Substack Reads is designed to showcase the remarkable work and fascinatingly varied perspectives that have found a home on the platform. We welcome thoughtful criticism and conversation, but comments that are off-topic, rude, disparaging, or derogatory will be removed. In other words: If you can’t say something kind, at least say something interesting.

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Lol "remarkable work". Please stop pushing stuff into my feed from authors who I've muted.

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Please STOP putting files in my inbox.

I consider it Spam.


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Looks like you have a lot of work ahead of you removing many of the comments here. 😳

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In other words, you censor what doesn’t promote your agenda.

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She make every attempt to come off as nonpartisan but fails on every level. Talks about “weird” being a democrat talking point then uses it to describe the Elector Collage that defeated Clinton. Says don’t worry about presidential power using the example of student loan relief because the courts will stop the relief. Yet, Biden continues to try to find loopholes and ignores the court’s decisions.

Further, she uses McCain and Chaney as the examples of “Conservatives” who will be looking for a new party? Really? They are perfect examples of the term, RINO’s. I think she believes what she’s spewing but to check the facts, I would suggest she look at what people are actually doing. In droves, people that can are leaving liberal states for conservative ones. She Pretends to know what Trump supporters want but goes into the incorrect assumptions that they don’t care about the policies. Most Trump supporters are actually voting for those policies yet don’t like the “person” of Trump.

Conservatives will get someone to run who they like that keeps the exact policies. She poo-poos policies because Harris can’t even disclose her policies other than abortion and the destruction of Free Speech as traditionally defined, not defined by the ideologues of the left.

Lastly, Obama ran on Change. He told the world he wanted to Fundamentally Change America. Make America Great Again is trying to bring the country back to the policies and values that got our country to where it Prior to Obama changes. Hopefully that explains what era the movement is trying to get back to and get back on track in making if better from there

Lastly, lastly, she lives in Minnesota, her ideology is indicative of her environment.

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What an inconvenient comment, go back to the 50s

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You must be new here.

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Wow, in retrospect this lady had pretty much everything wrong.

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Harris a Communist - the opposite of freedom. Freedom for Abortion snd Gender Queer

Trump is the True Candidate for Freedom - protecting Borders. reduce crime, reducing the size of government - against globalism. Biden/Harris is destroying America. Kamala a liar and a fake!!!!

Harris radical left candidate. She will not state her policy because she is hiding her true beliefs . Abortion up until the day of birth, Govt free money driving inflation up and raising the national debt. She is for fake climate change and for cutting all oil and gas.

Same policies Biden has championed - destroying America. No new wars under Trump. We are on the cusp of WW3 because of Biden and Harris!!!!

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Trump is a life long failure as a person and business man. He has never told the truth and what ever you are somehow believing that comes out of his mouth makes you a complete fool.

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Biden's been busted for plagiarism, what was it, 17, or 19 times? EZ to lose count. Harris says she'll ban fracking, then she says she won't, but that her values haven't changed. And you have the nerve to call other people fools?

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So people aren’t allowed to change their minds?

And please stop with the tit for tat. It’s not going anywhere. My point was Trump has never had an honest successful career. His father gave him money, and bailed him out many times. He filed bankruptcy 5+ times and then borrowed excessively to keep up the illusion of success and when the banks cut him off he went to Oligarchs. The business community in NY stopped taking him seriously more than 30 years ago because of his repeated failures. He’s just not believable.

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When Trump was in office, economy good, no wars, Russia invaded things in Ukraine during Obama admin & Biden admin. During Trump admin ISIS destroyed, border secured, affordable gas, no naked men claiming to be women in women's locker rooms, no Drag Queen story hour in kindergarten, no POTUS endorsement of child gender change mutilation surgery, leftist deep state & RINO uni-party exposed. Biden's America last admin demonstrated just how much it hates America by flooding its borders with foreign unvetted undocumented democrat invaders. If it's bad for America, the puppet show know as Biden/Harris, are for it. IMO.

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Americans so easy to manipulate,, (NO WARS !! ) Trump started missilling Syria - based on lies -truth is that Assad never threw any chemicals on anybody -it was all lies,, but Trump (stupidly) believed in the lies.. "flooding borders" Tell me ? who was it ? who STOLE the whole land of America from its native people some years ago.. ??

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So you're ok with other countries emptying the prisons & asylums & sending lots of people who don't speak English with cultures counter to American culture @ tax payer expense, to be registered democrat & interfere with honest elections? If you want to talk about stupidity, why not talk about what Obama did that created ISIS, which he referred to as Junior Varsity, and how about those drone strikes, and then there's Joe Biden who's managed to keep the carnage in Ukraine going strong & thinks that if you close down pipelines & use America's fuel that is supposed to be for emergencies, to make it look like closing down pipelines is not a problem & using America's emergency supply fuel is the way to lower energy costs. And by the way, for real, no joke, guess what, true story Joe's uncle was eaten by cannibals, and you can believe it because Joe Biden was actually G.I. Joe & he was there one man against a thousand, but unfortunately, tho he fought valiantly, he was not able to save his uncle. True story, no joke, anyway...

