. Such reports are common in war or armed conflict where deliberate falsities become part of the propaganda circulated to inflame feelings of hatred towards the enemy.
Any considered and objective view of this conflict would take into account the many factors contributing to its cause. It would also question why, when the Israeli intelligence service was aware of the imminent prospect of an incursion, they did nothing to prevent it. It would also include consideration of the fact that the Israeli government has been condoning illegal settlements in the West Bank with at least 2 members its government living there and that the entire population of the occupied Palestinian territority have effectively been hostages to Israel for 70 years and have been denied many basic human rights.
Ah, I see from your likes and the abnoxious and delusional comments that you have 'liked', that, if I have interpreted those indicators rightly, you are yet another supporter of Netanyahu's led Israeli genocide, disdain for international law and intent on genocide of the Palestinians.
Such attitudes disgust me and pain me because it is so sad to realise just how many human beings lack compassion, reason or integrity but are only too willing to implement, support, fund and promote aggression and actions similar to those of the Germans in WWII.
I don't see Israel attacking folk willy nilly . They reply to attacks; they are not attacking nations that have nothing to do with with the present hostilities or that aren't even Arab/Iranian. Israel's actions are proportionate and orders of magnitude more accurate and reliable than those of terrorists that simply lack reliable or accurate weapons. They do not have to attack indiscriminately when they can hit a 3x3m. square. What is the point of generating ire let alone killing indiscriminately, for either side? There are how many 100 millions of Arabs? Even the US doesn't have the stockpile to kill a tenth of that number. Whereas there are 2 orders of magnitude number of Israelis and the various terrorists have promised to kill them all? It is you who are delusional and lacking in compassion, hiding behind a ridiculous nym in a dead language.
"Terrorist" is a loaded, emotive and overused word which no longer has any real meaning, for those it supposedly describes or defines will change according to whoever is using it. One person's freedom fighter is another's terrorist, for instance.
Your statement is questionable at best. The USA, as have most nation-states, has, at various times, behaved either well or badly to both internal and external issues.
Simplistic allegations or accusations inevitably abound when there is any major disagreement or conflict between or amongst groups. It seems to be a characteristic of human behaviour when people are opposed to one another's views or actions.
However, simplistic and/or loaded dialogue is neither useful nor productive and all too often simply inflames, complicates and extends the tragedy for all involved, regardless of persuasion or complicity or innocence.
Of course that bastion of honesty and integrity known as the CIA will refute this….. but as a judge must do…. Viewed on the balance of probability….. he was spying. It’s always interesting how American prisoners have the whitest of white angel frocks….. according to US propagandists. But China, Russia, Japan ( in days gone by) are all automatically heinous evil doers…
However like throwing water on a furnace….. here is just one angle supporting the view Evan was a spy.
The Kremlin confirmed his arrest hours later. Dmitri Peskov, Russian president Vladimir Putin's press secretary, said that he was "caught red-handed" but could not provide further details.[22] Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said "we have irrefutable evidence that Gershkovich was engaged in espionage" during a visit to New York in July 2024.[23][19]
Your claim would be more convincing with evidence. You seem to know that they were intentionally targeted. Are you getting your proof from Hamas, as they control all media and determine who is considered a journalist, like the one holding hostages in his home? I don't deny a lot of journalists have been killed, but it's a war zone in a war which Hamas started, by the way, and in which Hamas is literally hiding under the population, which they use as human shields. But you seem to know what's in the hearts and minds of the Israeli army, even though every civilian death, especially a journalist, is a tremendous act of self-harm. If I were to say you intentionally are trying to libel the Jews because you're an antisemite, you would rightly say I don't know what's in your heart. So please don't spread libels so we don't get the wrong impression.
Substack is more interested in promoting genocidal newsletter that calls for ethnic cleansing & genocide against Palestinians, and constantly features it at the top of its “faith & spirituality” recommendations. Palestinian lives really “worth less” in their eyes...
Glad these journalists have been freed. Standing up for free speech and free press is more vital now than ever. Grateful that Substack has been strong in protecting those principles. Censorship and threats of any kind should have no place in free society, yet the US government has coordinated with Big Tech, academia, and NGO's to suppress any content they deem to be "misinformation" or "hate speech" - all in the name of "Democracy". Julian Assange, Catherine Herridge, James O'Keefe, and the deceased Gonzalo Lira deserve recognition as well.
