Amar, I completely agree—discoverability and supporting emerging writers should be central priorities for Substack which seeks to be a driving force in the creators' economy and global culture; they seem to be offering a space for independent and diverse voices to thrive, much like the ancient Tamil Sanghams of southern India in the Comm…
Amar, I completely agree—discoverability and supporting emerging writers should be central priorities for Substack which seeks to be a driving force in the creators' economy and global culture; they seem to be offering a space for independent and diverse voices to thrive, much like the ancient Tamil Sanghams of southern India in the Common Era or the literary salons of the European Renaissance — though far more accessible and democratized for the world. It’s clear that the platform has given many writers a sense of agency and community, but there’s definitely room for improvement in terms of visibility for smaller voices.
Thank you for sharing the challenges you’re facing with finding and being discovered by new audiences.Your efforts to engage with others through comments, restacks, and recommendations are really helping to build a supportive community, I’m sure, and are a great example besides! That said, it’s clear that Substack could do more to ease the discovery process, so writers don’t have to work so hard to reach new readers.
I’m tracking all this feedback and plan to write more about it soon. Thanks again for sharing your perspective—I really appreciate your honest input.
Amar, I completely agree—discoverability and supporting emerging writers should be central priorities for Substack which seeks to be a driving force in the creators' economy and global culture; they seem to be offering a space for independent and diverse voices to thrive, much like the ancient Tamil Sanghams of southern India in the Common Era or the literary salons of the European Renaissance — though far more accessible and democratized for the world. It’s clear that the platform has given many writers a sense of agency and community, but there’s definitely room for improvement in terms of visibility for smaller voices.
Thank you for sharing the challenges you’re facing with finding and being discovered by new audiences.Your efforts to engage with others through comments, restacks, and recommendations are really helping to build a supportive community, I’m sure, and are a great example besides! That said, it’s clear that Substack could do more to ease the discovery process, so writers don’t have to work so hard to reach new readers.
I’m tracking all this feedback and plan to write more about it soon. Thanks again for sharing your perspective—I really appreciate your honest input.