Substack Reads is designed to showcase the remarkable work and fascinatingly varied perspectives that have found a home on the platform. We welcome thoughtful criticism and conversation, but comments that are off-topic, rude, disparaging, or derogatory will be removed. In other words: If you can’t say something kind, at least say something interesting.
The Hunter Biden laptop was not "hacked." It was not stolen information. That's why what Twitter did was so wrong. This is entirely different. It is a foreign adversary stealing information and giving it to outlets to meddle in our elections. And then being used to hurt the Trump side and help Democrats. The Hunter Biden laptop was left in a computer store and had nothing to do with the Russians.
Sasha nails it. Another difference is that DHS confirmed Iran is actively trying to assassinate Trump and the Vance dossier contains home addresses, which jeopardizes his and his family’s security. Thomas Matthew Crooks and Ryan Routh, the two men who attempted to kill Trump, both donated to Democrats. 28% of Democrats surveyed by Rasmussen agreed that it the country would be better off they succeeded. Finally, both Harris and Walz have stated that they support censorship to limit speech that they deem to be “hate speech” or “misinformation”. Lest we forget, the Hunter Biden laptop was censored because it was designated as "Russian disinformation" by 51 unelected intelligence officials who wanted Biden/Harris to win.
I commend Substack for protecting journalists of all stripes, but we also need to consider these nuances and facts.
It know it will seem strange to you, because you are obviously in a cult, but I'm really not interested in anything you choose to post. I assumed you would be able to figure out by now that I am not a member of your cult and will not be joining. Please save your time and effort in posting anything for me and instead use that time to shop around for the new watches I've heard will be for sale shortly, if not already. Priced between $1,000-$100,000, but pictures on the website or may not reflect the actual product, much like him and his cult.
Both" registered Republicans and self- described Trump supporters" but in the same thread they're described as " Democrat donors" As an Aussie, wbat gives!
“Lest we forget, the Hunter Biden laptop was censored because it was designated as "Russian disinformation" by 51 intelligence officials who wanted Biden/Harris to win.”
Oh, gurl… such a sad with the fiction. Yes, we should forget this dis- and misinformation.
Maybe that they could kill him if they wanted. The manaforts were involved in major demolitions in NY(911 🙄) Didm't Bush sr. Say, "wouldn't it be fun to knock em down
" referring to the towers. And, all of these people trying to kill trump must be the most incompetent assassins in the world. Script,=radical liberals, terrorists from Iran, blah blah blah, psyop after psyop.
I said that too. With ten zillion Men with guns how did they miss. Many snipers. And when it comes to being slick The US Government wrote the book on it. Id put Nair hair removal in his shampoo my way of saying yes we can
Vance's home address is availabile on the the website of the Ohio state government, because he is an elected official there, as well as a hundred other state and county government websites. Pretending anyone was "protected" by banning Kilppenstein is inane.
In 2016, Crooks registered as a Republican, which has nothing to do with anything. Why can't we agree that these were deeply disturbed individuals, regardless of political persuasion. When we talk about nuances and facts, there will always be misinformation, it is how it is amplified that matters.
It seems as though Vance’s home address was widely available on the internet (including on multiple government pages) prior to the leak so I’m not sure how legitimate a concern that aspect is.
1936 President Woodrow Wilson US Neutrality Act Prohibiting the export of Arms Ammunition and Implements of War from the United States Government to be sold to Foreign Nations. Feb 29,1936.Congress renewed The Act in 1937 it Prohibited Americans from extending any loans to Belligerent Nations the Neutrality Act of 1937. The Immigration Act of 1924 the Johnson -Reed Act limits the amount of of people who can enter the USA..
I have some of my own complaints against Trump. God shows me. To look at. As part of taking down the American Government was re Pete firing of All Top US Government Workers. Trump was one of the highest 92 percent. Clinton out did him. All gathered information was removed and replaced with fake info.
Which part of your important discussion do you believe was disrupted? That everyone here knows the intentions of the journalist who released the document they're offended about because it's all true and shows just what a lying piece of shit vance is or that I stated truth that hurt feelings? But, do mansplain where I belong, because you're so fascinating and smart. 🙄
A bit late in replying but you seemed so offended. I simply meant that all the whining and profanity about Springfield and Vance’s politics, reprehensible as they are, had nothing to do with the issue of whether it was appropriate for the media to publish hacked documents from any candidate, POS or not, which was the topic of the original post. And that this type of over the top, off topic rant is more typically found on twitter with the MAGA crowd.
Finally, how can it be mansplaining if you asked the question and I answered? I have a feeling you pull that term out every time a man says something that offends you. I would have said the same thing about your post regardless of who posted it.
I'm not offended I'm pissed off. Had you even bothered to even check who and/or what I was "whining" and using "profanity" over, it wasn't about the issue of whether it was appropriate for the media to publish hacked documents, it was about the false alarm pearl clutching bullshit, oops more "profanity", that his address was published "which jeopardizes his and his family's security". So, it was YOU who inserted yourself and went off topic from what i responded to. Since you brought up the maga crowd, it seems you fit in with them nicely.
It's called mansplaining when you were not, in fact, asked for a damned thing, and yet found a way to insert yourself anyway, and still had absolutely no idea what the hell you're even talking about. Lastly, I can assure you that I can count on 1 finger the number of times I have been mainsplained to, and that was by you, but go ahead and mansplain some more about how I use the term mainsplain.
How does your unhinged rant address the topic? The Springfield issue wasn’t a leak or foreign interference to damage a campaign. Although it was a political issue that needed to be brought to public attention about corporate greed and how it uses our broken immigration system to the detriment of communities.
My entire existence is for the detriment of our communities? You’ve just proven that not only is your post unhinged, but you’re certifiably insane. Get some psychiatric help.
Nope, leftists love when those who feel it their right to make decisions that effect others lives to experience the fallout of those decisions. But it's weird that you brought up "against women", it's almost as if that's what YOU are obobsessed with 🤔
but let’s use your logic to another argument: would you love to see all the “experts” who lied and pushed a vaccine that was neither safe nor effective be punished? will you wish them pain and suffering and rejoice when they scream?
I like it when those leftists who force people to take a vaccine and if they don't comply they will lose their jobs, have to retire from the military, can’t attend the funeral of a family member, or send their kids to school, try to tell everyone that the right loves to make decisions about others lives.
Me too, particularly when those leftists were left with no other option than to force the vaccines to save lives after hundreds of thousands of people needlessly died due to no other reason than because of assholes who were too selfish to simply wear a fuckimg mask to protect the more vulnerable, stay home, and stay distanced to stop the spread of a lethal virus. Particularly after the massive failure of the convicted felon, rapist, fraud cult leader who was caught admitting how deadly the virus was after every single one of his sycophants bought into the lies, simply because he said so. Maybe try to be decent or even semi-human for once in your pitiful life and someone would genuinely give a rats ass about you some day too. 🤷♀️
Ahahahahaha! All one has to do is look at Michelle's profile handle and substack profile bio. Don't worry about her. The best thing one can do is ignore. There is nothing anyone can say that will make her feel better (or worse) than she currently does. Yikes.
Like water off a ducks back. Have a great day Michelle!! Hope you find happiness somewhere in your life!
The irony of the entirety of the cultists in this thread being pearl clutching alarmists over vances privacy and security is absolutely hysterical when coupled with the number of you morons who have actively and proudly stalked my profile in the hopes of finding something personal to use as ammunition against me, like I don't know what I put on my own profile 🤣🤣 Such infantile snowflakes too stupid to even recognize how hypocritically ignorant you are.
I'd hardly consider clicking on your profile and reading your words as stalking. Wishing death to other human beings sure seems a lot like what you claim to be against. Weird. I hope you have love and happiness in your personal life amd you can overcome your rabid TDS and focus on reality. Best of luck in life!
I don't think someone can "stalk" a bio, since a bio is written and posted by the person whose bio it belongs to and is up on the web for everyone to read. I've been reading through all the arguments and insults here, and I'm noticing that almost all of it is completely unnecessary.
I look at it this way ... everyone has an opinion, but having an opinion and feeling a need to post that opinion are two different things. And, I'm not talking about the article, because, that's just an opinion. It's all the follow-up comments where most here are just here to insult, rather than post something relevant. But, that's just my observation, and opinion, which, like so many opinions here, is unimportant, and has nothing to do with advancing our alleged "democracy???" for a corporate oligarchy which has a monopoly on both mainstream-accepted political parties, which, by the way, are both proving, without a doubt, that they are past obsolete.
What I think would be interesting is if the American people were truly capable of waking up and deciding that they wanted to try something new, and started voting for independents (true independents), Libertarians, Greens, or just anyone who isn't in any way whatsoever, connected to the RepubliCratic, corporpate-owned Uni-Party.
Alas', nothing is ever going to change, and this is why Rome is burning, as it flushes itself down the toilet.
If you have never experienced actual communism, yourself, stop commenting about it. I'm so sick of the hyperbolic language from republicans, specifically the wannabe Mango Mousilli, to stoke fear in their base about communism, socialism, marxism when referring to democrats.
As a dual citizen, raised in Europe, I had family in East Germany so I actually do know about communism. A person running be the elected highest government official who openly talks about never leaving office again, has a published plan with step by step points for how it will be accomplished. Starting with targeting a specific group of individuals he hates the most, the people of a different skin color, then moving to the rest, until only white men are in control of everything. He uses hate speech once used by his favorite dictator, Hitler, to stoke the anger of the already weak, white men with damaged egos and damaged or submissive women to go along with his weak, damaged ego.
This has already played out and his supporters are either too stupid to see that or welcome it because they're weak men who finally see that they can have the power they feel like they deserve, simply at the cost of destroying or ending someone else's life, but Nazi’s don't care about that part.