Absolutely shocking how many of us have actually accepted that these freed journalists were simply doing objective journalism when they were detained and jailed by Russia. They were all CIA assets. Evan Gershkovich in particular was reportedly caught trying to return to the US with valuable intell detailing Russian weapons technology. But hooray for journalistic freedom!!
Thank you for voicing the alternative view. Realism is to be respected. Tired of the righteous cheer squads, full of opinion on ‘spot lighted’ issues; but never seen for the many, more menial, trespasses under their noses. People will abuse a cafe worker for forgetting the cinnamon sprinkle..then talk world issues as though they understand.
He was caught red handed with the intell by the Russian Federal Security Service or FSB after traveling some 900 miles outside of Moscow which raised suspicions. I mean ask yourself why would a journalist assigned to report on Russian/Ukrainian negotiations held in the capital city Moscow be traveling that far to a remote mountain village? You may wanna look into this further to understand the ins n outs of the case. It’s very intriguing to say the least.
Lol apparently you are just simply regurgitating what you gathered from mainstream media such as the anti-Russia WSJ. But I digress. Nothing you have offered proves anything in my comment is “wrong.” I stand firmly behind my comment which is based on the facts not speculation. Careful your anti Russian bias is showing.
This is a day for the history books, a day that will never be diminished in our memories. A turn of events that will change the lives of the released hostages & their families, & will enhance the presidency of a most honorable man, President Joe Biden, who has accomplished what so many have tried & failed. President Biden has gotten little or no credit for all the wonderful things he has done for our country, our freedom & our future, but history will give him the credit & honor he has earned & deserves, in spite of the vicious attacks & lack of cooperation shown him by the Republicans in Congress.
Clear your brain, Woody, these were not hostages. And it was as much Putin accomplishment as Joe’s if you want to slap responsibility for everything that happens to the top guy. 🙄
I answer you in good faith but with trepidation. My goodness some of the posting is very angry. You ask what “facts”? I suggest explaining that the persons released today were not hostages…..contrast them to actual hostages. Give information. I am interested in comments because I want to learn. Clearly, you have information to share.
Majority of the released worked for intelligence services and were caught. After both sides had enough prisoners they got swapped. The US as usual proceeded to employ the narrative that they got back the journalists who were captured while trying to bring freedom and free speech to populace while RF proceeded to employ narrative that they swapped American spies for Russian intelligence operatives. To know the truth we would have to review the details of the interrogations, see what proof each side had, etc.
Apparently the US wanted their guys back so badly that they put the pressure on Germany and Slovakia to have them release prisoners who were under their jurisdiction.
When you consider the drama of Julian Assange, any claims that the US cares about free press, free speech or free whatever are laughable.
Pablo, you bring up some important points about international relations and media freedom. What do you think are the best ways to ensure true freedom of the press?
No need for this and it accomplishes nothing. It simply destroys your credibility and inevitably will turn away many who otherwise may have sympathy with your anger and its cause.
I am not 'having a go' but just suggesting that you put that anger at what you consider wrong into reasoned and well argued comment.
Enough is enough. You have made a big enough fool of yourself now. Please stop. Hate and abuse tends only to engender hate and abuse. It will never advance your cause, no matter which side you view as having legitimacy.
Indeed. Unfortunately, I am no wiser than anyone else in answer to that. I can only express and opinion based on my own life experience, reading, history, observation, discussion, study and thought. My conclusion: it won't.
Human nature, as with all living species, appears to have a fundamental aim of survival in the now and the future. Most species appear to be 'programmed' or 'hard wired' through evolution or whatever, to inhabit those places and environments which best support their health and to develop means of defending themselves from those that threaten their existence.
Human beings, I think, are only different in the fact that it seems we are the only species capable of complex thought and the ability to invent and use technological systems that allow us to control, injure, decimate or in other ways interfere with or annihalate other species 'en-masse'.
Sadly, it also seems that we are willing to use that ability not simply for survival but, on the contrary, for futile purposes such as greed, power, influence or simple difference, such that we increasingly sow the seeds of our own collective species extinction by self-destruction.
Germany and turkey did the negotiating and not Biden and Biden said they were all detained when Trump was in office only 1 hostage during trump 4 under biden and he emphazided the safety of all Americans but 12 servicemen died during afghanistan and all the other American men women & children during his unruly border policies
Correlation is not causation. This sort of argument is specious false logic. You need to rethink and not submit to populist ignorance and mass hysteria in support of an obnoxious misogynist who cares only for himself and who will ignore, revile, reject or abuse you just as readily as he did many of those who he first applauded and employed while in office and then rejected and dismissed when they dared say or do something he didn't like.