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Deflection. When you can't defend your position.

As for trump and syria, he was keeping a promise to pull out. Obama and Clinton got us in theresupposedly for the chemicals you referenced.

What did Obama do in the Syrian war?

The President has put forward a proposed authorization that is focused on his clearly stated objectives – preventing and deterring the use and proliferation of chemical weapons within, to, or from Syria; degrading the Assad regime's capacity to carry out future chemical weapons attacks; and deterring this behavior in...

In case you forgot Susan Rice and the UN were involved as well


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That complete and utterly BS ...Russia was moving in for war with Ukraine,trump new it and let putin do it. trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, knowing full well it would be a tipping point to start the conflict there. Gas has been down ,restrestaurants are busy, unemployment is way down ,as for the people at the border, who do you think is going to be paying you social security 🤔. STOP SPREADING SH*T that is not true, you sound like a russian

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conveniently "changing your mind" 2 months before the election on every policy is shady af.

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How dare you use words like tat! Ever heard of a show called The Apprentice? 12 seasons, NBC begged him not to leave.

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It was a terrible show.

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OMG... The Apprentice was an unpolished turd that began my initial extreme dislike for Trump.

A total poser from go... and I can't believe that everyone in TV land didn't size him up for joke he is in the first ten minutes of watching.

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Business community in NY stopped taking him seriously because of repeated failures? Ever heard of a show called The Apprentice? NBC took Trump pretty seriously & begged him not to leave that very successful show, which ran 12 seasons & NBC wanted to give Trump contract for 5 more years. And then after that, in spite of mostly negative press from main stream fake news & Entertainment Industry, Trump wins Presidency.

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You’re clearly not from NY

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Sep 20
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I prefer Mises

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Trump is a solid gold asshole and you live in a world of provably false facts. Maybe you should stick to threatening people who wear medical masks and take your bucket of shit back to your echo chamber.

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Oct 4
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Well... you're a fool. We can frack in a democracy or we can frack under an authoritarian regime that will disregard any part of our constitution that that is at odds with whatever whims they seek to implement at the moment. Citizens will be stripped of many rights and those that aren't on team Trump will be called traitors and treated anywhere from pariahs to enemies of the state.

But yeah... fracking.

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Oct 4
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Prove to me you are a real person, better yet, a real American. If you can’t

Fuck off!

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Oct 4
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Trump stuck to his pre-election agenda better than any president in modern history. Had the neo-cons within his party (who are now in power in the dem party) not pushed-back against that agenda, he would have achieved even more of his agenda - and that would have been even better for the nation.

You can lie about failure as you do, you do not even understand what it means, but you cannot lie that Harris has been a life-long fraud, a low-IQ adminstrative state lackey, and a token candidate for the easily swayed morons of the left looking to confirm their biases.

"Failure, liar" those concepts you've been groomed to regurgitate are laughable. But even if true, how do you overlook the lying whore harris and the lying racist braindead biden? We know, by projection.

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Did you graduate kindergarten, by any chance.

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Just facts….by the way, Mexico laughed at him and that beautiful wall he referred to was started by previous administrations. (52 miles of new primary wall systems and 33 miles of new secondary wall systems). And our tax dollars paid for all of it.

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Now our tax dollars are paying for the millions of illegals that walk into the USA & provide housing , utilities , health care everything laid out for them. For what reason ?

No one should get a free ride. The reason they are coming is ...who tha fk wouldn't. I'll bet they are laughing about how Americans are so stupid to be their slaves & provide their every desire for free. What's going to happen when the gravy train ends ? Democrats are so stupid it's traitorous. It's being done so after the chaos & smoke clears most everyone will be dead & the ones who facilitated it all will have whoever is left, as slaves providing everything for the facilitators. It's mind boggling how throughly mindfucked & gullible everyone is simply because they have visions of a utopia .

But can't see this a demonic world.

I'm disappointed with mankind. And all I have to say is .....All you mfkrs


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Exactly my point. Had there been republicans who were not profiting from illegal immigration, he would have built more.

It’s interesting to see people more into “getting Trump” than what is good for the country, but crab mentality is what it is

PS no one cares what MX is laughing at, it is a third world criminal shtthole like many US democrat run cities. Baltimore can laugh all it likes, we all weep for it, like we do MX.

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You're really accusing him of a lot and you should back it up.

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I wish I was a failure like Trump flying around in my own jet plane

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$1,000,000,000 in debt! Not including the 100,000,000 in court case judgements

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Trump is a far better man than you!