The false equolovance and statements of the "brown shirts" when referring to the FBI and "communsts" when referring to democrats and whatever other bullshit I've seen in this thread is a bunch of sycophants, trying to justify supporting a failure in life. A person convicted of 34 felonies for fraud, adjudicated rapist, found guilty of fraud for stealing from a children's cancer charity he set up, found guilty of fraud for a fake university, has multiple bankruptcies, is named in court documents as the rapist of multiple underage girls, has never been faithful to any woman, is a failure in every business venture, and as a whole is a failure in life. And these people vehemently support him to run our country and claim it's because he did such a great job before, while it's really because he throws around worwords like communist when referring to democrats.
Like I said, I've seen communism and it sure as hell isn't democrats. So don't come me with that bullshit that both side have gone communist. That's just one party, and it's not the democrats.
Watch, the absolute shit show of comments defending the orange menace that will follow, from all of the offended damaged people and their reasoning for why I'm wrong, it'll just prove me right.
It's weird that you liken me and based in your screen name, all democrats to a "new age nazi" when you and your like minded cult members are ACTUAL Nazis. Your cult leader LITERALLY steals his speeches from Hitler like he steals everything else. Let's be honest, you would have no idea what the moral highground looked like if it slapped you with your own swastika.
Best not to engage further with this deranged person. Sadly, I often disengage … these people are unreachable and lost. Good vs evil is the situation in today’s world. We either see it for what it truly is or we are blind. It is very obvious where everyone stands, which is a good thing. They aren’t hiding who they are anymore.
God, I was just screaming at my phone pretty much the same thing. That laptop info was ACTUAL information, devoid of any external/foreign influences, and was denied coverage/deplatformed in order to EXPLICITY influence the 2020 election. And then falsely pushed as 'disinformation', which was ITSELF Unequivocally DISinformation. Smfh....
What? The laptop (1) did not belong to anyone running for office in 2020 and (2) contained no actionable material even on the poor drug asked Hunter. Why are you folks still peddling this debunked nonsense?
What about it is debunked? Besides the drug and sex photos, there was a lot of information regarding influence peddling in both Ukraine and China, much of it involving the "Big Guy." Biden took Hunter along on official trips. This was all very much relevant to the 2020 election, and would have had an impact had it not been actively suppressed. One need not be a Trumper (I'm not) to understand this. Only a partisan hack (that would by you) would try to dismiss this as a nothingburger. The Hunter Biden laptop was/is far more real than any of the Russiagate nonsense that flooded the mainstream media for years and years.
Hillary hides much. I prayed for her yesterday. And have no hate for her she was a very nice girl before getting in Government. But God shows me the other side of it.
If I was the Attorney Doing Biden case. Say he was busted on drugs. You can be sitting in a room full of cocaine. Important question? Did you see him with his hands on the drugs? If you say no! Case is dropped. It has to be in his hand to prove it was his. Walking into a drug filled room is not a crime. It becomes a crime when he claims it .
The release of the laptop was a dirty trick/October surprise whose release was timed for maximum damage a month before Election Day. Giuliani and the Trump campaign knew it couldn’t be investigated in time for people to make an informed decision before voting. So I’m fine with what happened next in light of the embarrassing lack of evidence of criminal behavior by Biden after years of investigation. Please don’t mention Hunter or Jim Biden. Neither is President. You’re whining because their dirty trick was more effective than the GOP’s. Take heart, though; you have Musk and at least two SCOTUS justices with their thumbs on the scale.
So what color is the sky in YOUR world mate? You're concerned about the TIMING more than the substance? Not to mention the FBI knew all about this months prior to October, knew it was true, and purposely sat on it in order to keep the American public uninformed. Then threw out the ol standbys: Russia, disinformation, etc...which was/is ACTUAL misinformation.
GTFOH with your 'blue no matter who' bullshit. The DNC is corrupt, full stop. Anyone with even 2 neurons rubbing together is aware of this.
I addressed the substance, “mate” and there is none. Three years of investigation and no evidence that Biden received money for an official act. And timing is everything because if the FBI had it, Giuliani had it too and somehow it took months to be published in the Post and on Fox News, conveniently a month before Election Day. As far as the FBI sitting on it, what were they supposed to do? The investigation ended up taking years and they don’t comment on active investigations. What does the DNC have to do with any of this? Any decisions were made by the campaign/candidate. The national committees of both parties work for the candidates these days, especially the RNC. The DNC is no more “corrupt” than the RNC. Anyone who thinks otherwise has no neurons rubbing together. So, what the hell are you talking about?
Pro tip: this isn’t Twitter. Most people here are better informed than you seem to be. Full stop.
Not sure if you are referring to Trump or Biden with this post but referencing Brown shirts means it probably doesn’t matter. I long for the day when people seek out multiple viewpoints and exercise critical thinking so they don’t have to whine about political “bias”. Because whining about bias is just an excuse for not doing the work and a way to avoid unpleasant truths on both sides.
Pro tip - yes, this substack. And we are more informed and higher information than twitter. That’s why I’m shocked you can still claim what you do to this audience and think you can still defend it. Really, it’s fascinating.
BidAn has been investigated like Hillary Clinton has been investigated. I am well aware the FBI work to protect the criminals in office. If I am aware so is most of the citizens, especially as they themselves gave us front row seats to how they operate when dealing with real crimes and crimes they create along with their string pullers. I for one am sitting on info about a certain Democrat Politician that I believe the public have a right to know & see, but as it is of a sensitive explicit sick nature I have been trying to contemplate if I should release it and if yes, who would not censor it. So it is a dilemma if you believe the Truth should be released. It is just a very disturbing sick truth.
Thank you TWC for clarifying! MSM labeling the laptop info as “disinfo” which was in fact the misinformation was covered in detail by Matt Taibi’s substack. That was in fact election interference. We need to know the truth instead to ascribing to false narratives.
There’s a huge difference between accepting classified inscrutable documents stolen from a government agency and accepting highly embarrassing information downloaded from presidential offspring’s computers and diaries. In any event, people who strut around calling themselves journalists in this sad epoch lack the stature to evaluate anything much less pass on to the public believable, actionable news.
No one cares about crack pipes and dick pics. Folks do care if the sitting VPOTUS and his son are doing business, illicit and/or otherwise, in a foreign nation.
So then why didn't those "folks" (Republicans) care about Jared and Ivanka's foreign dealings during the Trump administration? Why didn't they care about all the evidence against Trump Vindman testified to?
Wrong again. The payments are totally, absolutely documented. Checks totaling 30 million, with NO explanation of why the Bidens received them, came from entities in the Ukraine and China. Also, Hunter was on the board of Burisma to the tune of over two million, although he had no qualifications. Hutner testified that the only reason he knew of why he was appointed to the board was because he was Joe's son. Joe subsequently had a Ukrainian prosecutor, who was investigating Burisma, fired.
But I know that's not proof to you. It's not proof because you don't want it to be. But let's put the Bidens on trial in Texas just like Trump was put on trial in NY, and we'll see if the Texans think it's proof.
This is accurate. Hunter Biden left his laptop at a computer repair store, and then forgot about it, presumably in a drug-induced stupor. Theft was not involved.
I suspect Hamish simply misspoke. It's been a few years since the event. I've certainly found myself flubbing details after time has passed.
Everyone should remember that whether or not the laptop was accidentally left or abandoned is vital and key to deciding when you should or shouldn't publish ill-gotten material. We also owe it to readers to be accurate in how we recall these events.
Remember how the Dems clutched their pearls because of how terrible it was that Trump campaign members even took a meeting with a promise of dirt on Hillary (which never materialized by all accounts)? They brought this up over and over as a sign Team Trump was colluding with Russia (despite the decent likelihood that Dem operatives were involved in setting up the meeting as a "trap" they could use to smear Trump). Apparently what made it so terrible was taking any help from, OH NO, a FOREIGN COUNTRY!
We should also remember that, other damaging Dem info was also supposed to be so terrible because it was stolen by Russia -- though that was not proven, and the DNC would not even let the FBI look at their server. And there was also information that it might have actually been secreted out of the DNC by a disgruntled insider.
So, if a foreign adversary is that actually targets a campaign and produces damaging but stolen information, that is quite different than information on a carelessly left laptop.
Democrats who feigned shock when Trump joked about Putin helping find Hillary's emails, can not now support using any information which resulted from Iran's digital espionage. Unless they are total hypocrites and/or were totally insincere on the previous matters.
He signed an agreement when dropped off that if it were left past X amount of days he was relinquishing ownership, as a way to protect the repair shop from liability. Your made up scenario doesn’t compare in any way
No, of course not. The relevant legal principle is the law concerning abandonment of property. If you simply drop your phone, you did not intend to abandon it, so it does not become public property. Rather, it’s a lost object.
Hunter’s laptop, however, was actually abandoned for a long period of time at Mr. Isaacs’ computer repair shop — long enough to be the subject of the law of abandonment, and also to be subjected to the terms of the contract under which he left it at the shop.
Thank you for stating the true facts to push back on these disinformation spreading Iranian-backed hacks on SubStack that are all for Iran, a foreign terrorist-supporting state that has had the Democrats in their pockets for decades now (why else would Biden and Obama before him turn over Billions of dollars to the Iranians every chance that they can?)
Equating this foreign intervention into our elections with the release of the physical hard drive that Hunter legally relinquished is absurd.
It was private, personal information that has national security implications. When the President’s son is a crackhead with a sex club and escort habit costing tens of thousands of dollars a month, he is a textbook candidate for a kompromat operation. Those 51 intelligence officials weren’t technically lying when they said it had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation”. They knew it was legit, but Hunter Biden is exactly the type of person the Russians would target for blackmail.
I do think that’s all mostly salacious and beside the point however. The real priority was to throw up a smokescreen around the fact that Hunter Biden was engaged in influence peddling in a corrupt petrostate, probably sending kickbacks to Joe, and profiting from public office in that manner is perfectly legal and routine for most members of our ruling class.