I don't believe that my comments fit the definition of 'pontificating'. I have simply stated my views and facts that are on the record to support it.
Even were your assessment of my contribution to be true, I would rather be guilty of that than posting gratuitous insults whilst offering nothing of significance myself.
Sharing what/when I can. This platform so desperately needs wider distribution. I am grateful to share when I can and encourage others to at least subscribe to the free formats.
150 less than it had before because of deliberate targeting by the IDF as well, of course, as simply being what today is euphemistically known as 'collateral damage.'
We salute all the 165 brave journalists who have been murdered by Israel in Palestine for reporting the truth on the genocide there. They are truly courageous and must never be forgotten.
Your prejudice is showing. Please check your facts. The number is at least 150 and there is ample evidence that in many cases the journalists were specifically targeted and very clearly journalists, dressed in the PRESS (not shouting, just describing the label), jackets clearly showing who they were with labels on back and front.
What was weird was to see a bunch of American journalists (think the Jen Rubins or Jake Tappers of the world) who never mentioned Julian Assange while he was in prison being like "I AM SO HAPPY EVAN IS FREE #JournalismIsNotACrime". I'm like dudes, the Russian versions of you are reporters on state TV who think Evan should stay in prison because he was spreading "disinformation".
If Hamas members are terrorists, (there is no need to shout when writing, even those of us with poor hearing are generally able to read), then the IDF and its commanders, both military and political are also terrorists.
Netanyahu and his war cabinet, through the IDF, have now undertaken a genocidal assault on Palestinians that has killed more than 40,000 in Gaza, including over 20,000 children, as well as injured more than 70,000. Indeed, international experts on conflict and disaster estimate that the true death count is probably closer to 60 to 80,000 Palestinians because the official figures include only registered dead and there are over 30,000 Palestinians missing, presumed buried under the rubble of what were their homes, schools, hospitals, aid centres, and more.
I don't condone the killing of 1139 Israeli's and abduction of 240 by Hamas fighters on 7 October 2023 but it pales into insignificance compared with Israel's perfidy. The reality is that after 70 years of persecution and effectively being held hostage in their own land, it is not too difficult to understand how Hamas could have been driven to seek to stop the Israeli occupation and free its people - Palestinians. Indeed, under international law an occupied people has a right to attempt to free itself.
When one also considers the history - which most do not - and the fact that the Israeli state stands on Palestinian territory given to the zionists by Britain, France and Germany, with the somewhat reluctant eventual involvement of the US, there is even less for which to feel sympathy towards the Israeli leadership and its actions. In addition, when that partitioning was made, the Palestinian people were not included in the decision making and the western powers lied, stating that that there were only a smalll percentage of Palestinians living in the territory - in fact, 95% of the population were Palestinian.
So, please don't disgrace yourself by calling a war-mongering, zionist nation the good guys and an occupied, persecuted and impoverished people, "terrorists." It simply does not stand up to factual scrutiny.
I don't think the Irgun, Haganah, and Lehi get to dictate what constitutes terrorism. What a silly thing to throw around. The IDF being recognised as an army does not lend its actions legitimacy. Your opinion is irrelevant.
Amazing, amazing day. Probably went exactly as Putin planned, given that these journalists were probably picked up specifically to use as negotiating pawns. But glad they are coning home. Kudos to the American team and Germany.
And that’s fine. Half of these guys were spooks or worked for them. At least Russians got back Krasikov who gunned down that Chechen murderer who was hiding in Germany.
I worked 15 years as a correspondent in Russia; Covered a wide range of topics and wrote hundreds of articles (1997-2011) for publications that included the NY Times, Bloomberg and Radio Free Europe. Never had a problem. This past spring, I returned to Russia after a ten year hiatus. I investigated a number of topics. I had no problems. I also researched Gershkovich, spoke to his western colleagues in Moscow. They said the same thing in separate conversations — he was illegally collecting information on Russia’s defense industry. That’s a serious crime in any country, especially while the USA wages war against Russia. And please take a look at G’s articles for the WSJ. They align with Pentagon propaganda and disinformation. Coincidence? Any journalist whose body of work accords with the Pentagon (a veritable genocide and war crimes machine) is not a journalist. If you don’t believe me, then ask Seymour Hersh.
As far as Kurmasheva — she’s not a journalist. As far as I found, she’s a low level editor at RFE; or can you please point to some of her articles?
Indeed. ALL the pots and kettles should be seen as black in matters like this unless and until they can be verified as otherwise. No one looks good from where I'm sitting.