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He's a lifelong failure? The guy who has resort properties and real estate, the world's finest golf courses, was and is one of the most consequential American president's in modern history...is loved by many many papatriotic Americans but he's a failure because you say so? everybody who supports his candidacy is a fool? Who the hell are you ? Maybe read Teddy Roosevelt " the man in the arena" and then tell me about failure

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We are closer now than ever before to either a nuclear or, at best, a theoretical kinetic harpoon war with Russia. The functional difference between these is kinetic harpoons (which everyone denies exist 🙄) don’t cause fallout or radiation beyond heat, but have the same short term destructive force as a nuke. Imagine a bunker buster but 100 times heavier dropped from 200 miles up. I think both sides have at least a prototype in orbit pretending to be an ordinary satellite. They’re also a bit easier to use in the sense that the leader will at least not be putting our whole species at risk, civilization yes, but not extinction. That’s where Joe and Harris and the Uniparty Oligarchy since 1913 have been taking us, slowly and horribly.

This election is Oligarchy Versus Anti-oligarchy. I only pray we defeat useful idiots like you BEFORE it is too late.

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I wish I could fail like him. I'd like my own plane and golf course

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Right.. and his kids are utter failures strung out on drugs, sleeping with each other's spouses. He's a successful business man and is a billionaire that you need to tax, duh

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Yeah a loser that owns a Casino and will die with more money than you can ever make. Atleast our country was safe when he was in office.

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Dag hans lieve schat van mij

Ik weet hoe die lange weg er naar. Uit die

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Truth doesn’t seem like high on the agenda for ANY political candidate. Vote for the policies that you feel are best for this country. Sus it out like you would in the dating world by what they have demonstrated by action not by talk.

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Sep 19
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Wow, name calling! That's impressive. Dude, you don't know me from adam's house cat. Relax and have an adult conversation. Otherwise, please leave!

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Sep 19
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My mom died three months ago… A-shole

Like I said earlier, you guys don’t give a damn who you hurt! And by the way, you didn’t hurt me. It’s real hard for me to take you seriously.

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Sep 22
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Sep 19
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Ok, I was trying to be polite, but clearly you have fallen down the a-hole trap and for some reason I guess like it? whatever! If you want to go toe to toe, you have a formidable opponent. But be clear, I will stick with empirical data and not name calling to boost my position. The data does NOT lie. Bring it peckerhead!

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I've enjoyed watching you stand up to the trolls. They are not rational people. The best one can hope for is that they not forget their medication.

One correction to your last post (or the one to which I am responding. It should read the data DO NOT lie. Data are always plural (the singular form is datum.)

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I am constantly amazed by the deluded minions who will cling to the coattails of a proven liar, conman, felon, woman-hater and cheat (both in business and in wedlock) like ticks to a stray dog, and reject the massive weight of evidence that he is all of the short list mentioned above.

Let's call this election for what it is: A grudge match (for tRump, anyway). Forget trying to stay out of jail or imposing ultra-right wing policies under a dictatorship. He knows he can duck and dodge his way out of jail time with the aid of his sycophant Scumpreme Court. And he could care less about abortion or other major issues. Trump has stated time and time again that he doesn't get mad (he already is, as a March Hare), he gets even. That is what this is all about. He was beat in the last election and he can't tolerate losing at anything (even though he's lost at business multiple times, but prevailed by scraping up what's left and throwing investors under the bus). His aim is pure revenge against those who conspired against him. as outlined in HIS Project 2025. This is how we should view this election: one man's demented lust for revenge, abetted by his misguided stooges, against the welfare of the nation. Like his hapless victims, he's ready to throw democracy under the bus as well.

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Biden/Harris idea of democracy is in its simplest form what is known as mob majority rule, which is what they're attempting to invade the border with, by their undocumented democrat invasion of foreigners who are used to being slaves & will serve the deep state dutifully. America's founders didn't like mob rule, which is why they established a Constitutional Republic. Biden/Harris spit on the Constitution, or ignore it. They reject freedom of speech, the right to question elections, except if Hillary or Stacey Abrams does the questioning, they reject due process, 2nd amendment, trial by jury of peers, and embrace 2 tier injustice system that rewards corruption & persecutes its detractors. Biden/Harris policy is MAD, Make America Destroyed. IMO.

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Great comment, thanks

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How do you explain that there WERE over 50 chances in courts around the country, many presided over by Trump appointed judges where election results were challenged, a policy of not being able to question the results of an election?

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I appreciate your opinion… But I certainly don’t agree with it and that is what makes America great

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Well said!

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Key word here in the beginning of your post is "majority".

It implies a successful winning of elections and being endowed with a mandate to carry out and implement policy.

When Kamala wins, that means America rejects Trumpism. We aren't going down that crazy road and we aren't going back to a backwards time, no matter how nostalgic are for the bad old times... we're not going back.

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Disturbingly, and illustrating the bizarre state of American political sentiment, your sensible comment has two likes, while an unhinged rant about Harris has 26 likes. If that's an indicator of the election, we're all doomed.

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Couldn't agree more

Lots of trolling here,we must keep that in mind, most more than likely do not live in the USA

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It's not. Most people aren't paid to promote propaganda and much of the propaganda isn't spread by people per se. One paid troll can post hundreds of comments from fake accounts. Just block them.