When the laptop was dropped off, Hunter signed a contract which includes provisions for abandonment. He abandoned the laptop. The shop owner was concerned about a great deal of the laptop's content. He alerted the FBI. See something, say something.
It is true that the information was acquired by different means. It is also true that this doesn't matter regarding whether journalists be allowed to print it. Their job is to give the public information. It is the public's job to decide what to think about it. If we start censoring because of how the information was obtained, we will all know less and be left only with the official narrative.
(Narrow content restrictions acknowledged on national security, personal identification information, etc.)
The one thing that saves Hunter Biden. You using his computer as a weapon against him. We are in court .the Judge ask. Did you see Hunter Biden punch that into the Computer? You say No. Case is over. No one saw who did the entries into the computer. Could have been any body. I would get it thrown out based on the No I didn't see him do it .
I doubt if they know. You really had to be paying attention. And since the trolls don't care about details, just parroting talking points, they wouldn't have seen it. Fox News didn't tell them.
Even if you are correct that it would be difficult to convict Hunter Biden in a court of law based solely on the info on the laptop,
a) that is zero excuse for media not to publish the information
b) the left-biased MSM uses nothing remotely like this standard when it comes to publishing info harmful to GOP
c) it is even less excuse to claim that it was Russian disinformation and publish that: are you suggesting that THAT claim wouldn’t get thrown out even sooner!?!?!?!
Yeah, and E.Jean Carroll made up her assault story, and Trump was still found liable of it. Sorry, but technology is more reliable than attention-seeking women. So this whole argument…wow. Just wow.
Unfortunately this thread has devolved into a Hunter Biden laptop thread (I’m complicit since I weighed in twice on the Laptop) and there are way more comments about that than the important question of whether journalists should publish hacked or stolen documents from a campaign.
Yes it does connect to Russian. The same group have held the Whitehouse for over 35 years. Bill Clinton is a Russian. He steps down Hillary steps in putting Bill back in the President seat.. Obama steps down. Biden steps in putting Obama back in by phone. Musical chairs. It's against the law to sell and Arms or Ammunition or implements of War to other Nations. Bill Clinton sold to the Russians. While US Troops were fighting overseas. Cut US Army down to 12 units of fighting men. China has 355 division of infantry. Sounds like a fair fight? Trump scored the Highest on Firing Top Intelligence security Personnel And Top Government Officials 92 percent Reagan 78 percent. Bush 66 percent George W Bush 63 percent. Obama 71 percent Biden 71 percent 13 Cabinet. Clinton 100 percent Copy of the Rosenbergs.
It's Called the Black Takeover of the United States Government. Done by the Leage of Nations a joint Get even with White e party. Mostly the British and English. For the Bombing of Hiroshima. UN joint action. With Red China. And Russia. Add in Castro. Mexican involvement. Terrorist involvement. Hiroshima is part of the 1st emperor of China Japanese Imperial Army some of his best men. With 355 divisions of Infantry. Add in India. Southern Canada who fight with China.
Hacking or stolen, same difference. Only hypocrites like Elon Musk will find refuge in such nuances. Hey Sasha, how does it feel when the boot is on the other leg
Every conservative Tom, Dick and Jerry reposted material from the Russian DNC hack in 2016 and nobody cared in the slightest. Let's not pretend anyone cares where the information came from.
No one would have had an issue if he had redacted the SSN and physical address of JD Vance. He was banned from X for doxxing him. There is zero journalistic value to doxxing someone and didn't add anything to the story. It only endangered him and his family. This is a terrible take.
I assume the rhetoric that Trump spread to incite violence that directly led to two separate assassination attempts from his own supporter base is not vicious and inciting murder?
Do an internet search for OH state election declaration or Vance's certification with the KY Bar Association. The info in the pdf that K Klippenstein linked to is publicly available information. In fact, if one is in government at practically any level, even just as an employee, you have surrendered privacy. (Go to the website of your state or county or even city government and you can find find PII on the people working there with very little effort. And I would wager that many of them have families too.) TLDR: It isn't doxxing if it's already public info.
Take a look at the contents of the Vance stuff. I feel certain that it isn't any possible doxxing that concerns E Musk and others who are clutching their pearls so tightly.
Klippenstein should NEVER have published Vance's personal information to begin with. To later say "Oops" and redact it after the fact is inexcusable and, frankly, nakedly partisan.
Sure, he shouldn't have, but that's hardly why Musk is so up in arms about it. People have posted child sexual abuse to Twitter and been personally unbanned by Musk after saying "oops."
100% agree but there is also a right to privacy. It does not protect you from being exposed as a wrongdoer or of criticism, but usually does protect you from publishing you personal information online without your consent. It's a matter of balance.
“Journalists” are failing all across the country. I’ve cancelled subscriptions, even NPR, because “journalists” are just platforming trash while ignoring what’s important.
“‘journalists’ are just platforming trash while ignoring what’s important.”
That’s not true at all.
They only ignore things that harm leftists or help the right in any way - especially if it would help Trump.
The New York Times itself, using the byline of Jim Rutenberg, announced and asserted this in "Trump Is Testing the Norms of Objectivity in Journalism" in August, 2016.
The overtly left-biased media chooses not to cover stories they believe harm leftist politicians and agendas, while going with leaks when they serve leftist interests - and never outing “leaks” to them that are proven to be lies later if they served the leftist agenda at the time.
Well said. What about the Biden administration’s censoring of information on COVID? We know that happened and why. How can you give give them a pass for that? Suddenly they are deciding what’s “mis or disinformation “ as it suits their narrative! Really?
Doxing a political opponent in today’s environment - home address, social security number, information about their children, etc. - with lunatics like Democrats around (Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden), openly issuing threats and provocations of violence against Republicans isn’t journalism. It’s tyranny.
You are delusional. Democrats are openly encouraging assassination with the obvious result. Trump never prosecuted a political rival. And he never raided anyone’s home for an alleged crime - case dismissed - that Joe Biden skated on because he’s senile.
Please name even one Democrat who has 'openly encouraged assassination'?
That's right - there are NONE.
trump 'never raided anyone's home'? Was that one of his presidential duties I missed? trump should stick to things he knows; like raiding refrigerators, raiding the Miss Teen dressing room, or maybe raiding the Depends aisle.
That alleged crime; just hold tight until the 11th Circuit reverses Cannon for the 3rd (and final) time. She'll finally be removed from the case so JUSTICE can proceed.
Did you even watch that? The guy isn’t saying “oh yes we must murder Trump” you poor simpleton he’s talking about eliminating Trump from the race as in by vote or other judicial process. This is a phrase that has been used for decades by both parties and does not historically mean “assassinate the other candidate”. Used in a sentence: We use the process of elimination to determine the winner. I can’t believe I have to explain words 🤦♂️
The tree is the same for Trump supporters. You can’t separate from the flock. You are anti-American, anti-democracy, traitors, and Trump and Vance have both very clearly stated your intentions. We are no fools.
Just out of curiosity, Debbie.Could you list examples of your accusations?I can't find any ,but perhaps you're aware of things.I am not ,I await your answer.
Well, if I'm not confused I think you are taught in school to ask questions.I asked a question .I see you pulled a camel toe gave no answer, unless you would care to talk about your middle class up bringing and your lawn Neighbors maintenance , but other than that we're back to square one . and bless your heart as well.
Hey, Tony.Just a suggestion.I think you should absolutely take your own advice. Take the weekend off. Don't worry the big orange scary man will still be there on monday. And then you can Go right back to your juvenile insults
Honestly, Ray, I kid because I care and always make an effort to write to my audience. At this late stage of your hero's declining mental faculties, I actually pity anyone who's still carrying (waste) water for trump. Having pity isn't a juvenile trait, is it?
Julian Assange was essentially a whistleblower making available information and/or videos showing government incompetence,
corruption and malfeasance. What did the government do? Indict him for crimes ostensibly because they did not consider Wikileaks- Assange- a legitimate publisher. So government uses its power against political opponents as well as whistleblowers. Rogue government is now commonplace.
We should bow down to Assange for what he did. Not one of the pieces of trash/killers that he exposed has even been charged. Shows how much we as a society prefer killers to truth tellers.
New York Times published the Pentagon Papers and that was considered a matter of national security at the time and no indictments. Hillary Clinton broke dozens of National Security laws and not one indictment was brought against her. Unfortunately, we cannot trust the federal government.
This is from former FBI Director Comey, regarding Hillary Clinton “evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information,” The cascading violations would definitely lead to mishandling not only classified information but the unlawful storage of emails on an illegal private server. No doubt any other person would have been incarcerated but we have a corrupt and partisan judicial system and there are many examples mostly regarding corrupt Democrats.
Taken out of context. He never charged her. Because the two Secretaries of State before her also had private email severs. Because the State Dept. computer systems were woefully ancient. So even if is a technical violation, there was nothing willful there. Nor was it willful with Colin Powell.
In this article the pro-Hillary Clinton there are four examples of lawyers stating she committed a crime or likely committed a crime and four examples from lawyers on no crime or a minor crime. Now, it is the discretion of prosecutors to indict and there are more examples than this article of lawyers stating Hillary Clinton committed a crime. Only a corrupt or misguided justice system would ignore her crimes. Hillary Clinton and Obama were incompetent and caused the deaths of the American ambassador in Libya and his security team. Their missteps are endless from chronic false accusations of racism to a feckless and incompetent foreign policy. Putin invaded and kept Crimea under Obama.
Odd she was never charged. Maybe if you look at the facts you'll realize there was nothing there. Also why do you not mention various Trump family members doing the exact same thing?