Over 160 journalists in Gaza have been brutally slaughtered…for being journalists.
I was thinking that. This post suggests that the truth is worthwhile only when it is politically expedient. Shameful. Unbelievable. Not a mention even.
Indeed. It still amazes me that so many voice support for Israel and even repeat the hypocrisy of IDF spokespeople who express distress and empathy with the pain of the families of 12 Israeli children killed on a football field but not a word for the families of 20,000 Palestinian children killed by indiscriminate or callous use of high powered weapons with no regard for innocent lives.
All of those innocents, Palestinian or Jews deserved to live peaceful lives. Their injury and killing is an obnoxious crime. I condone none of the violence, no matter its instigators. However, the Israeli actions represent excessive force in the extreme and their targeting of journalists and exclusion of Al Jazeera from reporting from Gaza or the West Bank is clear evidence of their intent to prevent the truth from being told.
Where is the western reporting of the 120+ journalists, 500+ UN employees and numbers of aid workers, ambulance crews, police officers, and others attempting to give aid and keep order, specifically targeted and killed by Israeli snipers, drones and even missiles?
Amazingly, they aren't even Israeli children. Even that's political. The Golan is internationally recognised as Syrian and under illegal occupation. People there refuse Israeli citizenship. Only the US calls it "North Israel" because of Trump-era decisions.
Thank you, I wasn't aware of that but it only adds to the hypocrisy of feigned sympathy and compassion. I have seen it many times now by a variety of IDF officers and also politicians and, of course, Netanyahu. His preposterous statements regarding the realities and disdain for international humanitarian law is indicative of his self-righteousness and arrogance. It is past time that he was arrested. In my view, although I don't subscribe to the notion of one person being responsible for or 'to blame' in events such as this, it is fact that he could have almost certainly have stopped it by now and that his publicly stated intention that he will not stop until all of Hamas is eliminated negates any validity for the excuse that Hamas wants an end to Israel, particularly given the disparity in armaments, resources and the fact that Palestinians have been, effectively, hostages in their own land for around 70 years.
It is also notable that mainstream media and other poltical sources fail to mention that Israel was responsible for the establishment of Hamas!
Why do you think they do that?
Why do *I* think that that they do that? I'm not sure of exactly to which 'that' it is that you refer. If it is 'mainstream media' then my view is that predominantly what is published is what fits the will and preferences of the owner(s)of the publication. If you mean 'Netanyahu & co', I consider that several factors contribute, not least the continual existence of hatred for Jews by many; the irrational but widespread beliefs stemming from religious doctrines; the conditioning of Israelis through schooling, local media, local politics and other means; the legacy of wars between Arab states and Israel; the insidious and continuous influence of Zionist influence on the Israeli population; the extensive latitude and support given to Israel because of what happened to Jews under National Socialism in WWII; the powerful influence of the Jewish diaspora; and in regard to Netanyahu individually, his personal desire to retain his position for as long as possible and avoid the prosecutions against him that are on hold because of this conflict.
So why again didn't Palestine surrender and release the hostages on October 8th last year when they realized what a huge mistake they made slaughtering 1200 innocent civilians overnight in the most heinous ways imaginable and took am additional 250 hostages? I mean after they stopped laughing and celebrating by parading the dead bodies around while chanting about "killing Jews?"
Palestine cannot "surrender" because at present it has no statehood. In addition, Palestinians, as a people, are not those who committed the incursion of 7 October 2023. It was members of the military wing of Hamas - an elected government within an occupied territory - that committed the incursion and they did not "slaughter 1200 innocent civilians overnight ..." or take an "additional 250 hostages." According to the figures cited by even the Isreli's, there were 1139 killings and 240 hostages taken. - I don't correct that to suggest that those numbers are any the less atrocious or criminal but to highlight the one-sided view expressed in your comment, shown through your inflation of the figures.
I know of no reliable reports that Palestinians or even Hamas fighters had been "laughing and celebrating by parading the dead bodiels around while chanting about killing Jews." If, indeed, any such events took place it would have been by a small number of fighters, not Palestinians or even Hamas generally, as is implied by your comment. What I do know for certain because it has been investigated by the UN is that there were many untrue reports of atrocities by Hamas fighters, such as that they cut off the heads of babies. Such reports are common in war or armed conflict where deliberate falsities become part of the propaganda circulated to inflame feelings of hatred towards the enemy.