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Feel free to move to a different country.

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Sep 21
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Yeah? You’re just as screwed as the rest of us if the psycho clown posse puppeteering Joe and Hoe along with the Theosophist spinsters running NATO finally provoke a nuclear war with Russia. We have not been this close since the Cuban missal crisis! Get out your leather and chain bikini and a machete , because you’re about to get mad maxed!

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Nice words. I looked them up in the dictionary- zilch, nothing. Adult words please.

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Then I’m confused by your comment. If you’re in an Australian why are “ we’re all doomed”? You might think America is doomed, but you. The world has already seen four years of Donald Trump were that really that bad in your perspective?

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Oh my we know you listened to her speak and her minions speak for her.. were you alive the last time he was president?? Have you been around the last 31/2 years??? And where is the ignorance hole you climbed out of?? We need to block it off. She holds the same values as she did from when a DA in California, ask Californians from her districts the kind of person she is. They do not care for her policies, she does not pass the smell test. She is from upper middle class, in Canada, in Berkley Ca., in stone well maintained beautiful enormous houses. She knows nothing about being poor or even close to it; nor does she talk to people like me.. POOR.. a trailer living food stamp receiving white female from a rural community who lost my social security disability because of the NEW laws and standards. Having progressive intermittent multiple Sclerosis (M.S.), siezures, left sided weakness, foot drop, severe migraines that cluster, Fibromyalsia, autonomic dysreflexia, and more.

Body autonomy, but you forced people to get a poison into their body and the bodies of their children. You did NOT give a choice you caused people to kill themselves because of the loss of everything. HARRIS AND BIDEN DID THAT. NOT TRUMP. Trump tried to give an alternative you shut him down (Ivermectin)you criticized and played the blame game. When FAUCI, PELOSI, CLINTON, BIDEN, HARRIS, NEWSOME, CUOMO'S, MAYORKAS, and more made profit in their own ways. Trump hated because of mean tweets and groping a woman years ago ( and called it sexual assult) THAT IS MOT SEXUAL ASSAULT) and shame on any women who believes it is!! And woman who have been sexually assaulted (as I have) we know that is not it and could spit on you for all this nonsensical bull.

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Same old BS. Here's the same response.


just now

Trump stuck to his pre-election agenda better than any president in modern history. Had the neo-cons within his party (who are now in power in the dem party) not pushed-back against that agenda, he would have achieved even more of his agenda - and that would have been even better for the nation.

You can lie about failure as you do, you do not even understand what it means, but you cannot lie that Harris has been a life-long fraud, a low-IQ adminstrative state lackey, and a token candidate for the easily swayed morons of the left looking to confirm their biases.

"Failure, liar" those concepts you've been groomed to regurgitate are laughable. But even if true, how do you overlook the lying whore harris and the lying racist braindead biden? We know, by projection.

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You fuckwit, you have no idea what about what is really going on but you will soon.

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Thank you for illuminating who to block.

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Oh shut up. This is absolute nonsense.

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You are

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ok gramps

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you must be joking😅

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Your nearly illiterate mini-diatribe reads like a parody of what I think MAGAts believe. You certainly express yourself like one.

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Sep 20
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Actually it’s you’re. :)

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You're right. Mine was a typo. His was a brain fart. Par for the course.

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Except mine was correct as written. "Your" is the possessive and it was his diatribe to which I referred.

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Wow, you really just gobble up anything Trump shoves down your throat, huh? Harris is center-right. There is very little representation of the left wing in the US politics. Also, protecting borders and reducing crime (through the use of authoritarian police forces) are the opposite of freedom. Trump also plans to impose tariffs on all foreign-made products (most of the products we use), which is anti-free trade.

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The increase in national debt is mostly because less tax is collected after the tax cuts for companies and high income earners granted by the Trump administration.

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I agree, TRUMP is not a Communist and Kamala is, that's the biggest difference, and Trump wants the US to stay out of wars, but Kamala wants war, she's worthless, if the people really got to know her they'd All vote for Trump!

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She’s a personal friend, huh?

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Just once I’d like to see proof of all of those Trump talking points. He can’t even prove what he says, but that doesn’t matter, he knows MAGA doesn’t need to see evidence before they will repeat it.

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You are wrong on every single point you tried to make

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Actually he’s not- all of that is very well supported by facts And real empirical data!

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It’s obvious you don’t know what you are talking about. Trump is a show, not a serious person, ran every business he owned to bankrupt. The the show the apprentice was not owned by him

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U idiot

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What a bizarre conglomeration of statements. Just plain weird. Was this written by the Twitter AI? Or is this from a troll farm in Russia or Korea? Because it has all the hallmarks of an entity writing something it doesn't actually understand and weirdly putting concepts and words together that work together from a technical perspective, but make no sense from real prospective.