Democrats are taught to ignore facts and embrace smears. It is a fact the Hillary Clinton broke National Security laws,but our so-called federal justice system has been highly politicized and corrupt. Are you aware the demonic Democrat DOJ & FBI not only target political opponents but Democrats like Mayor Adam’s of NYC for criticizing the treasonous open borders policy of Biden-Harris regime but former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, Lt. Col and former Congresswoman as a potential terrorist. She is heavily searched before boarding aircraft and four Air Marshals are always on the flight either her. Do you understand what the Democrat party has become? Do you dismiss RFK, jr. too?
Replied to on Sept. 13. An uninformed Democrat she believes all the propaganda of mainstream news. We have an oligopoly in news where 5 or 6 companies provide “news” to 80% to 90% of the American people.
He was indicted in January, 1973 and all charges were dismissed in May 1973. The point is the NYT was never held responsible as the publisher ( Wikileaks was the publisher) because the Supreme Court ruled in favor of freedom of the press, dude.
More specifically, the Espionage Act case against Ellsberg was declared a mistrial after evidence came forward that the White House had ordered a break-in into the office of Daniel Ellsberg‘s psychiatrist to look for incriminating evidence.
As was pointed out just above this comment, we really shouldn't accept the assertions of intelligence agencies at face value... Not solely because they're "declared liars" (although that certainly should factor in), or because freedom of the press is supposed to be a core value of the government that went after Assange... It's just a matter of "cui bono"?
Communist China is always relevant because their meddling in this country is massive in dozens of ways. Russia is a poor country and its so called meddling is insignificant and that is a fact and there are no facts to contradict that. Russia is very relevant because these idiots, incompetents Biden and Harris are giving Ukraine long range missiles to strike deep into Russia which could cascade into WWIII. Elected Democrats are reckless and corrupt.
Bullshit. Russia has been meddling in elections for decades. They are poor because of the oligarchs that stole all the money from the former Soviet Union . Including Putin the Poisoner. Who’s paying to spout that rightwing propaganda?
I’m glad to hear you taking this view. I’ve been feeling concerned that Substack would go the way of FB and others and cave in to censorship. Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society, and freedom of speech counts most when it comes to speech we disagree with. I might not like what you say, but as a citizen in this society I must defend your right to say it, lest I lose mine as well.
I'm that case you won't mind Obama,s fbi and doj goons turning up at your door to take you on a perp walk will you? Because that's what happens to patriots that stand up for President Trump and why this guy is a coward. He writes knowing that there will be no consequences for his bullshit opinion.
And how do you propose to do that in the absence of freedom of speech? See, we're all stuck in the same loop, no matter what side we're on. WE have the right to freedom of speech, but THEY don't. That's not what the 1st amendment says, Bro. I don't want the uniparty to win anymore than you do; but censorship on any side is not the answer. Just sayin'.
I couldn't agree more with the tenets of this article. I probably learned more in my 8th grade journalism class than many of the 'journalists' of today demonstrate. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. So when there is crap about one candidate or issue it needs to be brought forward, but it is not a one way street. So while we here all this stuff about the Trump campaign, I can't figure out for the life of me, why the press doesn't press the Democrat nominee for more information. When 'journalists' actually stsart reporting fairly, then I will be more inclined to listen. I am not judging what Ken has written about, but I do want to see the other side adaquately reported as well. By the way, I have also come to the conclusion the press has a love-hate relationship with Trump. They are making bookoo bucks off of covering Trump, while they blast his style and comments to show what an idiot he can be. In this case, in my opinion, the press is kind of full of shit! I wish they would report the news, and when they are giving an opinion, say so!
What’s the public value of publishing someone’s social security number? Their address? Where someone’s kids live? Honestly, what is this persons private info value to the public otherwise to harass them? If Vance was lying about something and this exposed the lie, I would agree that it has value and should not be hidden. But it does none of that. This personal private information was stolen by a foreign government and shopped around until they found a stooge to leak it. That stooge has been found. And I can’t say for sure, but I bet that stooge spent the four years of trumps presidency saying that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election in many ways, one being the hack and leak of the DNC emails, which did expose lying. The irony.
I got doxed a few years ago after making some sort of a comment on some “social???” platform. To be honest, it felt like my heart chakra was directly attacked. It felt extremely frightening, because whoever this person was, not only did they attack me with their language, they posted all of my personal information in a public forum, which was extremely shocking to me. It definitely felt like a personal attack, and it did scare me. Fortunately, the platform took down that person’s dox post of my information immediately. Nothing ever came of it, thank goodness.
Both X and Facebook are not allowing anyone to post links to his article
FB DELETES as “false information used to deceive people and warns you that you can be banished if you continue to post these things that are against their community standards, which evidently pro right wing propaganda
Thank you and Substack for taking a firm stand in defense of journalism and whistleblowing, Hamish.
One minor quibble: You mention that the Pentagon Papers were “based on stolen documents.” I think it would be more accurate to say they were leaked documents. Daniel Ellsberg spent countless hours photocopying the documents (, which he later leaked to the press.
I discuss Ellsberg’s whistleblowing in the piece I dedicated to him and Julian Assange last year:
I was then asked to produce a video of the poem in that piece to be played during the Daniel Ellsberg tribute event at the Whistleblower Summit in 2023:
Substack Reads is designed to showcase the remarkable work and fascinatingly varied perspectives that have found a home on the platform. We welcome thoughtful criticism and conversation, but comments that are off-topic, rude, disparaging, or derogatory will be removed. In other words: If you can’t say something kind, at least say something interesting.
The Hunter Biden laptop was not "hacked." It was not stolen information. That's why what Twitter did was so wrong. This is entirely different. It is a foreign adversary stealing information and giving it to outlets to meddle in our elections. And then being used to hurt the Trump side and help Democrats. The Hunter Biden laptop was left in a computer store and had nothing to do with the Russians.
Sasha nails it. Another difference is that DHS confirmed Iran is actively trying to assassinate Trump and the Vance dossier contains home addresses, which jeopardizes his and his family’s security. Thomas Matthew Crooks and Ryan Routh, the two men who attempted to kill Trump, both donated to Democrats. 28% of Democrats surveyed by Rasmussen agreed that it the country would be better off they succeeded. Finally, both Harris and Walz have stated that they support censorship to limit speech that they deem to be “hate speech” or “misinformation”. Lest we forget, the Hunter Biden laptop was censored because it was designated as "Russian disinformation" by 51 unelected intelligence officials who wanted Biden/Harris to win.
I commend Substack for protecting journalists of all stripes, but we also need to consider these nuances and facts.
Such a sad. The two would-be assassins were registered Republicans and self-described Trump supporters. Next up Conspiracy Alley?
Did you know many on the left we're registering as Republicans to try to swing the primaries? I even got a text on how to.
Replies like this are always hilarious.
This is so dumb even Trump can't do better.
Did you know that both, particularly the last one, had years long social media posts in support of the orange stain? We know that, also.
Fantastic land!
That's where you get your stuff.
I'm going to post a news story about Springfield shortly just for you.
It know it will seem strange to you, because you are obviously in a cult, but I'm really not interested in anything you choose to post. I assumed you would be able to figure out by now that I am not a member of your cult and will not be joining. Please save your time and effort in posting anything for me and instead use that time to shop around for the new watches I've heard will be for sale shortly, if not already. Priced between $1,000-$100,000, but pictures on the website or may not reflect the actual product, much like him and his cult.
Both" registered Republicans and self- described Trump supporters" but in the same thread they're described as " Democrat donors" As an Aussie, wbat gives!
One formerly voted for Trump.
It’s wild the delusions you’ll believe just to make your would fit in the box that’s been molded for you.
“Lest we forget, the Hunter Biden laptop was censored because it was designated as "Russian disinformation" by 51 intelligence officials who wanted Biden/Harris to win.”
Oh, gurl… such a sad with the fiction. Yes, we should forget this dis- and misinformation.
Iran trying to kill Trump? Gee. I wonder why.
Debbie, If you think a hostile government interfering in our election is a good idea, then you might be a traitor, or short sighted at the least.
Trump is the traitor. And you're so deluded that you can't see it .
Trump would have deserved it for killing Solemani.
Me too!
Lies. Trump campaign Manager Paul Mumford is from Tarhan Iran.
Who tf is Paul Mumford?
So, what's your point?
Maybe that they could kill him if they wanted. The manaforts were involved in major demolitions in NY(911 🙄) Didm't Bush sr. Say, "wouldn't it be fun to knock em down
" referring to the towers. And, all of these people trying to kill trump must be the most incompetent assassins in the world. Script,=radical liberals, terrorists from Iran, blah blah blah, psyop after psyop.
I said that too. With ten zillion Men with guns how did they miss. Many snipers. And when it comes to being slick The US Government wrote the book on it. Id put Nair hair removal in his shampoo my way of saying yes we can
I don't believe them
What part of my statement do you ask for
Like throwing confetti into the air to distract from 2025. A few lies, a little BS, but mostly propaganda.
Have you even read 2025? I doubt it!
It's too scary for people to read.
How about Agenda 2030?
Pull it up and see
Vance's home address is availabile on the the website of the Ohio state government, because he is an elected official there, as well as a hundred other state and county government websites. Pretending anyone was "protected" by banning Kilppenstein is inane.
Where did DHS say that Iran is trying to kill Trump? The 2 attempts appear to be disenchanted, mentally unstable former MAGA people.
In 2016, Crooks registered as a Republican, which has nothing to do with anything. Why can't we agree that these were deeply disturbed individuals, regardless of political persuasion. When we talk about nuances and facts, there will always be misinformation, it is how it is amplified that matters.
It seems as though Vance’s home address was widely available on the internet (including on multiple government pages) prior to the leak so I’m not sure how legitimate a concern that aspect is.
1936 President Woodrow Wilson US Neutrality Act Prohibiting the export of Arms Ammunition and Implements of War from the United States Government to be sold to Foreign Nations. Feb 29,1936.Congress renewed The Act in 1937 it Prohibited Americans from extending any loans to Belligerent Nations the Neutrality Act of 1937. The Immigration Act of 1924 the Johnson -Reed Act limits the amount of of people who can enter the USA..
