Sorry. Saw “Washington post” and “Vox” and immediately realized that whatever came next was not for me. It’s for the bubble dwelling lefties.

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Hi Dad

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You should read more Steven Godfrey, then. I’m no “bubble dwelling lefty” either and he’s been an excellent and thoughtful writers on college football and culture for over a decade.

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Yes, it's the liberals who live in a bubble.

[rolls eyes]

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To be fair the righties live in their bubble too. No one is denying that. But when you see Wapo and Vox, then you know what bubble we are talking about.

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False equivalence. For all of their issues, there's just no comparison between WaPo/Vox and the RW propaganda machine.

Plus neither is particularly liberal- center/center left at most, and they're hardly widespread sources on the left. I haven't read either in years.

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Haha. That’s exactly what you would expect someone in the lefty bubble to say. I’m not gonna argue with you man. Self reflection and the search for truth are hard things. Having to admit that you may not be the good guy in your own narrative is even harder. Have a great day.

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Haha,. That's exactly the response I'd expect from a brainwashed moron who can't address what I actually said.

The fact that you can't see the difference between Fox News et al and mainstream outlets just shows that you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.

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What’s to address. You are wrong. Neither Wapo or Vox are center anything. I’ve read Wapo all my adult life and it’s been a long time since they even tried to be center left. Vox never was. I see I’ve struck a nerve. Have a great day. I’m glad I’m not an angry liberal anymore. You folks are the most hateful and angry people I’ve ever known. You create boogeymen so you can justify your anger and hate. I don’t care. I’m glad I’m free from that.

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Liberals definitely live in a bubble. I know this. I existed in that bubble for almost my entire life.

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Then your brain was damaged by a stroke and you became a conservative?

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Man, I am so out of touch. Almost all of this is new to me.

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I know it’s cool to hate on SNL but it can actually still be pretty funny sometimes. The problem is you may have to sit through some monumental badness first so it may not be worth it for the funny parts (I’m looking at you Kate-McKinnon-As-Hillary Clinton Playing-Hallelujah-On-The-Piano-After-Trump-Won which was so cringe it caused me to die watching it and I am now posting this from beyond the grave)

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That would probably be why I'm not "Cool". I don't find SNL as funny as it once was but I'm also an adult and see it very differently today. Honestly, what may not be worth it to adults, just may be wonderful to others. Who knows!? *Shrugs* Still, if Adam Sandler or Steve Martin were on it again along with the many REALLY outstandingly hilarious comedians that were on it, I think that I may find it a tad more interesting. I don't really watch it anymore because it does not show those amazing talents of the past. I'll NEVER EVER hate it though. Personally, I applaud it. Anyway, interesting way to look at it. Thanks for sharing!

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College football games are ridiculously too long, due to TV commercials. My husband likes to take our grandsons to games, but they’ve become such a “sit and wait” that even the kids get bored.

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Okay maybe I am the rare exception but I don’t have an issue with game length. Sure I get 6-8 Shore Passes per year from adulthood to attend CFB games. There’s a lot going on at football games like the kids playing their hearts, a chess match between coaches, band playing, cheerleaders dancing and student sections cheering. Further, I would not want to see radical changes to speed up games, if it was at the cost of consistency of the game and its records. Just my two cents..

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Thanks for the links.

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I’m not too shy to recommend my own Substack… If you want you to blow your mind with inconvenient truths.

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My children and I had left Islam and accepted Christianity. We were from a Muslim family and live in an Islamic state. Jesus Christ came to my dreams. After leaving Islam, our lives would change. If I tell my brothers and sisters, my family, my relatives, my friends will all become enemies of my life and my wife and children's life.We have been attacked many times. Jesus Christ has protected us. Now we have taken refuge in a villageWe are in an islamic country, we need help and rations now, we want to seek refuge in another country, the cost is 53000$.We live in Pakistan, here in the name of religion, we will be killed at any time. You will be very kind. You can somehow get me out of Pakistan.You can video call us and see our situation. All we want is that we should be allowed to read the Bible and go to church. We just want to go to a safe place.I don't speak English, I'm talking through google translate, ok, I'm living in an unknown place with my children in the village, my children are still very young.It has been two years.We are very constrained, will you help us?I don't speak English, I am talking to you through Google Translate

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A game even slower and more boring than baseball that takes even longer to play? No thanks. What next, golf?

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