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You're out of your mind. Totally ignorant of the facts. You've drunk the KookAid filtered through trump's diaper.

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Kamala is hardly a traditional candidate—she was installed—not one American got to vote for her. She was such a poor candidate when running for 2020 election that she dropped out in December.

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Well, Americans will get to vote for her now and she will deliver a very well-deserved drubbing to her misogynistic malignant narcissist challenger, whose only reason for running is to wreak childish vengeance on those who whupped him in 2020. He cares zilch about the country other than it lets him get away with all his lies and scams. Wake up, Liz.

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The new Kamala or the old Kamala? The pandering for conservative votes Kamala or the true Kamala. Therein lies the problem with her. Trump you know what you’re getting. Kamala is a wild card. Never received a vote, low ratings before her somehow miraculous rise. Nope!

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For what it's worth I'll take the wild card

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Americans in particular democrats, didn't vote for her. She was installed by the democratic elite and when they saw that biden couldn't get past the camera that showed clearly his decline that has worsened since his installation in 2020.

If you truly believe in democracy as the u.s. has defined it in 1776, then you would see this.

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The way democracy was defined in 1776 only allowed white male landowners to vote. But even then they were pretty flexible on how candidates were chosen.

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Which of the Harris team's positions resonates with you? What policy do you think will help average Americans?

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"Well...." LOL.

You will say or do or give away anything simply to be a team player. Pathetic.

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Like any good republican.

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She follows Christopher Rufo. 'Nuff said. Block.

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The real problem with her is the same problem with Hillary. Wrong thang.

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This makes no sense. You clearly don't understand how presidential primaries work.

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You might want to interview someone with more knowledge of US politics than this woman. She is coming from a very unusual point of view

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Yeah, a really unusual point of view. Like under a rock, or under the bed.

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Really, and how's that?

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How is it unusual? And in what way do you perceive that she's not knowledgeable? Her political knowledge and American government knowledge is incredibly high based on history and how the American political system actually works.

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Sep 19
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"... showing-up on election day - is better than waiting for a Man with a plan." Did she forget only half the population votes? As if voterism is going to decide whether things 'change' in America. "How will democrats protect Democracy in the future?" Democracy is mob rule lady... Marxists have pretty-much synched that one up I'd say. "Trump only won 'in 16 because of the electoral college - Hillary had the populist voters,"... no election hanky-panky-conspiracy theorists here. Nah American 'political realignment' won't take down America... because like she said, "Dems have discovered taking down opponents dirty feels good." Enough of the Righty Vs. Lefty 'vote harder' paradigm... it's the State and Federal Reserve Vs. You. It's a simple search/fact that 78% of all women will vote democrat... millennial women have even higher numbers of dem voters. Voterism - 'mob rule' Marxism - killed America... too many women married to the government.

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Get money out of politics.

Fix the mainstream media, it's the main driver of the toxicity.

Easier said than done however.

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The Uber-wealthy own the media, we are their serfs, it’s as simple as that! Moneyed interest are the puppeteers of our duly elected, which has been the case for years. Excellent example would be the money trust that met on Jekyll Island and formed the Federal Reserve!

This Substack was a rather curious portrayal of our political system. Sharon made a few interesting observations, but the conversation lacked more visceral and substantive context!

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That means get the three letter agencies out of media. That means to stem the massive reach and influence of covert intelligence services. People get killed trying to do that but I agree it's a good idea.

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The internet n fox

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Sadly, Bill Clinton signed the revised Telecommunications Act of 1996, which allowed FAUX (FOX) news network!

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🤣 you mean CNN, ABC, and MSNBC.

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Patrick. Oh, how droll.

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You are misinformed.

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Yes it can be unbroken.

Our systems are fully corrupted. How do we fix that?

We make new ones that are more resistant to corruption. Then, we migrate there to solve our problems. We plug our new corruption resistant decentralized and radically transparent systems into our existing corrupted systems in order to fix them.

We should also use collective swarm intelligence systems to govern. This is how we fix corrupt government in 3 simple steps:


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Good thoughts! Not to be a downer, but I think it can be done in theory, but it won’t be done in reality, at least not for a couple of generations.

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You lost me at let’s just switch the names of the parties and then that will explain exactly what’s going on. Moving onto the next post in my feed.

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Pretty much true. Not the platforms but the people. They are used to calling themselves progressive when they were young-mostly don't understand the definition of either, then they finally get it and oh wait that's not me.

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Harris more Conservative than Trump? What are you smoking lady? What a joke.

Harris wants to conserve the radical left, anti-conservative, anti-America, anti-Constitutional, pro abortion any time any where, up to birth, anti-1st & 2nd amendment, pro-censorship, pro weaponized gov against its political opponents, pro shut up & do as your told, left wing, tyrannical so-called democrat party, which is not the democrat party of JFK, She is a phony puppet, as is the puppet currently in White House, or should I say on the beach. That's what Harris wants to preserve & when she says Trump is a danger to democracy, what she really means, is he's a danger to the regressive regime that is now in control of the anti-Constitutional Republic that America used to be, before the un-American Biden Harris regime took over, IN MY OPINION, if I'm still allowed an opinion in the new not allowed to question authority, or elections America.

