Thrilled to see Michelle Jia's Substack included here. I met her at the Substack meet-up in Toronto a few weeks ago and have been enjoying her writing a lot - a fantastic writer.

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Here's a nicely nuanced piece on authors and income:


And a good piece on liberal democracy:


And a really nice piece on the historical philosophical origins of certain strains of contemporary political thought:


I think pieces bear the weight of rereading.

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Another amazing issue, thank you!

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‘... finger sandwiches were sent out for us to use...’. Gasp! Not another accident with a knife.

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Lauren Wolfe's coverage of the war is incredibly visceral. Her recent story on "The Mystery of Two Dead Women" sank into my bones for days.

I interviewed a WSJ journalist on his time in Ukraine and his breaking reports of war crimes in Bucha. The crossovers between these two are, well, chilling.

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It’s good to know what you’re being faced with. As a member of the dismissed generation, I am not encouraged by the preference of opinion over experience. I get it. Each new group has their answers. My own pendulum has swung a few times over the years.

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Zine just published a deep analysis on the role of the Long Tail and Creator Economy in the face of Hollywood reboots.

How is it that during a moment of radical creator liberation and audience frustration, we’re finding ourselves with the same tropes and hooks across all forms of entertainment?


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We should be looking to find and share; how to return to a Constitutional republican form of government on you States and Territories this year 2022. Everything else is a diversion.

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Great choices! Thank you!

Please feel free to visit my site! Farm life, sheep, fiber arts, and living in loss.

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I’m started a page this week with romance book recs and reviews. I posted a pretty comprehensive guide to borrowing ebooks with your library card that can be useful for any reader: https://randomolivereads.substack.com/p/how-to-read-hundreds-of-books-for and if you’re getting started reading historical romance, I give an overview of their overall series structures: https://randomolivereads.substack.com/p/structures-of-historical-romance

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Here’s a short story from The Maple Moon! They cover Literature, Culture, Journalism, Stories, Poetry, and more! https://themaplemoon.substack.com/p/everything-hurts-when-youre-dying

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I'm new to substack and have been sharing our adventures in the kitchen ... here's a good read about the use and versatility of banana skins ... please take a look:) https://wholefoodsmadeeasy.substack.com/p/how-to-cook-with-banana-peels

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I'm reading Laurie Stone's Everything is Personal Substack (<lauriestone@substack.com), which is a stunning literary tour de force. The writer Laurie Weeks wrote the following endorsement of Stone's Substack posts:

"Go to Laurie’s “stack.” It’s like —I don’t know what it’s like but it makes my brain or body-mind, happy, inspired, hungry for more. She writes about all kinds of things I care deeply about, like Godard, to name one, and just nails these exciting insightful details that cut through the spaced out morass of my “mind” to shock me awake and open, by example, my own tentative stabs at articulation. Plus I start to care about the things I love again after being away from NYC for a while, kidnapped by hillbillies and hence keeping myself in a protective light coma as a result. She writes about tons of things I don’t hear discussed much anymore no matter where I am. But it’s not pretentious and it’s not just Godard, it’s like you’re at a coffee shop talking about everything. It’s so much fun. It’s life, which among other things is books & film & art & shoes & I mean, Godard IS life, like a tree or adventure and that’s what Laurie’s style is too. It’s serious and pleasurable to read, not tortured or academic (not that there’s anything wrong with that but it’s sure not what I need at the moment, plus her combo of style and topics are far more crucial to me anyway.) Plus it’s free though I subscribed for like 2 wooden drachmas because Mary Gaitskill & other great people post there also. It’s pretty casual but still saving me from Covid/Trump flatlining."

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‘Are you in it for the long haul’ by Mark Cutts ... we should all take note you will all relate to this . One goal. Two different journeys .

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Can someone take a look at my page and leave a comment as to what they think about my stories. Doesn't matter which one. I just need some sort of feedback. It seems no one wants to leave a written comment about anything I write. It's gotten to the point where I'm wondering if anyone's actually reading https://benwoestenburg.substack.com

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so cute 🐬

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