I think we can do without the porn convention articles and racy photos. There is so much better original contact on Substack and you choose this one to highlight?

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Next week we need content from a Bible convention to make up for this injustice

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Maybe Substack will want to try my latest article from my new newsletter The Healthy Jew: Finding Wellness With Purpose. It's not exactly a Bible convention, but a study on the relevance of a Biblical passage that compares Egyptian Nile-river based agriculture with the rains of Israel. It's also timely, because Israel is currently in a drought the likes of which it hasn't seen in 60 years! Just a thought.

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Yeah, right, because people who don't want to be updated about pornographic content are invariably deeply religious. That's the only possible motivation, no other criticisms of porn exist in the entire world

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Jan 29, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023

Hi creature, taking the risk of putting unintended words in Karlstack's keyboard, I took his comment as a suggestion to balance this week's daringly progressive Reads with similarly daring content from a conservative worldview. Hence my idea to publish the biblical message that the spiritually healthy life is received as a gift from God together with the natural world. Read more here: https://thehealthyjew.substack.com/p/israel-under-drought.

That being said, I definitely agree that there are cogent non-religious-based criticisms of porn.

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Why not? I find the article very insightful, a glimpse into a world that is very unknown to me. You don‘t have to read if you‘re not interested in the matter. It‘s a free country after all. :)

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I totally agree with you, Jim Richardson and Karlstack. If people only knew or knew and accepted the damage porn has done to the world, they would realize that it is dangerous and relentlesly damaging. I have just recently learned about Substack and was eager to see how I might use it. I'm rethinking that strategy.

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Agree with you, Jim. I have invited family members to follow me here. My own work is not for younger readers. But this is not the impression I would have chosen to send.

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You can never deliver a first impression twice, and this PORN Convention is toilet stuff. Something you wouldn’t want your children to view. He is the co founder via Twitter @hamishmckenzie

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We aren’t being forced to read this content...

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Of course you are stating the obvious as you yourself are also not being forced to read the comments, but chose to otherwise. You appear to be suggesting that all comments posted in response to any given post either need to be in full agreement with the author’s topic or NOT be shared at all. Is this what you are implying? And remember that many of us did not stumble into this original post, it was promoted by Substack as suggested reading. Thus the thrust of my original comment.

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I found it a fascinating glimpse of a world that exists outside of my own 'reality tunnel'. I'm always a little less ignorant for exploring these places and love how eclectic the writers of Substack are. Keep it cumming!

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Perfectly stated. That author is still immersed in his PORN world.

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Every opinion is valid and all are welcome. On this I hope we agree. It is NOT close minded to say that there are far more and better articles for the Substack editors to highlight than one on the porn industry as I posited. They have enough clickbait already. But I also maintain that this platform is not a place for racy photos if truly ALL age groups are welcome. Imagine if your child stumbled into this post?

Curious, to what close minded “goals” are you referring? I would suggest you read some of the other thoughtful, insightful comments in this thread before you cast stones.

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deletedJan 29, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023
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Eric I comprehend your comments. Clearly there are others in this thread who comprehend the point of my comments. Are they also myopic and incomplete? You're comments also apply to them since they agree with me. No judgement, just observation. Because my initial comment was not entirely positive you deem it a “waste of time”? This says a lot about you friend. We all don’t agree and that’s ok. I think you should just leave it at that.

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deletedJan 29, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023
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Do you know or care what porn does to young men and women, especially those who are underage? Clearly you don’t care for you promulgate it freely. Fortunately for us Substack does not allow porn on its site.

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No thank you. I and others in this thread have no interest in websites with sensitive content. I would suggest you re-read the comments addressed to you which made this clear. Nobody said you are a bad person, however your purposeful sharing the link you just did knowing it offends some, clarifies YOUR agenda and your lack of sensitivity towards the values of others. Good day sir.

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Porn articles? Really? I honestly didn't sign up to substsck to get headlines articles about Porn in my inbox, thanks all the same. How do I opt out of getting these updates? I know you want to grab attention (and you succeeded) but am just not interested.

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Yeah, I just unsubscribed from the email list but I'm realizing it isn't clear that I can get substack reads out of the site inbox. So fucking obnoxious

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How did you unsubscribe from the email list? I can't see an unsubscribe link in the email...

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Good advice. Now that dude is posting links to his porn site and attempting to school others on issues or morality.

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I would love for substack to add a memoir category. I see literature, fiction, philosophy...but not memoir. I know I can search, but a category would be great.

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Yes, please. I sometimes write memoir and have no idea how to categorize my work. For now, I chose culture and parenting, which both feel only partially accurate.

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Just curious if the free speech folks are upset by the porn convention. 👀

But also: interested to read about having it all, heterosexual nonsense, and album cover. Nice diversity of content today.

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There is a difference between Substack saying "we are free speech folks, therefore we won't ban newsletters that celebrate and normalize porn" versus using the "Substack Reads" communication to promote these newsletters.

One is standing up for a legal principle, the other is a choice about what is worthwhile to promote. There may be Substack newsletters somewhere that celebrates drug addiction or revel in fictionalized portrayals of sadistic violence. I may say those need to be tolerated to uphold free speech principles, while still saying Substack should not look for ways to boost their readership.

Porn is essentially treating each other as slabs of meat. It harms the dignity of all involved in the "transaction." Those statements are objectively true.

And this is objectively true, too: Many of the performers involved are people who have experienced sexual trauma as minors or in young adulthood and/or have a substance abuse problem. Let's celebrate!

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People make their own decisions regarding their participation in adult films. For many, it’s a job like any other. It will exist whether it is promoted or not and this article is from an already established and respected writer who happens to have another offshoot to his work, which is no less valuable. I don’t have to agree. I can choose to ignore that aspect if I don’t want to be party to it.

I don’t know adult performers personally and won’t speculate as to their motivations for working in the industry they do. I’m in my field because of Gillian Anderson. True story.

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Read what you want people. How old are you? Really. How can you hold an opinion if you don’t read other opinions? Don’t want to read about porn? Don’t read it. Psh.

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Thanks for including my story, Substack Reads!

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Based on the number of new free and paid subscribers I've received this morning it's safe to say the 1957-crowd is in the minority.

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Woo hoo!!

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Read it a long time ago.

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So happy to see Michael Estrin featured! And his report on the porn convention is 100% worth a read--as is the rest of his newsletter.

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I agree. I thought the article was well researched and reported. It reminded me of David Foster Wallace's Big Red Son.

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Well, I definitely don't want to have it all. But I wouldn't mind a few new subscribers. I think that's modest enough!

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I don't even need to read the article about women "having it all" because it was already answered by the quote that "your mother does porn" in the article above it. Apparently, women can't have anything--not even a world where it's considered sad rather than normal to sell (or just give away? cause we're so liberated?) your body to some rando masturbator.

If you never highlight porn again in this feature it will be too soon.

Utterly gross.

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Lol I'm glad somebody else noticed this, the placement is really just amazing.

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I haven't heard the term "racy photos" since 1957, so thanks for inspiring that, Michael. Great selection, and a great service to Substack readers.

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I am not impugning the quality of writing which is great, just the subject matter. As I said the fact that Substack overlooks other great writing efforts for this one is perplexing. I don’t anticipate agreement and am merely sharing my opinion, which I am told is welcome here on Substack. The word racy is still used daily. Why just the other day: https://thespun.com/.amp/more/top-stories/football-world-reacts-to-kliff-kingsburys-girlfriends-racy-photo

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I'm just here to make jokes and chew gum, and I'm all out of gum.

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Seems your also out of good jokes....🤷🏻‍♂️

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Wow, this is just like being on Twitter.

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I can get you more. 😉

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You know it's just 'cause sex sells. I wrote an article on Medium with the word "boobs" in the title and made $500.

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You can buy a lot of gum with that Bev. 😉

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Toilet Literary, Seriously, they forgot to leave their PORN Room while still being HIGH on drugs while publishing this article.

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The word “porn” isn’t usually capitalized. Just curious as to why you keep doing that.

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hell ya everyone go read porn conventions by michael estrin he's the world's greatest (human, and therefore also greatest porn reporter)

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Hi, I'm Hicham from Morocco, knew here among you and I write articles about my country, not for the sake of the Tourism secretary lol but to improve my english writing and have an impact, somehow in this world. So, I invite you community to visit my substack. And if you like it, you're welcome to subscribe and share it.

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Thank you my friend for your hospitality. I appreciate it !

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What a diverse assortment of publications! Thank you for sharing, I have some new things to explore this weekend. 😊

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Very disappointed that this is on Substack! It’s crap! Don’t want to receive this!!!

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Two posts worth highlighting: "Layoff Brain" from Culture Study: https://annehelen.substack.com/p/layoff-brain?utm_source=%2Fsaved&utm_medium=reader2

and "One-sided conversations with unmedicated Alderpersons" from Field Research: https://agowani.substack.com/p/one-sided-conversations-with-unmedicated-4e3

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Thanks for the shout, Andrew!

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Yes the Field Research piece is terrific!

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Thank you, Anne!

High praise coming from the master of the genre. :-)

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I've been reading (& obsessing over) Jane Ratcliffe's Beyond this week. She usually has brilliant interviews, but this week she published a deeply moving, personal post about "inheriting the loneliness gene." Highly recommend: https://janeratcliffe.substack.com/p/jane-ratcliffe

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