Trump is for Constitution & freedom of speech, of association & the right to protest grievances peacefully, secure borders, women in women's sport & locker rooms, not men, the rule of law, due process to name a few Conservative things, while Harris is opposed to law enforcement & has cheered on defunding the cops. She's a virtual Communist & communism is not a Conservative value.

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Many, many political wonks are saying the same thing. This is the first you've heard it? Are you not paying attention at all? Kamala - well, the new Democrats - have more in common with Bush/Cheney and their love of war, their love of Wall Street earnings, their love of authoritarianism in general - than the Republicans.

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Great example of the fully brainwashed by Kremlin and its takeover of America. They think the enemy is “the left” Good trick KGB!!

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Kremlin😂😂 There was no Russia, Russia, Russia! Where have you been. That was all proven to be false. Putin endorsed Kamala😂

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No. See great documentary film "From Russia with Lev". Putin interfered in 2016 and today.

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Huh? The Kremlin? Oh...you fell for the debunked Russiagate cop-out! God Help America with simpleton explanations such as this.

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That it is debunked is part of the lies. You should actually read the Mueller Report AND the most recent DoJ indictment of Russian money paying right-wing journalists. Your complete parroting sentence for sentence of Kremlin propaganda shows just how effectively they took over a US political party.

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I have read the report to which you refer, Katherine. Did you? Do you recall the conclusion of said report? Apparently not. Hurry on back to MSNBC so they can dictate your reality for you...

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Um, no.

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So you have a link and did you read it all?

Neither do the kids in 7th grade. Do any more research- nope- games to play, tv to watch, kids, etc.

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So VP pick of Harris is a guy who honeymooned in Communist China & loves that Communist country, he's been there 50 times. Speaking of the Kremlin, Biden regime weaponizes gov & persecutes political opponents like they do in the Kremlin. He has more in common with Putin than Trump. Their motto is show them the man, they'll find the crime. Interesting Putin didn't invade Ukraine when Trump was in office. He knew better. So far the only things Kremlin takes over, like for example the Crimea, are while leftist democrats are in the White House.

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Could you be any more Lost and space than what you are?

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Spare us. We have all heard the FOX NEWS bullshit. He was teaching democracy in China. Lots of teachers work in China. They pay Americans to teach there. Also the REAL conservatives used to keep the date of the crushing of students by tanks by the communists in China as a date that fighters for Democracy hold in remembrance. They work in China to hold the light of freedom, just like the GOP used to before it was taken over by you Putin puppets.

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Protest grievances peacefully? After Jan. 6? The orange ogre has not a peaceful cell in his whole hate-spewing being. It never ceases to amaze me that Trump's deluded minions will heed the ravings of a proven liar, cheat, fraud, misogynist, grifter, cheater (both in business and in wedlock), narcissistic, ignorant dolt (I mean, who else goes on record as thinking that the Continental Army seized all the airports during the American Revolution, or that a pandemic in 1917 brought an end to WWII. for God's sake?). He was fined 25mil for defrauding students at his bogus Trump U, he STOLE from his own "charitable" foundation, he has failed to pay thousands of people, including the attorneys who defended him from other plaintiffs who he didn't pay. And he thinks anyone who pays their taxes are dumb, because he said he avoids them because he's smart.

Oh, I give up. Just stick your fingers in your ears and go "La, la, la" and drink some bleach to avoid Covid.

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I like the way you tell it. Spirited. Just like the orange ogre.

Yet, for all that, he's the best man for the job.

The other offering may be nowhere near as hateful, lying, cheating, fraudulent, narcissistic, not sure on doltish, and not sure on historical knowledge, as Trump, which makes it all the more amazing that Trump is, nevertheless, the far better prospect for our prosperous and safe, democratic future.


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I don't see Trump as hateful. When he was in office, he had opportunities, to put the hate & the hurt on people, like say for instance Hillary Clinton, but he didn't. Trump mocked people, but he didn't have a crooked DOJ try to make their lives hell. If you want to see hate, watch the tolerant women on The View sometime. You think any of them are sorry that bullet didn't hit its intended target instead of Trump's ear?

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I agree. I was a bit careless with my metaphor. Thanks for the correction.

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He never said to drink bleach, and if you don't know that, why don't you know that, and if you do, why give lectures of lying?

Where's a good fact checker when we need one?

