Fred, are you still holding your breath waiting for my answer? I'm sorry if I made you big sad and you think I was singling you out about the fascist comment. I actually saw your comment first and that's why I directed it at you. I'll try to go back and find the other person's fascist comment so I can spank them too. You don't need to tell us who you voted for - we already know.
Fred, are you still holding your breath waiting for my answer? I'm sorry if I made you big sad and you think I was singling you out about the fascist comment. I actually saw your comment first and that's why I directed it at you. I'll try to go back and find the other person's fascist comment so I can spank them too. You don't need to tell us who you voted for - we already know.
LOL. Try again. Your refusal to answer tells us all we need to know...that your faux outrage is really about your politics.
Democrats are evil, vile people without true morals. They are fine with harming people they disagree with, using tools such as name calling, false accusations, lies, assault, arson, mob attacks and even attempted assassinations. Then they scream with outrage when someone misgenders them or calls them a clown. Democrat supporters are the useful idiots Dems need to turn this country into a fascist dictatorship. Their entire support base is filled with the ignorant and those who want handouts.
In all three cases, individuals who identify as Republican score slightly higher than those who identify as Democrat; the unadjusted differences are 1–3 IQ points, 2–4 IQ points and 2–3 IQ points, respectively.
Fred, are you still holding your breath waiting for my answer? I'm sorry if I made you big sad and you think I was singling you out about the fascist comment. I actually saw your comment first and that's why I directed it at you. I'll try to go back and find the other person's fascist comment so I can spank them too. You don't need to tell us who you voted for - we already know.
LOL. Try again. Your refusal to answer tells us all we need to know...that your faux outrage is really about your politics.
Democrats are evil, vile people without true morals. They are fine with harming people they disagree with, using tools such as name calling, false accusations, lies, assault, arson, mob attacks and even attempted assassinations. Then they scream with outrage when someone misgenders them or calls them a clown. Democrat supporters are the useful idiots Dems need to turn this country into a fascist dictatorship. Their entire support base is filled with the ignorant and those who want handouts.
Scientific study prove Democrats are less intelligent:
In all three cases, individuals who identify as Republican score slightly higher than those who identify as Democrat; the unadjusted differences are 1–3 IQ points, 2–4 IQ points and 2–3 IQ points, respectively.
Republican’s have higher IQ:
Leftist Pollster CONFIRMS: Republicans Smarter than Democrats:
Conservatives are more happy:
Conservatives are richer:
Conservatives are more attractive:
European study show conservative women are far more attractive: