Oh that would be lovely! My cookbook, Cucina Povera, published by Artisan Books, will be out April the 4th. We’re sharing behind the scenes in your newsletter


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Hi Giulia!

To this day, the internet feels strange to me,

but a cookbook about 'Cucina Povera' let me smile, also I think your cucina, will be much better tasting to me, than the one I grew up with. Thanks for this!

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I'm definitely looking forward to reading Jonathan Haidt and his After Babel.

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I haven't read Haidt’s work. But I did purchase a copy of The Righteous Mind for a dollar last week and look forward to reading it.

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Haidt is required reading my man

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Ha. I'm definitely reading it and still looking forward to it. Yet “Zoomers” isn't exactly a selling point to me. I've heard good things about Haidt, though the people who had praised him, excluding here, weren’t people whose recommendations I’d follow.

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Zoomers was my term. He uses the term GenZ. People born since 1995, in his generational terminology.

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Cool. He'll be focusing heavily on "Zoomers" and their struggle for values and mental health.

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Great selection of substacks!

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Really a great rounded group

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Yes, indeed. And since I curate five articles for my newsletter every week, I know how much effort it takes to come up with a well rounded compilation like this.

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Yeah 🌹🌹🌹🌹

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Beautiful short story by Dennard Dayle that deserves to be read widely.


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Here to tell you about my newsletter The Recovering Line Cook. Part memoir/part recipe series from my life as a cook in Michelin restaurants across the Nordic region. Please do check it out!! Recoveringlinecook.substack.com

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Recovering Line cook... what a great title!

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I don't know how to write working links so I'll try again https://recoveringlinecook.substack.com

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Sounds awesome 😎

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Thanks, Michael. Early days but it's been really rewarding working on this so far.

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Education should be a priority in every nation on Earth

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Herman Hesse’s Magister Ludi, also known as The Glass Bead Game. It’s, uh … very Herman Hesse. I'm midway. I still have no idea how the “game” is played.

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The education one is a very powerful read

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I just crossposted to my Substack Tulsi Gabbard's podcast interview with the world's most-followed beekeeper. It's so good, I listened to it twice! https://tulsi.substack.com/p/why-bees-are-vital-to-our-existence

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I've been paying attention to this guy for a while.

If you're not reading Field Research, you're missing out.


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My name is Amran Gowani, author of Field Research, and I endorse this message.

Thanks, Meg!

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A great read-> I wish someone told me this during the worst time of my life . . . https://vitalityallaround.substack.com/p/i-wish-someone-told-me-this-part

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🎥 Cinema Speculation by Quentin Tarantino

3 chapters in and his gushing on of Dirty Harry

reminds me of seeing Falling Down in 93

in which i was 10 then, seeing on home video 📹

this nonfiction personal ramble through cinema

plays like a freudian feverdream 🔥

🎞 litloop.substack.com

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Fascinating note about looking for single-channel experiences. Limiting options can free up creativity

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The education one is a very powerful read

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I have this book on the way:

Talking Heads

The New Science of How Conversation Shapes Our Worlds


I've placed a 'subscribe to my Substack' as a predatory note. And I've used my substack for pieces of the text which didn't make it into the final book:


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Prefatory note, not the other thing. 🙃autocorrect 😣

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How unbelievable irrelevant is this entire diatribe Tired and old.

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