Any considered and objective view of this conflict would take into account the many factors contributing to its cause. It would also question why, when the Israeli intelligence service was aware of the imminent prospect of an incursion, they did nothing to prevent it. It would also include consideration of the fact that the Israeli government has been condoning illegal settlements in the West Bank with at least 2 members its government living there and that the entire population of the occupied Palestinian territority have effectively been hostages to Israel for 70 years and have been denied many basic human rights.
Why on earth would we or should we listen to liars and enemies of the entire world?
To whom do you refer?
Here is a clue: look to the left of my name.
Ah, I see from your likes and the abnoxious and delusional comments that you have 'liked', that, if I have interpreted those indicators rightly, you are yet another supporter of Netanyahu's led Israeli genocide, disdain for international law and intent on genocide of the Palestinians.
Such attitudes disgust me and pain me because it is so sad to realise just how many human beings lack compassion, reason or integrity but are only too willing to implement, support, fund and promote aggression and actions similar to those of the Germans in WWII.
I don't see Israel attacking folk willy nilly . They reply to attacks; they are not attacking nations that have nothing to do with with the present hostilities or that aren't even Arab/Iranian. Israel's actions are proportionate and orders of magnitude more accurate and reliable than those of terrorists that simply lack reliable or accurate weapons. They do not have to attack indiscriminately when they can hit a 3x3m. square. What is the point of generating ire let alone killing indiscriminately, for either side? There are how many 100 millions of Arabs? Even the US doesn't have the stockpile to kill a tenth of that number. Whereas there are 2 orders of magnitude number of Israelis and the various terrorists have promised to kill them all? It is you who are delusional and lacking in compassion, hiding behind a ridiculous nym in a dead language.
The U.S. by far the biggest terrorist state.
"Terrorist" is a loaded, emotive and overused word which no longer has any real meaning, for those it supposedly describes or defines will change according to whoever is using it. One person's freedom fighter is another's terrorist, for instance.
Your statement is questionable at best. The USA, as have most nation-states, has, at various times, behaved either well or badly to both internal and external issues.
Simplistic allegations or accusations inevitably abound when there is any major disagreement or conflict between or amongst groups. It seems to be a characteristic of human behaviour when people are opposed to one another's views or actions.
However, simplistic and/or loaded dialogue is neither useful nor productive and all too often simply inflames, complicates and extends the tragedy for all involved, regardless of persuasion or complicity or innocence.
His handlers don't allow him to touch this topic.
But not one of them worked for the CIA like Gershkovich so as Kamala would say, they significantly lacked significance to significant people like her.
What proof have you that Gershkovich worked for the CIA?
Of course that bastion of honesty and integrity known as the CIA will refute this….. but as a judge must do…. Viewed on the balance of probability….. he was spying. It’s always interesting how American prisoners have the whitest of white angel frocks….. according to US propagandists. But China, Russia, Japan ( in days gone by) are all automatically heinous evil doers…
However like throwing water on a furnace….. here is just one angle supporting the view Evan was a spy.
The Kremlin confirmed his arrest hours later. Dmitri Peskov, Russian president Vladimir Putin's press secretary, said that he was "caught red-handed" but could not provide further details.[22] Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said "we have irrefutable evidence that Gershkovich was engaged in espionage" during a visit to New York in July 2024.[23][19]
Where's this "caught red handed" evidence?
In the same place the USA hold hard evidence against Julian Assange.
It's on wikileaks?
Here, let me explain:
I see no explanation … where is it ???
I don't know what is going on.
Could you DM me and I can provide my thorough explanation with referenced evidence?
What does 'DM' mean please – sorry.
Hmm, let me try again. As I said:
Таковы иудеи. А ты за фашизм базаришь. .
Came here looking for this. Not even a mention of them in the post.
Your claim would be more convincing with evidence. You seem to know that they were intentionally targeted. Are you getting your proof from Hamas, as they control all media and determine who is considered a journalist, like the one holding hostages in his home? I don't deny a lot of journalists have been killed, but it's a war zone in a war which Hamas started, by the way, and in which Hamas is literally hiding under the population, which they use as human shields. But you seem to know what's in the hearts and minds of the Israeli army, even though every civilian death, especially a journalist, is a tremendous act of self-harm. If I were to say you intentionally are trying to libel the Jews because you're an antisemite, you would rightly say I don't know what's in your heart. So please don't spread libels so we don't get the wrong impression.
Substack is more interested in promoting genocidal newsletter that calls for ethnic cleansing & genocide against Palestinians, and constantly features it at the top of its “faith & spirituality” recommendations. Palestinian lives really “worth less” in their eyes...
