Thanks so much for featuring me – and in such good company, too!

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Colin, this post was brilliant…so many new creative Substacks for me to try. Thanks!

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It’s as if article 16 never existed.

Freedom has costs, sometimes financial and often in blood, if we are less wealthy we should consider we are certainly more free to choose our pathway, I’d argue anything less is infantile thinking. Or as Sowell points out the self anointed elite, the intellectuals and the professional establishments are those who profit most from a new Neo feudalism. And with that goes the sanctimonious superiority, in reality the man who ploughs the fields is wise and makes real life judgement every day. He’s scorned by the intellectuals yet if he fails in his work he’s accountable, they are not. I cite Fergusson’s appalling predictions among many examples, he’s still got his job, he’s an unaccountable intellectual.

“It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”

― Thomas Sowell

Intellect is not wisdom.”

― Thomas Sowell, Intellectuals and Society

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So glad you included something by Hiroko Yoda (a different article to the one I recommended, meaning you put in the time to explore her content)!

Btw, I compiled a list, including Hiroko, of the best Substacks on Japan in 2024 in case you -- or anyone else -- is interested in more great stuff (which the inept Search function will never show you!) https://thekyote.substack.com/p/best-substack-writers-on-japan

Thanks again!

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What an interesting round up! Can’t wait to read each one of them!

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Hi Reads@Substack!

I have a comedic column that might interest yr reviewers!

It's called "Don't Bother Reading." (https://randomopinions.substack.com/)

Please have a look at just one short column,and, if my writing inflicts the yuks, yips, guffaws, or synonymal & correlated, allied, affiliated, accompanying, concomitant, corresponding, analogous or in any way kindred afflictions, including but not limited to the chuckles, chortles, giggles, hee-haws

smirks, snickers, sniggers, snickersnees, or the yibyabs (OK, I made that one up!), or makes Pepsi come out of your nose….or makes you cry-laugh…. or think pleasant thoughts like when you (INSERT A PLEASANT THOUGHT HERE), then please consider telling other Substackers to Don’t Bother Reading.

I’m not asking for any money, but I am needy.

And, besides, the way things are going, we need to spread laughs, not COVID.

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PS: Gotta love a band with an accordion and a slide guitar!

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Just after I had scanned this and noticed a band I’d never heard of — The Decemberists and @colinmeloy — who shows up on Saturday Sessions on CBS Saturday Morning but, you guessed it. Guess what I’m downloading!

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Thank you for censoring me more!

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Aww, thanks Colin!

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You might enjoy this too if you like simple comics with insight https://sadbook.substack.com/

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