It’s also important to mention fashion publications outside US and Europe. In Latin America there’s many of us writing in Spanish for our market, and covering local fashion. 🙌 Former fashion journalist for Vogue Mexico here 🙋🏻‍♀️

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It's so important. I wish we'd see more fashion substacks from other places. I think and hope with their plan to expand it will hopefully happen. That would probably open minds to observe how fashion operates in other parts of the world. I'll be subscribing to yours, it will force me to work on my Spanish!

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Haha I love it! Thanks. Indeed. Fashion in traditional media has always been so closed off to the same places. We need to make room for more! #LatinFashion

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That's what I hope will happen here on Substack: to make the conversations around the fashion industry more open. I am sure we can learn from each other.

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¡Maravilloso! Gracias por compartir, es maravilloso tenerte aquí.

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The important thing is that fashion is happening on substack! I write in English and Spanish for those that care about fashion but don't necessarily want to be told the same story over and over. Still, every story is important for its readers and that's why this platform is cool. As a community we have a voice and we can use it. @substack let's find ways for this community to find each other.

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Also, this list is missing Amy Odell and Jessica deFino

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A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y! And those are actually very interesting profiles because they came with a background that is similar to many of the people here on Substack.

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I love "Back Row" by Amy Odell!

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Love this 💫 see you all at the webinar!

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My interest is in circular fashion sustainability as it relates to climate change and the SDGs of the UN. We are participating in consumerism that is very damaging to the planet 🌎 if not done thoughtfully. My favorite new writer here is ADAM LEACH who has the background, expertise and facts to help us choose wisely with long term interests foremost. Check him out; few posts so far but more coming!

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This made me reflect on something I feel is becoming a trigger (I clearly need to ask myself why this is a trigger, but that’s a separate story 🤪). Why does it feel that same people are being supported & spotlighted everywhere - media, TV, Substack - rather than people who aren’t widely/internationally known? That certainly is the case in beauty, when niche beauty brand founders bring innovation & change, but brands with large marketing or K clan are the ones everyone is talking about. That actually comes up in a lot of conversations behind the scenes....

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I think for Substack, it brings them credibility to give a shout out to these people who already have a platform. I wish there was a team or someone who looked up to people who produce valuable work but don't have the following. Maybe it is because I work in fashion, but a lot of the people mentioned here don't write things I found groundbreaking, or interesting enough for that reason I don't subscribe to their paid option, the free one is enough for me. Also we're talking about supporting writers and journalists who struggle making an income with their job, and these people don't struggle. They all evolved, that's it. I am waiting for the fashion writers from other parts of the world with different views, or fashion writers that take fashion from a different angle.

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I agree with this! For my part I am actually Chief Editor of a fashion magazine too, I am here on Substack to share my own work and not talk about fashion. Many of us are here to grow their personal work so that we don't *have* to do the day job anymore. That's the dream that Substack sells, so for me it's not useful to simply see a ton of recommendations for people who already had the same day job before and just moved it to Substack.

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If there is one thing to criticise Substack for it is to recommend people who in a way have already made it. From one hand I understand their strategy, but from the other one I think they should find a way to make it more balanced to recommend lesser known writers on the platform and not just in the fashion and beauty category. I think that is an issue common in all categories here on Substack, unfortunately.

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Yes, agree totally, Emmanuelle. It is a great drive for new users, so that's the thing.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts Emmanuelle, they echo a lot of mine. You are right, it does add credibility to Substack that well-established writers and journalists are joining the platform - a big plus without a doubt. Like Garance, for example, I wound down my own website The Curiosity Gap and transferred all content that I wrote for well over a decade to Substack. In that respect aren't all of us placing trust and support in Substack, in equal measure?

And I whole -heartedly agree that it's the emerging or maybe not widely not known creatives and writers who need support, yet don't seem to get the same support or shoutouts at the time when they probably need it the most. We all need and want to be supported, yet we see the same names again and again. Not disputing the talents and accomplishments of people mentioned in this post, in fact I appreciate many of them, but like you I want the lesser known people to get the same spotlight as the established ones.

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I agree with everything you said. The platform should offer the same opportunities to all the people who have been publishing their work online for years. Like I said I hope they'll have a team that works on discovering new Substacks and highlight them. Lesser known Substacks don't mean the quality isn't there, on the contrary.

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Couldn't agree more!! I'm worried that Substack might start to become some sort of echo chamber with the same writers being featured over and over again... Time will tell!

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It already is an echochamber, that is why one's should promote themselves outside of Substack.

I believe we see even more it is an echochamber with the Grow series (which I still enjoy reading though!) where they feature big writers. I believe they interviewed maybe one or two who had quite a consequent readership, yet not a big income. These were the interviews I was most interested in.

Time will tell indeed!

