Love the Roundup! Introduces me to work that’s new to me. Thanks.

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I love these weekly collection which help me to expand my horizons to authors that I may have never come across in my entire life.

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I thought the same, until I actually read the description of the article in which the author is discussing his "caretaker".

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Thank you. It actually stopped me dead in my tracks. A teachable moment for me.

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Thank you so much for including us in your weekly collection!! We're beyond thrilled and so honored to be among such fabulous newsletters!

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In case Alice Munro fans turn up here and have not yet seen the announcement for the Substack writers' memorial on June 13, I hope it's ok to post this here: https://tarapenry.substack.com/p/munro-june-13-call-for-posts .

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Absolutely loved Hessel's article! Such a joy to read of such intimate insight into Neel's work. If i could recommend the substack "what im thinking now" which is a host of personal essays, and articles on music / art, i'll link it here! ziyaadshaboodien.substack.com

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Excellent read - like you I was ecstatic to see Karios win the Booker Prize - I'm excited to read it. I also follow Poetry Unbounded and agree - it's inspiring and true - something one can aspire to. ☺️

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Beautiful selection I must say. I’m just curious, does finance, business or crypto get listed as what substackers reads? Or does it mean most of those newsletters in that category don’t have audiences based on the platform?

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From what I have seen, Substack Reads is much more focused towards the "literary" portion of substack, almost entirely focused on authors and poetry.

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Did you see my recent post on parenting Cute Little Minecraft Addicts?

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Elif, I'm inspired to comment this after reading a line in your article. If today's novelists read everything, then maybe that's the problem. When I pick a book at random, I feel like maybe 1 out of 100 are as good as I hoped it'd be. And the rest were a waste of time. I feel. Or nearly so. Idk man. Unless it's a work of absolute perfection, I've got better things to do with my time. I've read perfect novels. I know what I'm shooting for. I don't need to read every not-perfect novel, or any of them at all, to strive for and accomplish a perfect novel. Is my attitude. And I'm sticking to it. Lol. I'm not interested in books that aren't at the top of the heap of genius, in my eyes. I'm just not, man. If I manage an international bestseller, you put a gold star by my comment now. Ya hear? Thanks for the email. Keep'em coming.

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Nice one

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thank you so much for highlighting my work and introducing me to these wonderful writers!

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