I have some of my own complaints against Trump. God shows me. To look at. As part of taking down the American Government was re Pete firing of All Top US Government Workers. Trump was one of the highest 92 percent. Clinton out did him. All gathered information was removed and replaced with fake info.
Yes. Sasha and Yuri are completely unhinged.
My oh my Michelle…..get your hearsay facts straight and take a tranquilizer!!
Oh, Marilyn get the mental health help you so desperately need and stop soliciting medical advice while not being an MD, it's a crime.
Congratulations on smoking out the CCL. Bravo and well done. That said tranquilizers and wine don’t mix.
This contributes nothing at all to an important discussion, true or not. Save this overheated crap for Twitter where it belongs.
Which part of your important discussion do you believe was disrupted? That everyone here knows the intentions of the journalist who released the document they're offended about because it's all true and shows just what a lying piece of shit vance is or that I stated truth that hurt feelings? But, do mansplain where I belong, because you're so fascinating and smart. 🙄
A bit late in replying but you seemed so offended. I simply meant that all the whining and profanity about Springfield and Vance’s politics, reprehensible as they are, had nothing to do with the issue of whether it was appropriate for the media to publish hacked documents from any candidate, POS or not, which was the topic of the original post. And that this type of over the top, off topic rant is more typically found on twitter with the MAGA crowd.
Finally, how can it be mansplaining if you asked the question and I answered? I have a feeling you pull that term out every time a man says something that offends you. I would have said the same thing about your post regardless of who posted it.
I'm not offended I'm pissed off. Had you even bothered to even check who and/or what I was "whining" and using "profanity" over, it wasn't about the issue of whether it was appropriate for the media to publish hacked documents, it was about the false alarm pearl clutching bullshit, oops more "profanity", that his address was published "which jeopardizes his and his family's security". So, it was YOU who inserted yourself and went off topic from what i responded to. Since you brought up the maga crowd, it seems you fit in with them nicely.
It's called mansplaining when you were not, in fact, asked for a damned thing, and yet found a way to insert yourself anyway, and still had absolutely no idea what the hell you're even talking about. Lastly, I can assure you that I can count on 1 finger the number of times I have been mainsplained to, and that was by you, but go ahead and mansplain some more about how I use the term mainsplain.
How does your unhinged rant address the topic? The Springfield issue wasn’t a leak or foreign interference to damage a campaign. Although it was a political issue that needed to be brought to public attention about corporate greed and how it uses our broken immigration system to the detriment of communities.
Your entire post and existence is the reason for the detriment of our communities.
Try a Valium.
Aww, does it hurt your feelings that a girl has a spine and an opinion 😪 take a seat.
My entire existence is for the detriment of our communities? You’ve just proven that not only is your post unhinged, but you’re certifiably insane. Get some psychiatric help.
“I hope they both experience terror and fear every single day for the rest of their sad, disgusting lives, including vances wife…”
leftists love terror and violence against women they see as “the Other”.
the party of tolerance strikes again…
Nope, leftists love when those who feel it their right to make decisions that effect others lives to experience the fallout of those decisions. But it's weird that you brought up "against women", it's almost as if that's what YOU are obobsessed with 🤔
you brought it up Michelle, not I.
but let’s use your logic to another argument: would you love to see all the “experts” who lied and pushed a vaccine that was neither safe nor effective be punished? will you wish them pain and suffering and rejoice when they scream?
I like it when those leftists who force people to take a vaccine and if they don't comply they will lose their jobs, have to retire from the military, can’t attend the funeral of a family member, or send their kids to school, try to tell everyone that the right loves to make decisions about others lives.
Me too, particularly when those leftists were left with no other option than to force the vaccines to save lives after hundreds of thousands of people needlessly died due to no other reason than because of assholes who were too selfish to simply wear a fuckimg mask to protect the more vulnerable, stay home, and stay distanced to stop the spread of a lethal virus. Particularly after the massive failure of the convicted felon, rapist, fraud cult leader who was caught admitting how deadly the virus was after every single one of his sycophants bought into the lies, simply because he said so. Maybe try to be decent or even semi-human for once in your pitiful life and someone would genuinely give a rats ass about you some day too. 🤷♀️
“Party of false decorum,” indeed. H/t Chris Paul.
Ahahahahaha! All one has to do is look at Michelle's profile handle and substack profile bio. Don't worry about her. The best thing one can do is ignore. There is nothing anyone can say that will make her feel better (or worse) than she currently does. Yikes.
Like water off a ducks back. Have a great day Michelle!! Hope you find happiness somewhere in your life!
The irony of the entirety of the cultists in this thread being pearl clutching alarmists over vances privacy and security is absolutely hysterical when coupled with the number of you morons who have actively and proudly stalked my profile in the hopes of finding something personal to use as ammunition against me, like I don't know what I put on my own profile 🤣🤣 Such infantile snowflakes too stupid to even recognize how hypocritically ignorant you are.
I'd hardly consider clicking on your profile and reading your words as stalking. Wishing death to other human beings sure seems a lot like what you claim to be against. Weird. I hope you have love and happiness in your personal life amd you can overcome your rabid TDS and focus on reality. Best of luck in life!
Wow, Michele. Really? Thank you letting us know you feelings.
Butt hurt dude ...
Or touting the shot thats maiming and killing.
Like all leftists, even your bio is contradictory. Always stirred in with a heavy dose of irrationality with violent undertones.
It's really just weird that you stalk others bio but it's quite stalkery that you would post and brag about it.
I don't think someone can "stalk" a bio, since a bio is written and posted by the person whose bio it belongs to and is up on the web for everyone to read. I've been reading through all the arguments and insults here, and I'm noticing that almost all of it is completely unnecessary.
I look at it this way ... everyone has an opinion, but having an opinion and feeling a need to post that opinion are two different things. And, I'm not talking about the article, because, that's just an opinion. It's all the follow-up comments where most here are just here to insult, rather than post something relevant. But, that's just my observation, and opinion, which, like so many opinions here, is unimportant, and has nothing to do with advancing our alleged "democracy???" for a corporate oligarchy which has a monopoly on both mainstream-accepted political parties, which, by the way, are both proving, without a doubt, that they are past obsolete.
What I think would be interesting is if the American people were truly capable of waking up and deciding that they wanted to try something new, and started voting for independents (true independents), Libertarians, Greens, or just anyone who isn't in any way whatsoever, connected to the RepubliCratic, corporpate-owned Uni-Party.
Alas', nothing is ever going to change, and this is why Rome is burning, as it flushes itself down the toilet.
Illegals taking factory jobs does not help anyone. That is b.s., and an old attempt at justifying people who break the law.
"white supremacists walking through their streets with semi automatic assault"
date time place objective source otherwise it didn't happen
They say both sides went communist
If you have never experienced actual communism, yourself, stop commenting about it. I'm so sick of the hyperbolic language from republicans, specifically the wannabe Mango Mousilli, to stoke fear in their base about communism, socialism, marxism when referring to democrats.
As a dual citizen, raised in Europe, I had family in East Germany so I actually do know about communism. A person running be the elected highest government official who openly talks about never leaving office again, has a published plan with step by step points for how it will be accomplished. Starting with targeting a specific group of individuals he hates the most, the people of a different skin color, then moving to the rest, until only white men are in control of everything. He uses hate speech once used by his favorite dictator, Hitler, to stoke the anger of the already weak, white men with damaged egos and damaged or submissive women to go along with his weak, damaged ego.
This has already played out and his supporters are either too stupid to see that or welcome it because they're weak men who finally see that they can have the power they feel like they deserve, simply at the cost of destroying or ending someone else's life, but Nazi’s don't care about that part.
The false equolovance and statements of the "brown shirts" when referring to the FBI and "communsts" when referring to democrats and whatever other bullshit I've seen in this thread is a bunch of sycophants, trying to justify supporting a failure in life. A person convicted of 34 felonies for fraud, adjudicated rapist, found guilty of fraud for stealing from a children's cancer charity he set up, found guilty of fraud for a fake university, has multiple bankruptcies, is named in court documents as the rapist of multiple underage girls, has never been faithful to any woman, is a failure in every business venture, and as a whole is a failure in life. And these people vehemently support him to run our country and claim it's because he did such a great job before, while it's really because he throws around worwords like communist when referring to democrats.
Like I said, I've seen communism and it sure as hell isn't democrats. So don't come me with that bullshit that both side have gone communist. That's just one party, and it's not the democrats.
Watch, the absolute shit show of comments defending the orange menace that will follow, from all of the offended damaged people and their reasoning for why I'm wrong, it'll just prove me right.
It's weird that you liken me and based in your screen name, all democrats to a "new age nazi" when you and your like minded cult members are ACTUAL Nazis. Your cult leader LITERALLY steals his speeches from Hitler like he steals everything else. Let's be honest, you would have no idea what the moral highground looked like if it slapped you with your own swastika.
Best not to engage further with this deranged person. Sadly, I often disengage … these people are unreachable and lost. Good vs evil is the situation in today’s world. We either see it for what it truly is or we are blind. It is very obvious where everyone stands, which is a good thing. They aren’t hiding who they are anymore.
One of the stupider comments on this thread, just sayin’…bye! Hope your life improves somehow.
God, I was just screaming at my phone pretty much the same thing. That laptop info was ACTUAL information, devoid of any external/foreign influences, and was denied coverage/deplatformed in order to EXPLICITY influence the 2020 election. And then falsely pushed as 'disinformation', which was ITSELF Unequivocally DISinformation. Smfh....
What? The laptop (1) did not belong to anyone running for office in 2020 and (2) contained no actionable material even on the poor drug asked Hunter. Why are you folks still peddling this debunked nonsense?