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Which Harris are you voting for? The one who says she hasn’t changed her values, yet the fracking she said she’d ban if she could, she is somehow, just b4 an election for it? You talk about hate? Trying to assassinate some one seems kind of hateful, don’t ya think? Comparing Trump to Hitler? What about Biden’s mandates, coercing & shaming people into getting an unsafe, ineffective bio gene shot? Performing medical experiments on the American people? Doesn’t that kind of sound like what Hitler’s monsters did? And then when people got adverse reactions to the jab, they were shamed into silence by the tolerant supporters of the Biden Admin agenda. Biden Admin supporting hypocrites having orgies, while rest of America locked down OK with you? Censoring speech, denying J6 prisoners due process. These are things fascists do, not people who believe in rule of law. The heartless Biden regime goes after a praying grandma who went to Capitol to pray & spent all of 10 minutes walking thru the Capitol building that Cap Cops invited people into & Biden Admin crooked lawyers charge her with crimes calling for yrs in prison for THAT? Please save your morality lectures for the side I suspect you no doubt voted for. If you want to see some real hate, just watch the women on the View sometime. When Blantifa set American cities on fire & Harris encourages cashless bail for the arsonists, that’s hate brother. Hate of America. Please save your lectures for Marxist, Fascist anti-freedom, anti-American leftist, Biden/Harris regime, that’s ok with 350,000 missing children who’ve been trafficked at border because of Biden admin open, cartel, run border, which continues to this day to conduct Biden admin facilitated human trafficking of multitudes of women & children, while Biden admin invades its own country with foreign invaders in order to turn them into democrat voters.

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I couldn’t have said it better!

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Simply delusional

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Simply delusional aren’t you?

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Hurray, hip-hip-Hurray!

Totally feel what you say.

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And now that election is over. This girl will be in the basement. So funny to hear people who were not born or very young when the people they are talking about were in the news.... They are reading stuff and putting their spin of the day on these people. The Chaneys - omg- nobody really knew him... and then we found out... I find it hard to believe his daughter(after his bio came out) was accepted and voted into office. But the colors eventually show. They HAVE to

keep themselves in power to keep the money flowing.

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Kamala harris is a globalist out to destroy America…. Its life or death we dont need any shopping cart

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Not marxism or www3 thats for sure… I see I struck a nerve, the truth hurts intellectual wokeness

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Wtf are you smoking you deluded freak

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No hope for St. Joan. She either lives in an alternate reality or fixes herself in front of the Rachel Maddow show.

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Weed makes freaks

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Very true!!

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Kamala is a puppet for the elites… her whole career she’s been bought. At least Donald Trump made his own success.

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Inheriting 700 million dollars in the 1970's is not making his own success. He borrowed money from North Korea as President (just paid it off before running this time) and took a 10$ million dollar bribe from Egypt while President to do nothing about Egypt's murder of an American journalist. Furthermore, Trump was about to go Bankrupt before he ran in 2016 as no U.S. bank would loan him a dollar (Trump bankrupted Every business- even his Monopolistic CASINOS in Atlantic City!!! Trump wouldn't willingly release his taxes like EVERY other candidate before him, because between 1983-1995 Trump not only lost more money than ANY other person in the U.S., he lost more than TWICE as much as the person that lost the second most amount of money. 12 years, Trump was the Biggest Money loser in the United States.

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You may be right about most or all of that stuff. And yet, for President of the United States of America, despite all of that terrible stuff, he is, ironically, far and away the BETTER CHOICE.

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... get it out - get it allll out. Feel better?

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😂😂😂 Fid Mary Trump brainwash you?

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If this lady thinks the Democrats are moving to the right, she hasn’t been paying attention for the last 40 years. Much less the last 10.

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How do you explain, then, their newfound love of war, of corporatism, of dictating to others what they need to do with their own healthcare decisions, with woke racism? The examples are frankly endless. As an old-fashioned leftist who DOES pay attention to these things - and whose values haven't changed - I didn't leave the Democratic Party, they left ME. The new GOP is more up my - and my leftist friends' - alley: anti-war, anti-authoritarianism, anti-racist, critical of food manufacturers and their poisoning of the food supply (the Dems don't even TALK about this, wonder why?), skeptical of the motives of Big Tech and the billionaires, etc etc etc. I do believe, Joseph, that you're the one not paying attention.

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And I didn't even mention the mass surveillance and censorship championed by the party who - at least throughout my lifetime - was typically opposed to such heavy handedness. No more!

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I am indeed paying attention, but I was coming at it from a different direction. You raise some good points, and I see the paradox you’re describing. Certainly they are more hawkish than before, but there have always been hawkish Dems. I would offer that many of the issues you point out are the Democrats becoming more open about being about Big Government and Big Money. Also, on some issues (like corporatism), arguably it’s the corporations that have become more leftist. Opportunist as they typically are, they have migrated where they thought the zeitgeist was headed. It’s also probable that many younger management types (Millennials mostly), who are now in the leadership at many companies, have pushed them in a socially liberal direction. Whether that’s true or not across all of business, we agree that it’s true in the Big Tech sector, which the Dem government now finds useful as a tool for controlling the narrative. It’s also worth noting that some of the positions you mention as having been abandoned by Democrats (anti-war, anti-racism) were never the sole province of the Dems or the Left — the Dems just sold it that way. Having said all that, I can see it from your perspective. It’s just that, for me, they’ve moved way left of center on identity politics, abortion (ironically dressing it up as a personal freedom issue), the First and Second Amendments, the welfare state, the size of government, globalism, the founding, and other issues. Granted, Republicans’ (also part of Big Washington) hands aren’t squeaky clean on any of this either, but at least there’s a place for more traditional-minded people to stand on this side.