. https://substack.com/@abdulrahman/note/c-60077969
The genocide against truth.
It’s so sad 💔
Glad these journalists have been freed. Standing up for free speech and free press is more vital now than ever. Grateful that Substack has been strong in protecting those principles. Censorship and threats of any kind should have no place in free society, yet the US government has coordinated with Big Tech, academia, and NGO's to suppress any content they deem to be "misinformation" or "hate speech" - all in the name of "Democracy". Julian Assange, Catherine Herridge, James O'Keefe, and the deceased Gonzalo Lira deserve recognition as well.
Absolutely shocking how many of us have actually accepted that these freed journalists were simply doing objective journalism when they were detained and jailed by Russia. They were all CIA assets. Evan Gershkovich in particular was reportedly caught trying to return to the US with valuable intell detailing Russian weapons technology. But hooray for journalistic freedom!!
Thank you for voicing the alternative view. Realism is to be respected. Tired of the righteous cheer squads, full of opinion on ‘spot lighted’ issues; but never seen for the many, more menial, trespasses under their noses. People will abuse a cafe worker for forgetting the cinnamon sprinkle..then talk world issues as though they understand.
"Realism is to be respected."
"reportedly caught" by whom?
He was caught red handed with the intell by the Russian Federal Security Service or FSB after traveling some 900 miles outside of Moscow which raised suspicions. I mean ask yourself why would a journalist assigned to report on Russian/Ukrainian negotiations held in the capital city Moscow be traveling that far to a remote mountain village? You may wanna look into this further to understand the ins n outs of the case. It’s very intriguing to say the least.
Lol apparently you are just simply regurgitating what you gathered from mainstream media such as the anti-Russia WSJ. But I digress. Nothing you have offered proves anything in my comment is “wrong.” I stand firmly behind my comment which is based on the facts not speculation. Careful your anti Russian bias is showing.
Substack could lead a huge class action against other platforms' censorship.
No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach laws urgently!
I'm glad you mentioned Gonzálo Lira. 🙏🏻
Well said, Yuri🎯
Thank you for pointing it out, thank you for standing up
Let’s also salute Ismail al-Ghoul and Rami al-Rifi, two Palestinian journalists who were bombed to death this week.
Much more important.
Why is it more important?
Troll much?
Projecting what you're doing much?
Because these were journalists and not shit pieces working for whichever government — CIA, FSB, BND and all these sociopathic agencies.
So you're publicly accusing Evan Gershkovich of being a spy working for the CIA, do you have evidence of that?
Do you have "evidence" that proves he didn't?
Yes I have evidence that there's no evidence to prove he was spy working for the CIA.
This is a day for the history books, a day that will never be diminished in our memories. A turn of events that will change the lives of the released hostages & their families, & will enhance the presidency of a most honorable man, President Joe Biden, who has accomplished what so many have tried & failed. President Biden has gotten little or no credit for all the wonderful things he has done for our country, our freedom & our future, but history will give him the credit & honor he has earned & deserves, in spite of the vicious attacks & lack of cooperation shown him by the Republicans in Congress.
Clear your brain, Woody, these were not hostages. And it was as much Putin accomplishment as Joe’s if you want to slap responsibility for everything that happens to the top guy. 🙄
Please present facts rather than attack personally. We don’t need to act like mini-Trumps.
What facts would you like, Audrey?
I answer you in good faith but with trepidation. My goodness some of the posting is very angry. You ask what “facts”? I suggest explaining that the persons released today were not hostages…..contrast them to actual hostages. Give information. I am interested in comments because I want to learn. Clearly, you have information to share.
Majority of the released worked for intelligence services and were caught. After both sides had enough prisoners they got swapped. The US as usual proceeded to employ the narrative that they got back the journalists who were captured while trying to bring freedom and free speech to populace while RF proceeded to employ narrative that they swapped American spies for Russian intelligence operatives. To know the truth we would have to review the details of the interrogations, see what proof each side had, etc.
Apparently the US wanted their guys back so badly that they put the pressure on Germany and Slovakia to have them release prisoners who were under their jurisdiction.
When you consider the drama of Julian Assange, any claims that the US cares about free press, free speech or free whatever are laughable.
Thank you!
Well said. Too many just lap it up without any further research or critical thinking.
Pablo, you bring up some important points about international relations and media freedom. What do you think are the best ways to ensure true freedom of the press?
What “Facts?”
