I know that Orion and sirius fought for a long time and a lot of people talk about vanguard and Black Rock basically being these two empires that are trying to survive and they are both tied to Judaism
Definitely Pharisees that killed God after his World tour and coming back and all his Nazarene friends turning on him and only his immediate family and 12 of his friends sticking by his side before all of the Hebrew people got possessed in a hive mind of witchcraft to possess a few people to murder the person that scared them
That started a tradition of doing that until we stopped it in America and as Americans we have tried to deal with all the deals some of our rich people have done with natives and their own infighting
Anyway I think that the mermaids have been fighting the Hebrews for way too long and the mermaids represent the woman mostly and the Hebrews represent the men mostly. I've seen an artist in the past draw artwork where she is a bunny and she holds a bunch of bunnies but when she draws people on earth she draws the females connected to a mermaid always annoyed at the man and the man connected to a mechanical crow
I had a dream one so that was the most like a past life memory where I was in a ceremony where I put cranberry juice on a mask and then put the mask on and it was an Egyptian setting and somebody put a long bird beak on the mask and the world turned much more mechanical in front of my eyes and not real looking like when you take DMT
And all of the birds looked like robot birds. It was almost like they made me in charge of the birds and because of that the birds were not my friends anymore They started serving me like servants and I was in hell
I know this happened after I was Anput. The reason I know I was and put was because of a picture I saw once that made me bawl for a long time. It was the cat sehkmet with Anubis. I had these memories of seeing them together and then killing myself from the horror of my husband cheating on me. And now I have put together that these cats possess people at a whim because of their witchcraft and they land on planets and get queens in captivity by possessing the guards or the king themselves in this situation
I think she has reincarnated as the actress that plays Vanessa in Deadpool and the girl you are supposed to like in the show Firefly that is a professional prostitute
She is definitely not the worst of them. She has passion. She's like a rebel manta ray that happened to eat Osiris's cock and wouldn't give it back to the Isis spoiled brat Queen of Shiba People that have been trapping Solomon and calling him Satan for way too long... At the expense of their brothers in Ethiopia that they just want to call dogs
There's a girl in Egypt named Nazama the Hebrew mystic healer and she is the only one I've ever paid for spiritual guidance. She was working for Hebrew dragons but she got corrupted to start hitting on all of the husbands of any girls that reached out to her by an amazing goddess named Hecate that has been working for the spoiled manta ray princess Aphrodite (That probably stole a little boy named Orion and started the whole wars in the first place) and some Q black females like Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah that are essentially worse than the black betazoid black women that is the second Matrix actress Oracle that used her connections to kill the first oracle... The Q woman are more guilty because they manipulate everyone with Joy behar and the Hebrews that fall for the Judaism trap of believing we are in hell and they are in charge of it.... These alien women have created the Borg of transgenderism called "them" and are completely okay with mutilating children to hide their secrets
But I think Whoopi is definitely one of the ones that is a rebel obviously with her curiosity just like the Q being That obsesses about humanity
Every year I study up for the Oscars so I know what the hell they’re on about on Sunday night. And this year as a public service, I share capsule, illustrated summaries so you don’t have to spend 26 hours watching them all. Like I did.
This is SO SO COOL! I am a musician and THIS is brilliant! KEEP IT GOING!!! And I love the sound of a typewriter. My mom had one. It was sacred to her. We were not allowed to touch it! She typed ALL our school papers on it! She wrote to editors and legislators and principles and even dabbled in poetry. Such memories you also invoked! Thank you!
Agree! Our hands are the extensions of our heart, and in fact writing, singing, dancing, painting is all an act of creation vs. production. In fact, I created this meditation for writers block which invites the listener to visualise a blank canvas to paint from the heart... https://insig.ht/e9HIqOkbpRb?
I wish I new how to add a hyperlink, or at least italicize. Your beautiful typed-drawings evoked the wonderful, A Child of Books, by Oliver Jeffers and Sam Winston. Just know there's no higher compliment than that in my book. (See what I did there?) At least I know how to use parentheses.