What about it is debunked? Besides the drug and sex photos, there was a lot of information regarding influence peddling in both Ukraine and China, much of it involving the "Big Guy." Biden took Hunter along on official trips. This was all very much relevant to the 2020 election, and would have had an impact had it not been actively suppressed. One need not be a Trumper (I'm not) to understand this. Only a partisan hack (that would by you) would try to dismiss this as a nothingburger. The Hunter Biden laptop was/is far more real than any of the Russiagate nonsense that flooded the mainstream media for years and years.
Oh, gurl… such a sad. Comer Pyle finally put this debunked dead horse to rest, admitting after two years that he had no evidence.
Most be Proven without a doubt.
What in it is relevant to anything?
Asking for a friend.
What's next? Hillary's emails?
Hillary hides much. I prayed for her yesterday. And have no hate for her she was a very nice girl before getting in Government. But God shows me the other side of it.
Mob involvement on the Drugs. Rackets. Casino's all Italian style out of NYC Italian Fascist Government.
I personally have a Problem with Trump. Trump made Satan a tax free Church. Putting God in the rear. And many more things God has given me on him
If I was the Attorney Doing Biden case. Say he was busted on drugs. You can be sitting in a room full of cocaine. Important question? Did you see him with his hands on the drugs? If you say no! Case is dropped. It has to be in his hand to prove it was his. Walking into a drug filled room is not a crime. It becomes a crime when he claims it .
The release of the laptop was a dirty trick/October surprise whose release was timed for maximum damage a month before Election Day. Giuliani and the Trump campaign knew it couldn’t be investigated in time for people to make an informed decision before voting. So I’m fine with what happened next in light of the embarrassing lack of evidence of criminal behavior by Biden after years of investigation. Please don’t mention Hunter or Jim Biden. Neither is President. You’re whining because their dirty trick was more effective than the GOP’s. Take heart, though; you have Musk and at least two SCOTUS justices with their thumbs on the scale.
So what color is the sky in YOUR world mate? You're concerned about the TIMING more than the substance? Not to mention the FBI knew all about this months prior to October, knew it was true, and purposely sat on it in order to keep the American public uninformed. Then threw out the ol standbys: Russia, disinformation, etc...which was/is ACTUAL misinformation.
GTFOH with your 'blue no matter who' bullshit. The DNC is corrupt, full stop. Anyone with even 2 neurons rubbing together is aware of this.
I addressed the substance, “mate” and there is none. Three years of investigation and no evidence that Biden received money for an official act. And timing is everything because if the FBI had it, Giuliani had it too and somehow it took months to be published in the Post and on Fox News, conveniently a month before Election Day. As far as the FBI sitting on it, what were they supposed to do? The investigation ended up taking years and they don’t comment on active investigations. What does the DNC have to do with any of this? Any decisions were made by the campaign/candidate. The national committees of both parties work for the candidates these days, especially the RNC. The DNC is no more “corrupt” than the RNC. Anyone who thinks otherwise has no neurons rubbing together. So, what the hell are you talking about?
Pro tip: this isn’t Twitter. Most people here are better informed than you seem to be. Full stop.
You mean the FBI, this being Democrats Brown shirt wing investigating the or leader?
I long for the day when journalists actually write the truth without political bias.
Not sure if you are referring to Trump or Biden with this post but referencing Brown shirts means it probably doesn’t matter. I long for the day when people seek out multiple viewpoints and exercise critical thinking so they don’t have to whine about political “bias”. Because whining about bias is just an excuse for not doing the work and a way to avoid unpleasant truths on both sides.
Pro tip - yes, this substack. And we are more informed and higher information than twitter. That’s why I’m shocked you can still claim what you do to this audience and think you can still defend it. Really, it’s fascinating.
What claim shocks you? And what higher information do you have to refute what I said?
Ha. The RNC is CREDIBLE? Poor you, stuck in conspiracy land.
The RNC at least can say what a woman is.
BidAn has been investigated like Hillary Clinton has been investigated. I am well aware the FBI work to protect the criminals in office. If I am aware so is most of the citizens, especially as they themselves gave us front row seats to how they operate when dealing with real crimes and crimes they create along with their string pullers. I for one am sitting on info about a certain Democrat Politician that I believe the public have a right to know & see, but as it is of a sensitive explicit sick nature I have been trying to contemplate if I should release it and if yes, who would not censor it. So it is a dilemma if you believe the Truth should be released. It is just a very disturbing sick truth.
Thank you TWC for clarifying! MSM labeling the laptop info as “disinfo” which was in fact the misinformation was covered in detail by Matt Taibi’s substack. That was in fact election interference. We need to know the truth instead to ascribing to false narratives.
LOL! Stopped at ‘screaming at my phone,’ because next stop… disinformation rabbit hole.
Chinese Propaganda like Troops had in Vietnam
Not all US Government Workers are dishonest. They fight to keep this country safe. But we do have some serious problems.
There’s a huge difference between accepting classified inscrutable documents stolen from a government agency and accepting highly embarrassing information downloaded from presidential offspring’s computers and diaries. In any event, people who strut around calling themselves journalists in this sad epoch lack the stature to evaluate anything much less pass on to the public believable, actionable news.
No one cares about crack pipes and dick pics. Folks do care if the sitting VPOTUS and his son are doing business, illicit and/or otherwise, in a foreign nation.
So then why didn't those "folks" (Republicans) care about Jared and Ivanka's foreign dealings during the Trump administration? Why didn't they care about all the evidence against Trump Vindman testified to?
Cuz it's propagandistic BS
LOL! Meta hypocrisy.
Which they weren’t.
Which they were.
Ask CNN to explain to you where the thirty million dollars came from. And why can't the Biden family give an explanation for why the received it..
Which they weren’t. After his two-year fishing expedition, Comer admitted that he couldn’t provide evidence for these specious, unverifiable claims.
Wrong again. The payments are totally, absolutely documented. Checks totaling 30 million, with NO explanation of why the Bidens received them, came from entities in the Ukraine and China. Also, Hunter was on the board of Burisma to the tune of over two million, although he had no qualifications. Hutner testified that the only reason he knew of why he was appointed to the board was because he was Joe's son. Joe subsequently had a Ukrainian prosecutor, who was investigating Burisma, fired.
But I know that's not proof to you. It's not proof because you don't want it to be. But let's put the Bidens on trial in Texas just like Trump was put on trial in NY, and we'll see if the Texans think it's proof.
Because it's hogwash!
Citation pls
You first.
Ok. Let's get that laptop out, let everyone see the 'disinfo'....then we can get past the speculation, yeah?
Oh...we can't do that? Hmmmmm
JP Morgan to start with a SS Nazi from Hitler. In with Saudi Arabian Bank. Does that support Terrorist?
Enjoy the read pedophile groper lovers:
Does TDS affect your ability to read?
What is TDS? I do have a vision problem. Long story and have to re read it at times.
Thanks I will write it down
Well said!💨👏👏👏👏👏
In what world? Not the ‘reality based’ one.
Dear lord....this is obv a bot
LOL! Contradictions based in reality are now ‘bots.’ Rosanne Barr, are you listening from your Hawaii ‘nut farm?’
Facts stand. And God is not a Man. God tells the Truth. And he said you would be found out..
This is accurate. Hunter Biden left his laptop at a computer repair store, and then forgot about it, presumably in a drug-induced stupor. Theft was not involved.
I suspect Hamish simply misspoke. It's been a few years since the event. I've certainly found myself flubbing details after time has passed.
Everyone should remember that whether or not the laptop was accidentally left or abandoned is vital and key to deciding when you should or shouldn't publish ill-gotten material. We also owe it to readers to be accurate in how we recall these events.
Remember how the Dems clutched their pearls because of how terrible it was that Trump campaign members even took a meeting with a promise of dirt on Hillary (which never materialized by all accounts)? They brought this up over and over as a sign Team Trump was colluding with Russia (despite the decent likelihood that Dem operatives were involved in setting up the meeting as a "trap" they could use to smear Trump). Apparently what made it so terrible was taking any help from, OH NO, a FOREIGN COUNTRY!
We should also remember that, other damaging Dem info was also supposed to be so terrible because it was stolen by Russia -- though that was not proven, and the DNC would not even let the FBI look at their server. And there was also information that it might have actually been secreted out of the DNC by a disgruntled insider.
So, if a foreign adversary is that actually targets a campaign and produces damaging but stolen information, that is quite different than information on a carelessly left laptop.
Democrats who feigned shock when Trump joked about Putin helping find Hillary's emails, can not now support using any information which resulted from Iran's digital espionage. Unless they are total hypocrites and/or were totally insincere on the previous matters.
So, what's it gonna be?
You left out of your good account that the Steele dossier was commissioned and paid for by Dems, and done in clear collusion with Russian individuals…
LOL! Before the Republicans took over the funding.
Joint Action. From Both sides. Who Votes both in? Do both sides answer to the same Boss?
Your the one who's stupid
Read New York Times v United States from 1971.
LOL! ‘Journalism Watch.’ Nonsensical word salad with conspiracy theory dressing.
So if I drop my unlocked phone it’s now public fodder?
He signed an agreement when dropped off that if it were left past X amount of days he was relinquishing ownership, as a way to protect the repair shop from liability. Your made up scenario doesn’t compare in any way
No, of course not. The relevant legal principle is the law concerning abandonment of property. If you simply drop your phone, you did not intend to abandon it, so it does not become public property. Rather, it’s a lost object.
Hunter’s laptop, however, was actually abandoned for a long period of time at Mr. Isaacs’ computer repair shop — long enough to be the subject of the law of abandonment, and also to be subjected to the terms of the contract under which he left it at the shop.
It is if you abandon it.
Hamish must’ve corrected the language then.
I go a different route to find out and prove Facts
it wasn't hacked, or stolen. It was ABANDONDED. least get a primary fact right
Still, it didn't contain anything relevant.
Moving on.
