Gosh, there is so much good stuff to read here -- and my to-be-read list is already starting to topple! Thanks for your great work

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I realise I’m able to read less and less of the newsletter I have subscribed to. Can you relate? Not sure if it’s just happening to me since I’ve subscribed to too many Substacks, or if it is a phase.

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I can definitely relate. I've subscribed to more than I can reasonably keep up with. I have to force myself to look at ones I haven't read in a while; the alternative would be to unsubscribe, which I'm reluctant to do.

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Yeah. I feel bad at the idea of unsubscribing from a fellow Substacker ;) but not reading is not that different...

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I think though that there was obviously a reason I subscribed in the first place, and one of these days, either when I have the time or that particular frame of mind returns, I'll want to read their newsletter again. So my recently-thought-out approach is to not unsubscribe immediately, but wait for a couple of months. I assume if I haven't read something in two months then I'm unlikely to. In parallel with this, and I don't know if you're the same, I have a growing pile of saved posts that I intend to read at some point.

None of this, however, prevents my reading through these Substack Reads and subscribing to one or more of the newsletters mentioned (usually). There's such a rich collection of great writing here that it seems like a travesty to risk missing it.

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Yeah. I don’t use the “save” function. Could be an idea before subscribing.

Even if my experience with bookmarking is that I rarely get back to what I’ve saved...

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Oh I agree, unsubbing would cause regret. I learn so much in here, it’s a wonderful place!

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I also have subscribed to wayyyy too many substacks, but I try to get to them all and have been learning speedreading in the processs.

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Yeah, I took a deep breath before subscribing to a ton of Substacks, but I haven't regretted it. My inbox was a mess anyway! And it's much nicer to have somebody's creative work in it than random promos. I find I always come across something just by browsing my inbox.

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Tumbleweed words is super worth a read

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Lovely to see Substack celebrating its writers constantly. Found some great things here again!

I’ve really been enjoying Katherine Ormerod’s Substack - Every Shade of Grey recently :)

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Tumbleweed words is a great read

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A good thing for you, I am finding too much good content on Substack. Too much in the sense that the total monthly price would spiral a bit out of control. Each writer worth the 5 to 10 bucks, for sure. But I'd be at hundreds per month easily, today, if I subscribed to every good thing I've seen in the past month. I have no solution for this problem. Though I despised cable TV pricing and really am a curmudgeon about the proliferation of streaming services. For me, no doubt Substack is by far the best source of content. And I feel good that the fees go to writers directly. So, I guess don't change anything? And do whatever you can to insulate Substack from corporate takeover or takedown. And thank you.

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It’s be cool if they had like a bulk price. Like you pay $20 and choose 4-5 writers to subscribe to for the price.

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I'd think some writers would be down to do something like that. You could opt in or out as a writer potentially too.

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Agreed. All points. I see it as my moral duty to pay ( esp journalists)

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I have added Seymour Hersh to my must-read on Substak and am grateful that he is hosted on your platform!

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Really happy Substack has taken up my suggestion to include a "FILM" section. Hoping one of my articles is chosen for curation at some point.

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And this one from Laura Pashby changed something in me - https://open.substack.com/pub/laurapashby/p/mother-writer?r=506nf&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Thanks for your recommendation! It was included in this week’s edition of Substack Reads 🙏

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Congrats to all the new writers featured on the stack. Enjoy the ride!

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Thanks for all of your great writings. So much good stuff to consume. This week I subscribed to Steve Schmidt, I have subscribed to Joyce Vance previously. I LOVE reading Kareem Abdul-Jabar’s (sp?) writings and hope to budget a paid subscription soon, fixed income doesn’t allow for many, but I wanted you to know how much I enjoy Substack writings.

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Loved Lavery’s piece on estrangement

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When we stink of Zen, we can light a little incense.

And remember there’s always something new to learn. And that “learning means becoming worse“. Which, sometimes, means we might stink ;)


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The one on parental estrangement struck a chord. I've had to put up with mine though I would like to estrange them.

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One more recommendation to add to your subscription list: https://soaringtwenties.substack.com/

It's a collective of creatives collaborating to make the internet human again.

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Chip I am done in sick literally and ready to at least publish my May of 2020 story

Help me rosie

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Margret Atwood is a favorite writer for me. Her new short story “Widows “ really hit home for me. I lost my husband a year ago. Her insight is incredible.

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