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Although I see totally what you say and it is definitely a trigger, when I came I into this platform I was determined not to carry the weight from my day job into this space. Why? Because I want it to be safe for me, not another place in which to fight for a place at the table. Substack will definitely talk about the ones that can bring in big numbers because their goal is to make it huge, and we come here because we have things to say, the numbers will come or not for the lesser known writers, but maybe it's a mindset. 🤍

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Patty, thank you, I really enjoyed reading your perspective on this and will most definitely contemplate it when I sit down for a short meditation tonight.

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And some Frenchies as well! don't forget Géraldine Dormoy whose newsletter is legendary.

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So proud to be part of this ✨✨✨community...and welcome Garance!!❤️

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Also, Amy Odell's brilliant, sharp, often humorous BACK ROW is one of the best critical takes in the space lately...


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thanks please can I ask you something

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Please add us to this article. We’re fashion icons. Thanks.

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Here are some fashion Substacks interesting to follow:

In Moda Veritas by Irene Kim: https://irenekim.substack.com/

Articles of Interest by Avery Trufelman: https://articlesofinterest.substack.com/

Chaotic Data by Elisavet Fakou: https://elisfa.substack.com/

Hanger Management by Khensani Mohlatlole: https://khensani.substack.com/

Are You Wearing That by Subrina Heyink: https://subrinaheyink.substack.com/

Diary Of A Fashion Misfits by Patti Cereijo: https://pattycereijo.substack.com/

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I love this so much! I'm curious about world fashion outside of the west (I'm from Toronto) so I'll be keeping my eyes open. If anyone collows any good ones, please share.

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Algún escritor en español que destacar? Algún editor?, blogero?, político?. Substack, me siento solo 😔

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🙋🏻‍♀️ Justo comenté esto, hay que mencionar a gente fuera de Estados Unidos, Europa. Yo me especializo en hablar de moda latinoamericana por ejemplo.

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En buena hora Talía, gracias por tu respuesta.

Substack es una muy buena paltaforma, bien podría ser el centro de una gran comunidad internacional en español, en donde podamos escribir sobre la vida misma y la sociedad que es tan diversa y seguirnos en los temas que coincidamos, quizá si en Substack realizan un buen marketing, podamos tener más autores y escritores en español en todas los estilos de publicación.

Mucha suerte.

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Gracias por responder estimados, ahora estoy seguro de que hay vida más allá del idioma inglés en esta plataforma atractiva.

Sería bueno poder crear una comunidad en español para todos los hispanohablantes, aunque no todos coincidimos en los mismos temas o tipos de publicaciones, podemos ir recomendandonos y conociéndonos más.

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Jajajaj, no estás solo, es que Substack aún no sabe qué hacer con nosotros.

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El idioma español es un gran mercado para cualquier medio de publicación, solo le hace falta prestarnos un poco más de atención a los que ya pertenecemos a Substack y a los que están afuera buscando volcar todos pensamientos, ideas e imaginación en palabras.

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Es cierto. Yo les he pedido que faciliten tener publicaciones bilingües para poder tener acceso a una comunidad mayor, si no, la propia plataforma te obliga a elegir idioma y claro…

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Si, también sería bueno que puedan implementar una característica de traducción de textos, aunque no es precisa, puede ayudar mucho a seguir una lectura en otro idioma, al igual que Twitter por ejemplo.

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Sería genial

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Hay muchos hispanohablantes aqui. Estamos traduciendo el sitio web al español (y más) y haremos mucho más para apoyar a los escritores fuera de los EE. UU.

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Gracias por los esfuerzo Bailey, la interfaz de sistema es importante, pero creo que también es importante incentivar a que más personas de otros idiomas usen la plataforma.

En mi caso, en Perú no se puede usar Stripe, no sé si en un futuro estará activo ese servicio para mí región, pero escribo porque me gusta escribir, escribo temas actuales y personales, aún no estoy orientando mi escritura a un sector en particular, aunque últimamente estoy escribiendo sobre política y quizá si, eso me hará ganar alguna que otra persona hostil pero bueno.

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im italian from italy and love pret a porter

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Piacere di conoscerti, Luca! Io sono l'autrice di Moda in China, la newsletter che ti spiega la Cina attraverso la moda e l'industria del lusso. Sei il benvenuto nella mia community!


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It's nice that we share the seemingly similar perspective on this Emmanuelle. Substack does spotlight newer talents / those who recently joined the platform, just not enough and it does feel frustrating. I am a voracious reader and there is such breadth of talent being published, new writers emerging all the time - I hope the same happens to the growth of "unknown' or lesser known writers on Substack, irrespective of the area they are passionately writing about.

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I was sent this from Substack not even remotely interested in reading this. How that happened? Lotto ball drawings?

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So how does this help the every day member of Substack in the fashion community?

Because it seems like what’s going to happen is these people who have more money and cultural awareness are going to take away the audience of the person who hasn’t got an audience yet.

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Shout out for @TheCrisps whose work on the human and ecological stories of fashion are the best I’ve seen, grounded in real experience and excellent research.

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