I don’t even know if there were specialty classes when I grew up. You had reading or writing difficulties, they flunked you. ADHD just became on the horizon in the late 60/early 70’s. I remember reading about it in my abnormal psych class in 1971 and it was a recent discovery. Sad to think the kids that struggled like you did, were smart…
I don’t even know if there were specialty classes when I grew up. You had reading or writing difficulties, they flunked you. ADHD just became on the horizon in the late 60/early 70’s. I remember reading about it in my abnormal psych class in 1971 and it was a recent discovery. Sad to think the kids that struggled like you did, were smart, but just had a learning disability and needed special help. I think now though, that we label every behavior problem, especially with boys, as ADHD, when many times it’s a parental discipline problem.
I don’t even know if there were specialty classes when I grew up. You had reading or writing difficulties, they flunked you. ADHD just became on the horizon in the late 60/early 70’s. I remember reading about it in my abnormal psych class in 1971 and it was a recent discovery. Sad to think the kids that struggled like you did, were smart, but just had a learning disability and needed special help. I think now though, that we label every behavior problem, especially with boys, as ADHD, when many times it’s a parental discipline problem.