Thank you for stating the true facts to push back on these disinformation spreading Iranian-backed hacks on SubStack that are all for Iran, a foreign terrorist-supporting state that has had the Democrats in their pockets for decades now (why else would Biden and Obama before him turn over Billions of dollars to the Iranians every chance that they can?)
Equating this foreign intervention into our elections with the release of the physical hard drive that Hunter legally relinquished is absurd.
It was private, personal information. If you leave your phone open and get distracted, is your personal information now mine to market?
It was private, personal information that has national security implications. When the President’s son is a crackhead with a sex club and escort habit costing tens of thousands of dollars a month, he is a textbook candidate for a kompromat operation. Those 51 intelligence officials weren’t technically lying when they said it had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation”. They knew it was legit, but Hunter Biden is exactly the type of person the Russians would target for blackmail.
I do think that’s all mostly salacious and beside the point however. The real priority was to throw up a smokescreen around the fact that Hunter Biden was engaged in influence peddling in a corrupt petrostate, probably sending kickbacks to Joe, and profiting from public office in that manner is perfectly legal and routine for most members of our ruling class.
When the laptop was dropped off, Hunter signed a contract which includes provisions for abandonment. He abandoned the laptop. The shop owner was concerned about a great deal of the laptop's content. He alerted the FBI. See something, say something.
It is true that the information was acquired by different means. It is also true that this doesn't matter regarding whether journalists be allowed to print it. Their job is to give the public information. It is the public's job to decide what to think about it. If we start censoring because of how the information was obtained, we will all know less and be left only with the official narrative.
(Narrow content restrictions acknowledged on national security, personal identification information, etc.)
The one thing that saves Hunter Biden. You using his computer as a weapon against him. We are in court .the Judge ask. Did you see Hunter Biden punch that into the Computer? You say No. Case is over. No one saw who did the entries into the computer. Could have been any body. I would get it thrown out based on the No I didn't see him do it .
The laptop went through a lot of hands in the years after he forgot about it. There are signs that many people tampered with it.
Exactly. All of the faux ‘concern trolls’ are completely overlooking and/or willfully ignoring this fact.
I doubt if they know. You really had to be paying attention. And since the trolls don't care about details, just parroting talking points, they wouldn't have seen it. Fox News didn't tell them.
LOL The FBI had the laptop in 2019. Are you saying (in your previous post) that many FBI personnel looked at it? I would actually believe that.
Even if you are correct that it would be difficult to convict Hunter Biden in a court of law based solely on the info on the laptop,
a) that is zero excuse for media not to publish the information
b) the left-biased MSM uses nothing remotely like this standard when it comes to publishing info harmful to GOP
c) it is even less excuse to claim that it was Russian disinformation and publish that: are you suggesting that THAT claim wouldn’t get thrown out even sooner!?!?!?!
Yeah, and E.Jean Carroll made up her assault story, and Trump was still found liable of it. Sorry, but technology is more reliable than attention-seeking women. So this whole argument…wow. Just wow.
Unfortunately this thread has devolved into a Hunter Biden laptop thread (I’m complicit since I weighed in twice on the Laptop) and there are way more comments about that than the important question of whether journalists should publish hacked or stolen documents from a campaign.
Yes it does connect to Russian. The same group have held the Whitehouse for over 35 years. Bill Clinton is a Russian. He steps down Hillary steps in putting Bill back in the President seat.. Obama steps down. Biden steps in putting Obama back in by phone. Musical chairs. It's against the law to sell and Arms or Ammunition or implements of War to other Nations. Bill Clinton sold to the Russians. While US Troops were fighting overseas. Cut US Army down to 12 units of fighting men. China has 355 division of infantry. Sounds like a fair fight? Trump scored the Highest on Firing Top Intelligence security Personnel And Top Government Officials 92 percent Reagan 78 percent. Bush 66 percent George W Bush 63 percent. Obama 71 percent Biden 71 percent 13 Cabinet. Clinton 100 percent Copy of the Rosenbergs.
Nonsensical word salad with conspiracy theory dressing.
It's Called the Black Takeover of the United States Government. Done by the Leage of Nations a joint Get even with White e party. Mostly the British and English. For the Bombing of Hiroshima. UN joint action. With Red China. And Russia. Add in Castro. Mexican involvement. Terrorist involvement. Hiroshima is part of the 1st emperor of China Japanese Imperial Army some of his best men. With 355 divisions of Infantry. Add in India. Southern Canada who fight with China.
Hacking or stolen, same difference. Only hypocrites like Elon Musk will find refuge in such nuances. Hey Sasha, how does it feel when the boot is on the other leg
Thank you
Every conservative Tom, Dick and Jerry reposted material from the Russian DNC hack in 2016 and nobody cared in the slightest. Let's not pretend anyone cares where the information came from.
No one would have had an issue if he had redacted the SSN and physical address of JD Vance. He was banned from X for doxxing him. There is zero journalistic value to doxxing someone and didn't add anything to the story. It only endangered him and his family. This is a terrible take.
Such a revelation is a danger to one man and his family. Nobody needs this information. Publishing it is vicious and inviting murder.
Yes,def! Seems wild
I assume the rhetoric that Trump spread to incite violence that directly led to two separate assassination attempts from his own supporter base is not vicious and inciting murder?
Is this actually the case? KK, or whomever, put the docs out there WITHOUT redacting private info like SS#s and addresses? Wtf?
Do an internet search for OH state election declaration or Vance's certification with the KY Bar Association. The info in the pdf that K Klippenstein linked to is publicly available information. In fact, if one is in government at practically any level, even just as an employee, you have surrendered privacy. (Go to the website of your state or county or even city government and you can find find PII on the people working there with very little effort. And I would wager that many of them have families too.) TLDR: It isn't doxxing if it's already public info.
Take a look at the contents of the Vance stuff. I feel certain that it isn't any possible doxxing that concerns E Musk and others who are clutching their pearls so tightly.
Klippenstein should NEVER have published Vance's personal information to begin with. To later say "Oops" and redact it after the fact is inexcusable and, frankly, nakedly partisan.
And should be worthy of criminal prosecution.
Sure, he shouldn't have, but that's hardly why Musk is so up in arms about it. People have posted child sexual abuse to Twitter and been personally unbanned by Musk after saying "oops."
Completely agree. Whistleblowers are a vital part of a properly functioning constitutional republic.
With the emphasis on CONSTITUTIONAL!
Supposing someone stole your phone and published all the contents?
This is the exact same thing.
100% agree but there is also a right to privacy. It does not protect you from being exposed as a wrongdoer or of criticism, but usually does protect you from publishing you personal information online without your consent. It's a matter of balance.
“Journalists” are failing all across the country. I’ve cancelled subscriptions, even NPR, because “journalists” are just platforming trash while ignoring what’s important.
Sad, but true.
“‘journalists’ are just platforming trash while ignoring what’s important.”
That’s not true at all.
They only ignore things that harm leftists or help the right in any way - especially if it would help Trump.
The New York Times itself, using the byline of Jim Rutenberg, announced and asserted this in "Trump Is Testing the Norms of Objectivity in Journalism" in August, 2016.
The overtly left-biased media chooses not to cover stories they believe harm leftist politicians and agendas, while going with leaks when they serve leftist interests - and never outing “leaks” to them that are proven to be lies later if they served the leftist agenda at the time.
Because to them THAT is “what’s important.”
Well said. What about the Biden administration’s censoring of information on COVID? We know that happened and why. How can you give give them a pass for that? Suddenly they are deciding what’s “mis or disinformation “ as it suits their narrative! Really?
The NYT is essentially in the pocket of Trump.
Doxing a political opponent in today’s environment - home address, social security number, information about their children, etc. - with lunatics like Democrats around (Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden), openly issuing threats and provocations of violence against Republicans isn’t journalism. It’s tyranny.
You're funny. It's trump and his crowd who have been threatening people.
You are delusional. Democrats are openly encouraging assassination with the obvious result. Trump never prosecuted a political rival. And he never raided anyone’s home for an alleged crime - case dismissed - that Joe Biden skated on because he’s senile.
Oh, good grief. Half of his campaigning are his rants threatening to settle scores. Where ya been?
You're harpic dear fellow, and clearly live under a stone
Haha! ‘Harpic’. Haven’t heard that in a long time. For American readers: it means ‘’clean around the bend’!
Ditto Britain
As in HARPY?
The harpy eagle is a sight to behold
No, it refers to a British toilet disinfectant whose marketing slogan was that it ‘cleans right around the bend’
Please name even one Democrat who has 'openly encouraged assassination'?
That's right - there are NONE.
trump 'never raided anyone's home'? Was that one of his presidential duties I missed? trump should stick to things he knows; like raiding refrigerators, raiding the Miss Teen dressing room, or maybe raiding the Depends aisle.
That alleged crime; just hold tight until the 11th Circuit reverses Cannon for the 3rd (and final) time. She'll finally be removed from the case so JUSTICE can proceed.
Seriously, take the rest of the day...
This Democrat political called for Trump to be eliminated.
Did you even watch that? The guy isn’t saying “oh yes we must murder Trump” you poor simpleton he’s talking about eliminating Trump from the race as in by vote or other judicial process. This is a phrase that has been used for decades by both parties and does not historically mean “assassinate the other candidate”. Used in a sentence: We use the process of elimination to determine the winner. I can’t believe I have to explain words 🤦♂️
What is the difference between male and female?
I did watch it.
The obvious seems to escape you.
But given how easily lefty types don't see the obvious it's not surprising.
People like you are the reason I try to be civil even with stupid people like you.
Oh, gurl… such a sad with the projection.
Well you're a retard.
You're living the dream - a delusional one. There may be a nut or two supporting Trump, which pales in comparison to the vile Democrat talking points.
