Such great recommendations! I love everything Mason Currey writes, and now I've got a few more exciting newsletters to subscribe to.

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I'm terrible at self promotion. I just want to keep writing, but my Substack now has 350 (unpaid) subscribers. I'm encouraged. Here's a humorous piece about an unanticipated COVID effect. https://douglasg.substack.com/p/a-pandemic-close-shave-9a3

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Substack Reads is one of my favorite Substack readings ❤️

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Lovely to discover Alex Dimitrov’s work! My recommendation is this one:


Loulou - co-host of the podcast Poetry to your Ears

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I just launched my Substack, about literature, mindfulness, and technology. My first post is an exploration of questions around the morality of having kids and the usefulness of morality.


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Intriguing 🧐

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On Wednesday Dennard Dayle from Extra Evil, Michael Estrin from Situation Normal and me, Amran Gowani from Field Research, collaborated on this hilarious and darkly satirical update to Vote or Die.

We’d love it if you checked it out!


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Feels uncool to promote your own stack, so here's a delightful post from one I follow. Less than a minute to read.


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This is lovely. Thank you so much. And thank you for the wonderful recommendations!

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A while ago I started my Ray Bradbury Challenge - where, inspired by Bradbury's advice, I read 1 story, 1 essay and 1 poem a day. I didn't expect so many of the great essays on my list to come from Substack! Definitely going to add some from this recommendations thread. Thank you.

You can follow my journey here - https://fictitious.substack.com/s/ray-bradbury-challenge

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Another great round up of writers. Thank you

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Little late to the comment party here ... mostly because I really hate self-promotion. But if you're into cycling at all, I recommend Cycotherapy: conquering the fear du jour through bikes and whimsy. It's been a ton of fun, and I hope it shows. I write about the joys and pains of riding bikes. https://cycotherapy.substack.com/

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I am new to Substack and have found this round up of writers very useful. I doubt I would have found them otherwise, so perfect Sunday morning reading for me. Thank you.

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Dictator for a Day (https://dictatorforaday.substack.com) "What I would do if I were 'Dictator for a Day.'" Both a Podcast and a companion article (most of the time). The podcast is Commentary + Comedy... definitely more fun.

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Burnt out renewable energy worker witing about resilience, imperfectionism, and our relationship to the earth while sailing from San Francisco to the Chesapeake Bay. Currently in Panama:


Each letter includes a "can do list", four suggestions written in the spirit of not letting what we can't do get in the way of what we can.

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