If I remember correctly Aphrodite stole a baby
I know that Orion and sirius fought for a long time and a lot of people talk about vanguard and Black Rock basically being these two empires that are trying to survive and they are both tied to Judaism
Definitely Pharisees that killed God after his World tour and coming back and all his Nazarene friends turning on him and only his immediate family and 12 of his friends sticking by his side before all of the Hebrew people got possessed in a hive mind of witchcraft to possess a few people to murder the person that scared them
That started a tradition of doing that until we stopped it in America and as Americans we have tried to deal with all the deals some of our rich people have done with natives and their own infighting
Anyway I think that the mermaids have been fighting the Hebrews for way too long and the mermaids represent the woman mostly and the Hebrews represent the men mostly. I've seen an artist in the past draw artwork where she is a bunny and she holds a bunch of bunnies but when she draws people on earth she draws the females connected to a mermaid always annoyed at the man and the man connected to a mechanical crow
I had a dream one so that was the most like a past life memory where I was in a ceremony where I put cranberry juice on a mask and then put the mask on and it was an Egyptian setting and somebody put a long bird beak on the mask and the world turned much more mechanical in front of my eyes and not real looking like when you take DMT
And all of the birds looked like robot birds. It was almost like they made me in charge of the birds and because of that the birds were not my friends anymore They started serving me like servants and I was in hell
I know this happened after I was Anput. The reason I know I was and put was because of a picture I saw once that made me bawl for a long time. It was the cat sehkmet with Anubis. I had these memories of seeing them together and then killing myself from the horror of my husband cheating on me. And now I have put together that these cats possess people at a whim because of their witchcraft and they land on planets and get queens in captivity by possessing the guards or the king themselves in this situation
I think she has reincarnated as the actress that plays Vanessa in Deadpool and the girl you are supposed to like in the show Firefly that is a professional prostitute
She is definitely not the worst of them. She has passion. She's like a rebel manta ray that happened to eat Osiris's cock and wouldn't give it back to the Isis spoiled brat Queen of Shiba People that have been trapping Solomon and calling him Satan for way too long... At the expense of their brothers in Ethiopia that they just want to call dogs
There's a girl in Egypt named Nazama the Hebrew mystic healer and she is the only one I've ever paid for spiritual guidance. She was working for Hebrew dragons but she got corrupted to start hitting on all of the husbands of any girls that reached out to her by an amazing goddess named Hecate that has been working for the spoiled manta ray princess Aphrodite (That probably stole a little boy named Orion and started the whole wars in the first place) and some Q black females like Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah that are essentially worse than the black betazoid black women that is the second Matrix actress Oracle that used her connections to kill the first oracle... The Q woman are more guilty because they manipulate everyone with Joy behar and the Hebrews that fall for the Judaism trap of believing we are in hell and they are in charge of it.... These alien women have created the Borg of transgenderism called "them" and are completely okay with mutilating children to hide their secrets
But I think Whoopi is definitely one of the ones that is a rebel obviously with her curiosity just like the Q being That obsesses about humanity
Curiosity is wonderful
Very good printing 🙂
Every year I study up for the Oscars so I know what the hell they’re on about on Sunday night. And this year as a public service, I share capsule, illustrated summaries so you don’t have to spend 26 hours watching them all. Like I did.
And the Oscar™ Nominees Are...Way Too Long https://petermoore.substack.com/p/and-the-oscar-nominees-areway-too
Thanks so much for your post Manu.
I'm really impressed with your analysis 🤠
I'll be picking up the brushes pronto 😄
This is SO SO COOL! I am a musician and THIS is brilliant! KEEP IT GOING!!! And I love the sound of a typewriter. My mom had one. It was sacred to her. We were not allowed to touch it! She typed ALL our school papers on it! She wrote to editors and legislators and principles and even dabbled in poetry. Such memories you also invoked! Thank you!
Listening with the eye
The world’s coming apart at the seams and you’re writing about rhubarb.
Agree! Our hands are the extensions of our heart, and in fact writing, singing, dancing, painting is all an act of creation vs. production. In fact, I created this meditation for writers block which invites the listener to visualise a blank canvas to paint from the heart... https://insig.ht/e9HIqOkbpRb?
Better them than us shits.🐾🐾
Thank you so much including me! 🤍
Loved Eric's typewriter art! 🤩 Creative 🎨
Speaking as both a professional artist and a professional author, I can categorically state that this article is total BALDERDASH. 👎
How does a DASH lose hair? 🤔
I swear I manifested this today! I've been on a month long
"perfect typewriter" search. Thanks for this short film. Wonderful!
Writing uses words, while drawing uses images, but both express ideas and emotions creatively.
I wish I new how to add a hyperlink, or at least italicize. Your beautiful typed-drawings evoked the wonderful, A Child of Books, by Oliver Jeffers and Sam Winston. Just know there's no higher compliment than that in my book. (See what I did there?) At least I know how to use parentheses.
What's a typewriter??
I found your substack through this featured post and I’m now a happy follower! Love your tiny movies,and now I’m inspired to draw more…so thanks!