The tree is the same for Trump supporters. You can’t separate from the flock. You are anti-American, anti-democracy, traitors, and Trump and Vance have both very clearly stated your intentions. We are no fools.
@Debbie - please provide proof of Trump threatening people.
You didn’t see Trump telling people to fight like hell after enticing them to do so? You didn’t see that? You don’t think that’s a threat to anyone?
Just out of curiosity, Debbie.Could you list examples of your accusations?I can't find any ,but perhaps you're aware of things.I am not ,I await your answer.
Oh bless your heart with your schoolyard comeback.
Well, if I'm not confused I think you are taught in school to ask questions.I asked a question .I see you pulled a camel toe gave no answer, unless you would care to talk about your middle class up bringing and your lawn Neighbors maintenance , but other than that we're back to square one . and bless your heart as well.
Get a grip're upside/down, backwards/forwards and inside/out.
Maybe take the weekend off?
Hey, Tony.Just a suggestion.I think you should absolutely take your own advice. Take the weekend off. Don't worry the big orange scary man will still be there on monday. And then you can Go right back to your juvenile insults
Honestly, Ray, I kid because I care and always make an effort to write to my audience. At this late stage of your hero's declining mental faculties, I actually pity anyone who's still carrying (waste) water for trump. Having pity isn't a juvenile trait, is it?
👍 agree
Go back to Russia.
Julian Assange was essentially a whistleblower making available information and/or videos showing government incompetence,
corruption and malfeasance. What did the government do? Indict him for crimes ostensibly because they did not consider Wikileaks- Assange- a legitimate publisher. So government uses its power against political opponents as well as whistleblowers. Rogue government is now commonplace.
We should bow down to Assange for what he did. Not one of the pieces of trash/killers that he exposed has even been charged. Shows how much we as a society prefer killers to truth tellers.
His was a matter of national security. We’re foolish to excuse that.
New York Times published the Pentagon Papers and that was considered a matter of national security at the time and no indictments. Hillary Clinton broke dozens of National Security laws and not one indictment was brought against her. Unfortunately, we cannot trust the federal government.
Can you tell us what national security laws she broke?
This is from former FBI Director Comey, regarding Hillary Clinton “evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information,” The cascading violations would definitely lead to mishandling not only classified information but the unlawful storage of emails on an illegal private server. No doubt any other person would have been incarcerated but we have a corrupt and partisan judicial system and there are many examples mostly regarding corrupt Democrats.
Taken out of context. He never charged her. Because the two Secretaries of State before her also had private email severs. Because the State Dept. computer systems were woefully ancient. So even if is a technical violation, there was nothing willful there. Nor was it willful with Colin Powell.
In this article the pro-Hillary Clinton there are four examples of lawyers stating she committed a crime or likely committed a crime and four examples from lawyers on no crime or a minor crime. Now, it is the discretion of prosecutors to indict and there are more examples than this article of lawyers stating Hillary Clinton committed a crime. Only a corrupt or misguided justice system would ignore her crimes. Hillary Clinton and Obama were incompetent and caused the deaths of the American ambassador in Libya and his security team. Their missteps are endless from chronic false accusations of racism to a feckless and incompetent foreign policy. Putin invaded and kept Crimea under Obama.
Odd she was never charged. Maybe if you look at the facts you'll realize there was nothing there. Also why do you not mention various Trump family members doing the exact same thing?
Democrats are taught to ignore facts and embrace smears. It is a fact the Hillary Clinton broke National Security laws,but our so-called federal justice system has been highly politicized and corrupt. Are you aware the demonic Democrat DOJ & FBI not only target political opponents but Democrats like Mayor Adam’s of NYC for criticizing the treasonous open borders policy of Biden-Harris regime but former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, Lt. Col and former Congresswoman as a potential terrorist. She is heavily searched before boarding aircraft and four Air Marshals are always on the flight either her. Do you understand what the Democrat party has become? Do you dismiss RFK, jr. too?
I blocked that rightwing propaganda artist.
What laws did she break?
Replied to on Sept. 13. An uninformed Democrat she believes all the propaganda of mainstream news. We have an oligopoly in news where 5 or 6 companies provide “news” to 80% to 90% of the American people.
Lol Daniel Ellsberg was indicted dude.
He was indicted in January, 1973 and all charges were dismissed in May 1973. The point is the NYT was never held responsible as the publisher ( Wikileaks was the publisher) because the Supreme Court ruled in favor of freedom of the press, dude.
More specifically, the Espionage Act case against Ellsberg was declared a mistrial after evidence came forward that the White House had ordered a break-in into the office of Daniel Ellsberg‘s psychiatrist to look for incriminating evidence.
And so we must steal information? I disagree.
As was pointed out just above this comment, we really shouldn't accept the assertions of intelligence agencies at face value... Not solely because they're "declared liars" (although that certainly should factor in), or because freedom of the press is supposed to be a core value of the government that went after Assange... It's just a matter of "cui bono"?
Julian Assange was a Russian stooge
When U.S. government lies and commit malfeasance it is irrelevant if Russians were involved.
It’s never irrelevant if Russia is involved in anything
Communist China is always relevant because their meddling in this country is massive in dozens of ways. Russia is a poor country and its so called meddling is insignificant and that is a fact and there are no facts to contradict that. Russia is very relevant because these idiots, incompetents Biden and Harris are giving Ukraine long range missiles to strike deep into Russia which could cascade into WWIII. Elected Democrats are reckless and corrupt.
Bullshit. Russia has been meddling in elections for decades. They are poor because of the oligarchs that stole all the money from the former Soviet Union . Including Putin the Poisoner. Who’s paying to spout that rightwing propaganda?
Also sad but true.
I completely agree with this assertion... whistle blowers are an important part of the American fabric...
I’m glad to hear you taking this view. I’ve been feeling concerned that Substack would go the way of FB and others and cave in to censorship. Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society, and freedom of speech counts most when it comes to speech we disagree with. I might not like what you say, but as a citizen in this society I must defend your right to say it, lest I lose mine as well.
I'm that case you won't mind Obama,s fbi and doj goons turning up at your door to take you on a perp walk will you? Because that's what happens to patriots that stand up for President Trump and why this guy is a coward. He writes knowing that there will be no consequences for his bullshit opinion.
They'd have a welcoming round.
'nuff said
What is your proposed alternative?
The alternative? Make sure the uni party doesn't steal the 2024 election in the same way they stole the 2020 election.
And how do you propose to do that in the absence of freedom of speech? See, we're all stuck in the same loop, no matter what side we're on. WE have the right to freedom of speech, but THEY don't. That's not what the 1st amendment says, Bro. I don't want the uniparty to win anymore than you do; but censorship on any side is not the answer. Just sayin'.
And then this in my inbox, to my point: "The Right to Speak Evil." Ugly but true:
You have the right to disagree with me, but the right to threaten or jail me because I disagree!💙💙💙💙💯
Error: I meant but NOT the right to threaten or jail me because I disagree
Exactly. Nor would I want to.
But that's what the clinton woman, Kerry, Harris and Garland plan to do.
I couldn't agree more with the tenets of this article. I probably learned more in my 8th grade journalism class than many of the 'journalists' of today demonstrate. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. So when there is crap about one candidate or issue it needs to be brought forward, but it is not a one way street. So while we here all this stuff about the Trump campaign, I can't figure out for the life of me, why the press doesn't press the Democrat nominee for more information. When 'journalists' actually stsart reporting fairly, then I will be more inclined to listen. I am not judging what Ken has written about, but I do want to see the other side adaquately reported as well. By the way, I have also come to the conclusion the press has a love-hate relationship with Trump. They are making bookoo bucks off of covering Trump, while they blast his style and comments to show what an idiot he can be. In this case, in my opinion, the press is kind of full of shit! I wish they would report the news, and when they are giving an opinion, say so!
What’s the public value of publishing someone’s social security number? Their address? Where someone’s kids live? Honestly, what is this persons private info value to the public otherwise to harass them? If Vance was lying about something and this exposed the lie, I would agree that it has value and should not be hidden. But it does none of that. This personal private information was stolen by a foreign government and shopped around until they found a stooge to leak it. That stooge has been found. And I can’t say for sure, but I bet that stooge spent the four years of trumps presidency saying that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election in many ways, one being the hack and leak of the DNC emails, which did expose lying. The irony.
I think this was inadvertent, which is why the reporter took down the post, and then re-uploaded the documents with this information redacted.
A “reporter” doesn’t make that “mistake” inadvertently.
I got doxed a few years ago after making some sort of a comment on some “social???” platform. To be honest, it felt like my heart chakra was directly attacked. It felt extremely frightening, because whoever this person was, not only did they attack me with their language, they posted all of my personal information in a public forum, which was extremely shocking to me. It definitely felt like a personal attack, and it did scare me. Fortunately, the platform took down that person’s dox post of my information immediately. Nothing ever came of it, thank goodness.
Journalists should not be allowed to DOX people and their families.
Both X and Facebook are not allowing anyone to post links to his article
FB DELETES as “false information used to deceive people and warns you that you can be banished if you continue to post these things that are against their community standards, which evidently pro right wing propaganda
Hypocritical censorship
Good for them
Journalists need to be intelligent enough to not be played.
They are not being played, they are the problem. Journalism has become propaganda!
Thank you and Substack for taking a firm stand in defense of journalism and whistleblowing, Hamish.
One minor quibble: You mention that the Pentagon Papers were “based on stolen documents.” I think it would be more accurate to say they were leaked documents. Daniel Ellsberg spent countless hours photocopying the documents (, which he later leaked to the press.
I discuss Ellsberg’s whistleblowing in the piece I dedicated to him and Julian Assange last year:
• “Ode to a Whistleblower”:
I was then asked to produce a video of the poem in that piece to be played during the Daniel Ellsberg tribute event at the Whistleblower Summit in 2023:
• “Ode to a Whistleblower (Video Tribute to Daniel Ellsberg)” (