No need for this and it accomplishes nothing. It simply destroys your credibility and inevitably will turn away many who otherwise may have sympathy with your anger and its cause.
I am not 'having a go' but just suggesting that you put that anger at what you consider wrong into reasoned and well argued comment.
Calling people you disagree with Nazis, definitely never been done before. Do get help for that anger, for your own sake.
God loves you and no bad words are necessary
It’s extremely unlikely Joe Biden had anything to do with negotiations. He’s physically and mentally not capable and hasn’t been for a long while now.
which you know to be the case based on what specific knowledge?
Our eyes and ears.
HAHAHA! You're a fucking retired journalist? Holy shit! HA HA HA!
no really Biden is so incompetent that’s why they forced him out
HAHA! Are you guys serious? Oh my god. Ha ha ha.
Enough is enough. You have made a big enough fool of yourself now. Please stop. Hate and abuse tends only to engender hate and abuse. It will never advance your cause, no matter which side you view as having legitimacy.
When will it ever end?
Indeed. Unfortunately, I am no wiser than anyone else in answer to that. I can only express and opinion based on my own life experience, reading, history, observation, discussion, study and thought. My conclusion: it won't.
Human nature, as with all living species, appears to have a fundamental aim of survival in the now and the future. Most species appear to be 'programmed' or 'hard wired' through evolution or whatever, to inhabit those places and environments which best support their health and to develop means of defending themselves from those that threaten their existence.
Human beings, I think, are only different in the fact that it seems we are the only species capable of complex thought and the ability to invent and use technological systems that allow us to control, injure, decimate or in other ways interfere with or annihalate other species 'en-masse'.
Sadly, it also seems that we are willing to use that ability not simply for survival but, on the contrary, for futile purposes such as greed, power, influence or simple difference, such that we increasingly sow the seeds of our own collective species extinction by self-destruction.
It makes no sense.
Well... Your insights on human nature are thought-provoking.
How do you think we can harness our unique capabilities for more positive, collective outcomes?
Germany and turkey did the negotiating and not Biden and Biden said they were all detained when Trump was in office only 1 hostage during trump 4 under biden and he emphazided the safety of all Americans but 12 servicemen died during afghanistan and all the other American men women & children during his unruly border policies
Man this comment section is getting out of hands...
In matter like these it isn't always WHO did the negotiating but who provided the impetus to get the negotiations started in the first place.
Probably Trump
Correlation is not causation. This sort of argument is specious false logic. You need to rethink and not submit to populist ignorance and mass hysteria in support of an obnoxious misogynist who cares only for himself and who will ignore, revile, reject or abuse you just as readily as he did many of those who he first applauded and employed while in office and then rejected and dismissed when they dared say or do something he didn't like.
Wah wah 😩 wah pontificating over yet?
I don't believe that my comments fit the definition of 'pontificating'. I have simply stated my views and facts that are on the record to support it.
Even were your assessment of my contribution to be true, I would rather be guilty of that than posting gratuitous insults whilst offering nothing of significance myself.
not nice
Oh shut up woody…. Don’t be a puppet of propaganda…..
next you’ll be saying Kamala was the architect of the plan…. The Biden administration are a bunch of cynical, power hungry game players.
They don’t give a toss about these prisoners…… makes good press leading up to a daunting election though … what do you think 🤔?
Or do you?
One thing is almost certain - if he doesn't then you are two of a kind.
Satire? Who can keep up anymore.
Are the likes for the satire? Are you serious? People actually buy this as the truth?
Sharing what/when I can. This platform so desperately needs wider distribution. I am grateful to share when I can and encourage others to at least subscribe to the free formats.
My profound thanks
Yes Patricia!
Would love to hear something like this about the 150+ Gazan journalists and their families being targeted by Israel
Not just targeted but already killed.
Gaza has 150 + journalists?
150 less than it had before because of deliberate targeting by the IDF as well, of course, as simply being what today is euphemistically known as 'collateral damage.'
We salute all the 165 brave journalists who have been murdered by Israel in Palestine for reporting the truth on the genocide there. They are truly courageous and must never be forgotten.
You all need to get your Hamas talking points straight, your numbers go up and down like a yo yo.
Your prejudice is showing. Please check your facts. The number is at least 150 and there is ample evidence that in many cases the journalists were specifically targeted and very clearly journalists, dressed in the PRESS (not shouting, just describing the label), jackets clearly showing who they were with labels on back and front.
Point us at a reputable source or sources, please.
There are many more but this site give a good assortment.