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JOSEPH, I think I understand your reaction to the lady, but I hope you read LMG's reply to you. It makes sense.

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Thank you, Joe. I did reply to LMG.

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Seriously, policy and track record count way more than looks! The ugly car is the lemon that looked good on the showroom floor and doesn’t perform on the road. That’s the Kamala lemon.

Kamala has had years being in office and nothing to show for it. No wifi connected, billions of funds gone where?

Trump had 4yrs of getting stuff done putting Americans first, while being attacked by the Dems: Russia hoax, and a handling a hostile media.

Compare how the media treats Harris, zero fact checking on her 36 bald faced lies in the debate, because she needs propping up.

Now Trump’s next term will be HUGE. The media has largely lost its audience.

Even the Dems are not looking forward to more Biden/Harris-omics.

The ‘Great’ again is pointing to Americans’ ingenuity and manufacturing abilities, bringing back jobs and American innovation.

No tax on tips, over-time and there will be more tax cuts coming under Trump.

Voting for personalities isn’t a thing for people who can read and take an interest in politics. Policies and track record speak way louder.

Trump has accomplishments: successful business and a successful first term.

Harris was placed into her position without due process. She is the most unliked candidate, to such an extent the Dems didn’t even put it to a vote. A DEI not a merit ride to candidacy.

People are way more attuned to the political processes, now more than ever before. Fools no more.

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You’re not living in reality.

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It would help if everyone would understand that our Constitution is a Constitutional Republic. NOT A Democracy. Learn the difference.

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Yeah, a republic is a democracy. Only Americans are confused on this point.

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Sep 18
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"... and if voting made a difference it would be illegal." [Mark Twain]

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How about if one of them stops telling bold face lies(about the other) and then repeating said lies as nauseam. All the while knowing their bold face lies and are just trying to win votes by smearing the other guy repeatedly. In my opinion that’s election interference .

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I was a former dem when I was younger, but one look at Trump finning in 2015, I was republican. Once I had the best(Trump) President I didn’t want the rest. President Trump loves America and Americans. That’s why the globalists hate him.

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Winning not finning🤣

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And I’m praying for our Creator God, Source of everything, to help us get our world better from squabbles and politics.

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If she’s “Americas Government Teacher”, we should all be worried.

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The British Conservative party is well known for its use of the "dead cat" strategy for political campaigns.

Neil Kinnock was denied the Prime Ministership by one such strategy that relied on a totally fabricated "Jennifer's Ear", campaign that focused on the manufactured difficulty experienced by someone seeking medical attention for an ear infection. This was used to shed light on how the National Health Service (NHS) under the British Labour Party was creating problems for seeking medical attention.

The "dead cat strategy" is described as a political tactic where a campaign introduces a shocking or controversial issue to divert attention from negative news or problems.

The name comes from the idea that if you drop a dead cat on a table, everyone will stop discussing the original topic and focus on the cat instead. The Republican party in the US, have embraced that strategy in its entirety, dead cat and all.

The GOP uses this strategy for several reasons; firstly, it serves as a distraction and helps shift the media narrative away from unfavorable coverage, allowing the campaign to regain control of the conversation. So Laura Loomer, Trump's defeat in the debate and JD Vance's fumbling could easily be sidestepped.

Secondly, it fosters engagement, where controversial topics can generate buzz, drawing more media attention and voter interest. Hence, JD Vance's comment to Dana Bash on Sunday on CNN.

The third benefit of the strategy is that it allows for the reframing of issues. It can reframe the political landscape by forcing opponents to respond to the new issue instead of addressing their own shortcomings. So, all of the issues that negatively affect the Trump campaign are drowned out by the immigration issue, purely on the basis of this dead cat strategy. The irony of it all is that the Republicans are so bereft of ideas that they actually use *"dead cats"* to promote the strategy.

While the party of alternative facts may see it as a pragmatic approach to navigating a tough political landscape, the lives of a community that have embraced immigrants in its rebirth are placed under serious threats.

This very manipulative strategy is detrimental to serious discourse on real issues and does nothing to provide clarity to the electorate on the issues that matter. It also further polarized an already divided country and signals a further descent into unchartered territory.

Democracy demands that leaders, even when under pressure, remain focused on the mission of improving the lives of the people they seek to represent. To do anything else is a betrayal of the electorate and a blatant attack on democracy.

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Suggestion: interesting interview but the troll comments and delusional comments take away from the whole idea

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... this isn't your third-grade romper-room teach.

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