What was weird was to see a bunch of American journalists (think the Jen Rubins or Jake Tappers of the world) who never mentioned Julian Assange while he was in prison being like "I AM SO HAPPY EVAN IS FREE #JournalismIsNotACrime". I'm like dudes, the Russian versions of you are reporters on state TV who think Evan should stay in prison because he was spreading "disinformation".
Evan was arrested when he was buying some state secrets. Please, this is not 1970 and RF is not run by Stazi.
What about Palestinian journalist
Journalists slaughtered in Gaza mentioned where ?
Grateful for their release🙏🏼🫶🇺🇸
Now bring Israeli and American hostages home from Hamas TERRORISTS.
If Hamas members are terrorists, (there is no need to shout when writing, even those of us with poor hearing are generally able to read), then the IDF and its commanders, both military and political are also terrorists.
Netanyahu and his war cabinet, through the IDF, have now undertaken a genocidal assault on Palestinians that has killed more than 40,000 in Gaza, including over 20,000 children, as well as injured more than 70,000. Indeed, international experts on conflict and disaster estimate that the true death count is probably closer to 60 to 80,000 Palestinians because the official figures include only registered dead and there are over 30,000 Palestinians missing, presumed buried under the rubble of what were their homes, schools, hospitals, aid centres, and more.
I don't condone the killing of 1139 Israeli's and abduction of 240 by Hamas fighters on 7 October 2023 but it pales into insignificance compared with Israel's perfidy. The reality is that after 70 years of persecution and effectively being held hostage in their own land, it is not too difficult to understand how Hamas could have been driven to seek to stop the Israeli occupation and free its people - Palestinians. Indeed, under international law an occupied people has a right to attempt to free itself.
When one also considers the history - which most do not - and the fact that the Israeli state stands on Palestinian territory given to the zionists by Britain, France and Germany, with the somewhat reluctant eventual involvement of the US, there is even less for which to feel sympathy towards the Israeli leadership and its actions. In addition, when that partitioning was made, the Palestinian people were not included in the decision making and the western powers lied, stating that that there were only a smalll percentage of Palestinians living in the territory - in fact, 95% of the population were Palestinian.
So, please don't disgrace yourself by calling a war-mongering, zionist nation the good guys and an occupied, persecuted and impoverished people, "terrorists." It simply does not stand up to factual scrutiny.
I don't think the Irgun, Haganah, and Lehi get to dictate what constitutes terrorism. What a silly thing to throw around. The IDF being recognised as an army does not lend its actions legitimacy. Your opinion is irrelevant.
Are we sure Gershkovich is a journalist? If so, what was he reporting on in a nothing city in Siberia that mostly manufactures weapons/ammunition?
Amazing, amazing day. Probably went exactly as Putin planned, given that these journalists were probably picked up specifically to use as negotiating pawns. But glad they are coning home. Kudos to the American team and Germany.
You call those empire stenographers journalists that's were the problem lies.
These are fearless journalist from the same cloth as Bob Woodward - with unpublished rank and star on CIA wall.
I don’t think so Pablo
And that’s fine. Half of these guys were spooks or worked for them. At least Russians got back Krasikov who gunned down that Chechen murderer who was hiding in Germany.
I worked 15 years as a correspondent in Russia; Covered a wide range of topics and wrote hundreds of articles (1997-2011) for publications that included the NY Times, Bloomberg and Radio Free Europe. Never had a problem. This past spring, I returned to Russia after a ten year hiatus. I investigated a number of topics. I had no problems. I also researched Gershkovich, spoke to his western colleagues in Moscow. They said the same thing in separate conversations — he was illegally collecting information on Russia’s defense industry. That’s a serious crime in any country, especially while the USA wages war against Russia. And please take a look at G’s articles for the WSJ. They align with Pentagon propaganda and disinformation. Coincidence? Any journalist whose body of work accords with the Pentagon (a veritable genocide and war crimes machine) is not a journalist. If you don’t believe me, then ask Seymour Hersh.
As far as Kurmasheva — she’s not a journalist. As far as I found, she’s a low level editor at RFE; or can you please point to some of her articles?
USA WAGES WAR AGAINST RUSSIA? Oh, you definitely worked there, I can see.
Gonzalo Lira❤️ was silenced in Ukrainian prison for journalism
Gonzalo Lira wasn't an American asset like Navalny was, so they could have cared less.
Indeed. ALL the pots and kettles should be seen as black in matters like this unless and until they can be verified as otherwise. No one looks good from where I'm sitting.